Contact Log

Contact logs are like notes for an RTO. TEAMS allows you to create contact logs for students, employers, and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You either can create a contact log in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can make it individually for a student or agent by using the communication tile on different dashboards that we have such applicant/student dashboard, application/enrolment dashboard, agent dashboard, etc. No matter what screen you choose to create the contact log/s, the steps to use this functionality are the same everywhere. This post will explain how you can use the “Create Contact Log” option.

  • Select the “Create Contact Log” option.
  • This will open a popup window.
  • Update the contact date. This is the date when you are entering the contact log and this is a mandatory field that cannot be left blank.
  • The user Name field is automatically loaded by the system. This is the user’s login name who is currently entering the contact log.
  • Select your Log type. This is to identify what kind of notes you are going to create. This is a user code and you can create the User Code as a log type as required, such as Late Fees, Financial support due to COVID, etc.
  • If you wish to show the contact log that you are going to create in the student portal, then select the tick box:
  • Type in your notes in detail for the contact log by selecting the “Notes” icon. It will open a popup message box for you to type in your notes manually.
  • Select the Notes icon again to close the popup message box.
  • If you are entering the notes for a specific subject, then select that subject from the “Subject” dropdown.
  • Select the Save button to save the contact log.

Send an Email

history of changes

TEAMS gives you the option to send out email/s to students, employers and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You can either send the emails in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can send individual emails by using the communication tile on different dashboards. No matter what screen you choose to send out the email/s, the steps to use that screen are the same everywhere.

How to send emails

  • Select the “Send an Email” option from the Burger Menu
  • The system will redirect you to the “Compose Email” screen. Use a comma between email addresses to CC the mail to them.
  • Select an email template if you’ve added any in your TEAMS. If you do not have an email template, you can leave this field blank.
  • If you have selected the email template, the subject field will be updated manually. However, if not, you can update the subject manually.
  • The sender address is automatically entered by the system (it is always the user’s email address). If you have linked a specific sender address with an Email Template, that email address will be listed in the dropdown menu, along with any email address you have linked as default at the organisation level. If there are no email addresses updated at the Email Template or Organisation Level, then you will only see the user’s email address in the Sender field, no other email addresses will be visible.
    Note – When you are using the Application or Enrolment Dashboard to send out emails and the agent is linked with the application/enrolment, you will see some more tick-boxes. If you select “Send email to the agent only”, then the system will send out the email to the linked agent only and if you tick “CC to Agent”, then it will be sent to the student and agent. And if you aren’t ticking any of the above tick-boxes, then the email will be sent to students only.
  • To attach a document from your computer or Network, select the Attach button

IMPORTANT: Do not change the fields that are in curly braces. Those are called merge fields to populate the data by TEAMS and if you remove anything from them, the system won’t print the data when you send out the email to the student or the agent.

Note – If you are sending emails individually from the student’s communication tile then the system will allow you to attach the documents generated from the student level only.

  • Select the “Send” button to send out the email and your email will be sent.

Student Dashboard – History


Main Dashboard > Compliance

The Compliance section in the main menu offers a range of icons that provide access to various screens and reports related to monitoring data in compliance with government requirements. These icons enable you to generate NAT files for AVETMISS submission and perform other necessary compliance-related tasks.

By selecting the appropriate icon, you can quickly navigate to the desired screen or report and efficiently manage your compliance obligations. Whether it’s tracking student progress, monitoring attendance, or ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, the Compliance section provides a one-stop-shop for managing all compliance-related activities.

Finishers Report Data Columns

Below is the table that will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent’s First name, Middle name and Last name
Campus NameThis will show the number of enrolments linked with the campuses
Enrol NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Program CodeThe system will print the code of the program saved on the Program entry screen
Program NameThe system will print the name of the program saved on the Program entry screen
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code and the system will print the enrolment type from the Enrolment Dashboard > Edit Enrolment Details screen
Start DateStart Date of the Enrolment
End DateEnd Date of the Enrolment
No of WeeksTotal duration of the course i. e. Study weeks + Holiday weeks
Study WeeksTotal study weeks of enrolment
FinishedIt will show yes, if the enrolment is flagged finished
Agent NameAgent linked with the enrolment
Employer NameEmployer selected at the enrolment level
CountryCountry of the student from student level
Account ManagerIt will show the Account Manager selected at the enrolment level
Currently OwingThis is the overdue amount till the present date
Total OwingIt is the difference of total invoiced and total receipted 
Visa typeIt will show the Visa type selected at the Student level
ClassesThe system will show the classes linked to enrolments
Future ProgramsFuture enrolments of the student 
Enrolment OutcomeThe outcome of enrolment selected on the Enrolment Dashboard > Edit Enrolment Details screen
Subjects Successfully CompletedThis will display all the subject codes with the successful results
Subjects Not Completed SuccessfullyThis will display all the subject codes with the unsuccessful results
Overall Attendance PercentageThis is the total of enrolment’s average attendance percentage for the entire enrolment duration
Total Subjects CompletedThis column will display the count of total successful subjects/total number of subjects linked to the enrolment.
For example: 3/8 so 3 will be the count of successful subjects and 8 will be the count of total subjects linked with the enrolment
StageIt will show the commencement status from the Training Plan and Results screen > Qualification Information tile.
VSNThis is the VSN number selected at the student entry screen
VSN EligibleIt is Yes, if VSN number is valid
Enrolment StartedIt will display Yes if the enrolment is flagged as started
AVETMISS StateAVETMISS state is the State Training Authority selected at the Enrolment level > Enrolment AVETMISS settings screen
DOBStudent’s date of birth entered at student entry screen
Email AddressStudent’s primary email address updated on the student entry screen
Email Address 2Student’s secondary email address updated at the student level
Email Address 3Student’s additional email address updated at the application/Student level
NationalityNationality of the student
USIStudent’s USI number updated on the Student Dashboard > USI screen
Mobile NoStudent’s mobile number updated on the Edit Student screen

Change – Student Dashboard – VSL Student – Disabilities

Student Dashboard > VSL Icon

Earlier, on the Student Dashboard > VSL Student icon, the system used to show Disabilities by default even when there was no radio button (yes, no and did not indicate) selected.

Now, We have made the changes for disability and it will show the disabilities when the radio button is selected as Yes on the VSL Edit Student screen as shown below:

Change – End date editable while creating the Application

We have made a new change in the system for End Date for this Application field on the New Application screen.

While creating the application system calculates the end date of the application and the field (End Date for this Application field) used to appear as a read only field. Now a user can edit the End Date of the application as their requirements by selecting the dates from the calendar as shown below:

Note: End date editable settings is a system based settings and the user can only edit the end date of the application if this setting is turned on. If you want this setting to be turned on then you need to contact TEAMS Support.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

Financial Dashboard

Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Financial Dashboard

The dashboard is divided into tiles, each representing a different category of information. These tiles contain various bits of data that can be explored in more detail by drilling down into them. Additionally, the system allows for sending bulk emails and SMS messages to students, specifically related to information such as overdue fee warnings. This feature enables effective communication and notification regarding important matters to ensure smooth operations within the system.