Copy Timetable Step 1 Information & Resource Selection

During this step, the system will replicate all the data and resource selection from the previous timetable. However, the Timetable Code, Timetable Name, and Timetable Dates will not be copied. To complete this step, you will need to enter details into these four fields. Additionally, you have the ability to modify the information in other fields as well. This allows for flexibility in creating a new timetable while still retaining some of the previous data and resources.

Note – Please be aware that when you enter the start and end date for the new timetable, the system will refresh the information related to intakes, term breaks, and public holidays. This means that any changes made to these dates in the previous timetable will not carry over to the new timetable. It is important to review and verify all information related to intakes, term breaks, and public holidays to ensure that they are accurate the new timetable.

Application Process – Study Period Changes

When using the study period start date as the invoice date or invoice due date while the application process, the system automatically calculates the study period dates for you.

To update the length of your study periods in your instalment plans, you can follow a few simple steps. First, navigate to the second step of the instalment plan settings, where you can edit the details of each instalment. You can enter the length of the study period in weeks for each instalment, based on the actual duration of your course or program. Once you have entered this information, be sure to save your changes.

By updating your instalment plan in this way, the system will be able to automatically use the invoice dates as the study period start date and will use the number of weeks specified as the study period length in the instalment plan to calculate the study period end date.

Note: if you still need any assistance in setup the study period length, you can contact our support team.

Results History – New Screen

The Result History screen provides a complete record of all past results and their respective dates for specific subjects. You will be able to access this screen from the Training Plan & Results screen > Results History icon.

This screen is divided into two sections:

Enrolment Profile Tile

The Enrolment Profile Tile provides an overview of basic details related to an enrolment. This tile displays various icons that are associated with enrolment information, however, it is important to note that these icons are read-only, meaning that it is not possible to make any changes to enrolment details through this screen.

Result History Listing Grid

The grid displays a comprehensive list of past records for the subject’s results. Each column in the grid provides specific information about the corresponding result record.

  • Subject Code – This refers to the subject code linked to the enrolment.
  • Subject Name – This refers to the subject name linked to the enrolment.
  • Pre. Score – column displays the score obtained by the student in the previous attempt.
  • Pre. Result – This column shows the result obtained by the student in the previous attempt.
  • Pre. Result Date – It displays the date when the previous attempt was made.
  • Date Changed – It shows the date when any changes were made to the result record.
  • User Changed – This column displays the name of the user who made changes to the result record.
  • Notes – This column shows any additional notes added to the result record.
  • Attempt – This column indicates the attempt number for the result record.

Certificate Report – New parameters for Result Types

The Enrolment Dashboard now includes new parameters for result types in the Certificates Pop up window. Specifically, you can select from three options: Final Results, Progressive Results, or Both.

Note – We have implemented this for Non-AQTF results (Grading Based), but in upcoming updates, we will implement it on all other result types which includes AQTF results as well.

When printing certificates, it’s important to consider whether to include only progressive results, final results, or both. To do this, you can select the appropriate radio button depending on your preference. If you only want to include progressive results, select the Progressive Result radio button. Conversely, if you only want to include final results, select the Final Result radio button. Finally, if you want to include both types of results, select the Both radio button.

Application Process – New OSHC and AVETMISS Settings Buttons

A new feature has been implemented on the Application Finished screen that includes additional buttons called +Add OSHC Provider Details and +Add AVETMISS Settings.

Upon selecting the OSHC Provider Details button, a pop-up window will appear on the screen, which will allow you to enter and save the OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) details for the application. This new functionality will provide you with a more convenient way to add and manage OSHC information within the application process. Or you can also add their OSHC details for the application from the Applicant Profile by clicking on the Overseas icon.

Upon Selecting the AVETMISS Settings Button, this will take you to the Application Dashboard > Application AVETMISS Settings screen, where you can update both the application level AVETMISS settings and the subject level AVETMISS settings. This page allows you to customize the settings that determine how your application handles AVETMISS data, which is essential for managing and reporting on vocational education and training in Australia.

Business Rules: When a program is linked to a subject and the subject type is set to Unit of Competency, an option to add AVETMISS settings will appear on the Application Finished process. This allows you to configure the AVETMISS settings for that particular subject, which is important for accurate tracking and reporting of vocational education and training in Australia.

TPS Report Data Columns

The generated report will contain a table with several columns and their corresponding explanations. This table provides a summary of the data or information presented in the report in a structured and organised manner. Each column is labeled with a title that describes the type of information contained within it.

TPS Calendar YearThe year selected to generate the report
CRICOS Provider CodeThe system will show this code from the Campus Entry Screen
Institution NameThis comes from the campus entry screen
InstitutionTradingNameThis again comes from the campus entry screen. If the CRICOS provider code, Institution name/Trading name is blank on the campus entry screen.
Kindly add them. If you are unsure of what to enter there, kindly check
Campus CodePopulates the code setup for the campus on the Academics > Campus entry screen
Campus NamePopulates the name of the campus
Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Complete NameStudent (First name )(Middle name)( Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by TEAMS
CRICOS Program CodeThis is the CRICOS code for the program and will be populated from the Academics > Program entry screen
Program Descriptive CodeThe descriptive code of the program is saved on the program entry screen
Program Descriptive NameThe descriptive name of the program is saved on the program entry screen.
Enrolment TypeIt will show the application type saved for the enrolment on the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Enrolment OutcomeIt will show the enrolment outcome saved for the enrolment at the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Enrolment StatusIt will show the current status of the enrolment. For example – Started, Not Started, Finished, and Cancelled.
Enrolment DatesStart date and End date of the enrolment
Enrolment Duration WeeksThis will be the total weeks of the enrolment which includes total study weeks, total academic holiday weeks, and the student personal holiday weeks.
For example, If enrolment has study weeks = 40, academic holiday weeks = 12, and student personal holiday weeks = 2. Then the total enrolment duration will be 40+12+2=54 weeks
Enrolment Duration DaysThe system will show the total of study days, academic holidays, and student personal holidays.
Total Tuition to payThis is the total invoiced amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Overall Total PaidThis is the total receipted amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Daily Payment AmountThe total tuition to be paid is divided by the total enrolment duration in days.
Total No. of Days PaidTotal receipted divided by the daily payment amount
Total Paid for TPS Calendar YearTotal receipts within the TPS calendar year for the enrolment
ESOS LengthDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year
ESOS DaysDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year in days
ESOS AmountDaily Payment Amount * ESOS days

TPS Report Filters

The General Filters tab on the TPS Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report. Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customise the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanation
Calendar Year for ReportIt means that the data included in the report covers the entire period from January 1st to December 31st of a particular year.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a multi select Program field that allows you to select multiple programs from a list of options. If you do not select any programs in this field, the system will automatically select all the programs that are linked with the campuses that the user has selected.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

TPS Report

Main Dashboard > Compliance > TPS Report


This report pertains to the total amount of tuition fees paid or outstanding for a specific calendar year and is a mandatory requirement for all CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) colleges. Such colleges must submit this report to the government every year. The purpose of this report is to provide the government with accurate and up-to-date information on the total tuition fees received or expected to be received from overseas students studying at these institutions.

To know more about the Filter and columns and their explanations, please select the below links.

TPS Report Filters

TPS Report Data Columns

Application Process – Instalment Plan Changes

Recently, we have added a new option namely Patter on the New Application – Edit Invoice Screen. This option allows users to recalculate invoices based on their selection. With the Patter option, users can quickly and easily update their invoices without having to manually adjust each item

To calculate the total number of weeks for the enrolment period, the system takes into account the enrolment start and end dates. You can input the total number of weeks in the text box labelled Invoicing Frequency (weeks) by entering an integer value. In addition, need to enter the invoice date and invoice due date to recalculate the invoices based on the selected invoicing frequency. By entering these details, the system will automatically calculate the amount due for each invoice based on the enrolment period and invoicing frequency.

Note – When calculating the invoicing frequency for your enrolment, the system will take the total number of weeks in your enrolment period and divide it by the number of invoicing frequencies that you have entered. For example, if your enrolment period is 52 weeks and you have chosen to invoice every 4 weeks, the system will divide 51 by 4 to give you 13 invoicing periods. This means that you will receive 13 invoices over the course of your enrolment, each covering a 4-week period.

Also, If the quotient obtained by dividing the total weeks of enrolment by the number of invoicing frequencies results in a decimal value, the system will round off the value to the nearest whole number. For example, if the result is 4.3, the system will round it off to 4 and create 4 invoices. Similarly, if the result is 5.7, the system will round it off to 6 and generate 6 invoices.

What’s New – 10th March 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New features introduced on the Training Plans & Result screen
  • New Result History screen
  • Introduced new parameters for result type for student certificates
  • Copy Timetable new functionality has been introduced
  • Added new report namely Student Contact Log Report
  • New changes in the financial section of the Application Process
  • New Add AVETMISS settings and Add OSHC Provider details in the application final step

For a full list of what has been added in this release, please see below.

Training Plan & Results Screen – Colour Codings

A new feature has been introduced on the Training Plan and Results Screen, which involves colour coding for both Results and Subject dates.

Result History – New Screen

The Result History screen provides a complete record of all past results and their respective dates for specific subjects. You will be able to access this screen from the Training Plan & Results screen > Results History icon.

Certificate Report – New parameters for Result Types

The Enrolment Dashboard now includes new parameters for result types in the Certificates Pop up window. Specifically, you can select from three options: Final Results, Progressive Results, or Both.

Copy Timetable – New Functionality

Creating a timetable from scratch can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if the same pattern of classes and schedule repeats after a certain period of time. However, there is a more efficient way to create a new timetable with the same pattern, and that is by using the copy timetable functionality.

This feature allows you to duplicate an existing timetable and make necessary changes as required. By doing so, you can save time and effort in creating a new timetable from scratch while ensuring that the schedule and class pattern remains consistent with the previous timetable.

Student Contact Log – New Report

A students contact details give you a list of all the contact log entries you have done in the communication section for a student and/or their enrolment/s. By running this report, you can gain access to past, current, and future contact information for the students, which can be useful for various purposes.

Additionally, having access to this report can help you plan for the future and make informed decisions regarding the student’s education.

Enrolment AVETMISS Settings > +Pre2018 AVETMISS settings button changes

We have made some changes to the +Pre2018 AVETMISS settings button on the Enrolment Avetmiss Settings screen.

The button will now only be visible under specific conditions. Specifically, it will only be displayed if the enrolment start date is earlier than or equal to 01/01/2019. On the other hand, if the enrolment start date is after 01/01/2019, the button will not be visible, and it will remain hidden.

Application Process – edit/add Discount

In the past, the system used to automatically split discounts among each invoice while doing the application.

However, now we have added the ability in the system that allows you to add and edit discounts for each invoice individually.

Application Process – Instalment Plans Changes

Recently, we have added a new option namely Patter on the New Application – Edit Invoice Screen.

This option allows you to recalculate invoices based on the pattern selection. With the Patter option, you can quickly and easily update the invoices without having to manually adjust each item.

Application Process – Study Period Changes

When using the study period start date as the invoice date or invoice due date while the application process, the system automatically calculates the study period dates for you.

Application Process – New OSHC and AVETMISS Settings Buttons

A new feature has been implemented on the Application Finished screen that includes additional buttons called +Add OSHC Provider Details and +Add AVETMISS Settings.

You will be able to update the AVETMISS Settings and OSHC provider details for the application from these buttons.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 23rd March 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.