Attendance Monitoring

Main Dashboard > Compliance Menu > Attendance Monitoring

An Attendance Monitoring screen can greatly assist in keeping track of student attendance. It provides an easy and efficient way to monitor both the current and overall attendance of students.

This screen is further divided into two sections:

  • Filters/Parameters
  • Listing Grid


There are different fields available under the grid from which you can filter out the attendance of the students as per your own requirement. Further explanation of these fields is provided below:

Field NameExplanation
Current AttendanceSelect this radio button to filter out the current attendance of the students
Overall AttendanceSelect this radio button to filter out the overall attendance of the students
As at DateAs at date is always today’s date and this field cannot be left blank as it is a mandatory field
Attendance Percentage – FromEnter the minimum attendance percentage in this field.
Attendance Percentage – ToEnter the maximum attendance percentage in this field.
CampusIf you are monitoring attendance for multiple campuses, you can select the tick box for each campus from the dropdown. This field cannot be left blank as it is a mandatory field
ProgramsThis dropdown will allow you to select multiple programs. this field cannot be left blank as it is a mandatory field
StatusSelect the enrolment status such as Current and Finished
Exclude Enrolments with past Enrolment End DateSelect this tick box if you want to exclude the enrolments with past enrolment end date

Advanced Filters – The advanced filters are non mandatory filters and if you see the relevant information you can select (Intakes, Group training Plans, Overseas/Local Students, Account Manager, Trainer, Enrolment Type, Timetable and classes from the dropdown.

Listing Grid:

By selecting certain parameters, you can view detailed information about a student’s attendance history in the listing grid.

To know more about the icons under the actions column, select here

Attendance Step 2

Main Dashboard > Student Management > Attendance

history of changes

The Attendance and Results screen will show you two sections as follows –

Section 1:

This section displays information about the selected class, including the class name, date range, and timetable. In this section, you can mark attendance or absence for the students on a daily or weekly basis by selecting the appropriate radio button. Additionally, you have the option to modify the dates as per your requirements.

In the Summary section of the class information, two icons have been included for the options of Change Class and New Timetable. This will make it easier for users to access these features and make any necessary changes to their class schedule.

  • Change Class Icon – The Change Class icon allows users to select a different class to mark attendance for. Selecting this icon will redirect the user to the previous screen, where they can select a new class and continue marking attendance.
  • New Timetable IconThe New Timetable icon provides you with the option to select a different timetable and date range for attendance. Selecting this icon will redirect the user to the previous screen, where they can select a new timetable and date range

Section 2:

Allows you to mark attendance or absence for the students under the Attendance or Absence tab. You can also record the student’s results under the Results tab.

Can’t see a SAVE button on the screen?

Unlike other screens in the system, this screen will auto-save when you enter or edit data in it.

Attendance Tab

  • In the Attendance tab, you can record whether a student is present or absent, depending on how the timetable was set up. To do this, select the checkbox next to each student that you want to mark attendance or absence. Check the box for Attendance if the student is present or Absence if the student is absent.
  • When you select the checkbox for a student in the Attendance tab, the system will display a number in two boxes next to the checkbox. These boxes are for hours and minutes, and the number displayed will be the total hours and minutes of the class for which you can mark attendance.
  • If a student attended or was absent for only part of the class, you can modify the numbers in the hours and minutes boxes accordingly. However, the modified values cannot be greater than the original number displayed in the boxes. The system only allows you to mark attendance or absence for the actual amount of time the student was present or absent in the class.

Can’t select the tick box for a student to mark attendance?

If you are unable to select the tick box for a student, it may be because the student has a student holiday entered in the system, and it has been linked to their specific enrolment. In this case, you cannot mark the student as attended or absent for the duration of the holiday period.

Results Tab

  • In the Results tab, the top section of the screen displays a summary of the subjects or units of study linked to the class. In this section, you can see what subjects or units of study are associated with the class. For each student enrolled in the class, the system displays the subjects or units of study they are linked to, as well as any results that have been recorded for those subjects or units of study.
  • To mark a result for a particular subject or unit of study for a student, select the Result dropdown for that subject or unit of study. This dropdown will be located next to the student’s name in the Results tab.

Note: There are a few results (Recognition of prior learning, Did not start, etc.) that are in red. You should only see them when you are reviewing historical enrolment results. They are inactive results that you may have linked to a subject and you need to see them so that you can change them where needed. If you do see them in the list, do not use them as they will not be accepted in your National Student data submissions, and you will get errors.

Result date is mandatory and you don’t record dates?

As part of your AVETMISS compliance requirements, your student results require result dates.

To protect your data for AVETMISS data submissions the system will make the result date mandatory where:

1. Any Subject set with Type of Subject is Unit of Competency (UoC) – Nationally Accredited in the Subject entry screen OR

2. Any Unit of Study that has a VET subject linked to it and meets the requirements in point 1 above.

Attendance Listing Screen

Enrolment Dashboard > Classes and Attendance Tile > Attendance Icon

This screen will allow you to mark the attendance for enrolment. You can also send an email and SMS to the student’s enrolment and also view the list of marked attendance.

The screen will show you different tiles as explained below:

This tile will show you the basic details of the enrolment and all the icons in this tile are read-only. Please note – This screen will not allow you to make any changes in the profile tile

This tile will show you the current study period of enrolment with start and end dates, duration in weeks, total sessions, and marked attendance. It will also show you the current and overall attendance percentage.

This tile will show you a drop-down where by default the current study period will be selected and if you mark the attendance for the past classes then you can choose the study period as per your requirements. Also, you can send an email and SMS to the student from this tile. You need to select the study period to mark the attendance for the student.

This tile will allow you to mark the attendance for enrolment with the selected class date and class name as shown below.

Class DateSelect the class date from the calendar icon
Class NameWhen you select the class date then the system will show you all the Classes that are linked to the enrolment within that date range.
Absent HoursThese are the absent hours that are attended by the student.
Absent MinutesThese are the absent minutes that are attended by the student.
Attended HoursWhen the absent hours or absent is selected, the system will calculate the total attended hours and will show it as a read-only field.
Attended MinutesWhen the absent hours or absent is selected, the system will calculate the total attended minutes and will show it as a read-only field.
ApprovedIf the student’s sick leave is approved then select the approved tick box.
SickThis tick box is selected, when the student has applied for sick leave.
NotesYou can also add notes.

Class Allocation step 2

This is the second step of the Class Allocation. This screen will allow you to allocate classes to an enrolment.

Follow the below steps to Allocate Classes:

  • Search for the class date by selecting the start date and end date from the choose new classes for allocation tile and then select the Show Classes button.
  • The classes that are available, are the current classes that you can allocate to the enrolment by selecting the tick boxes and then hit the Next button.
  • You will be taken to the Classes selected for allocation preview screen where you can see the classes that are allocated and the maximum capacity of the classes.
  • When all the above steps are done, select the Finish button to complete the allocation.

IMPORTANT – There are tick boxes that are frozen and you cannot select the tick boxes for the classes due to the following reasons:

Reason 1 – Classes cannot be selected because subjects are linked to the classes but not to the enrolment.
Reason 2 – Classes cannot be selected because the enrolment is already allocated to the Friday class

Classes and Attendance Tile

Enrolment Dashboard > Classes and Attendance Tile

This tile will show you the attendance percentage for the current study period and the average percentage of enrolment. From this tile, you can create classes, mark attendance, and can allocate classes to the students. You can also see Current, Past and Future classes from the tabs.


Current – This tab will show you the name of the current timetable, current study period dates, and their current and overall attendance percentage.

Past – This tab will show you the past study period start and end dates and their current and overall attendance percentage.

Future – This tab will show the upcoming study period start and end dates.


Current Attendance Dial

The current attendance dial shows the percentage of the current study period

Overall Attendance Dial

The overall attendance dial shows the percentage of enrolment from its start date to the end date

Vertical Icons

Attendance Hours Report Data Columns

Below is the list of the columns and their explanations for the report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name).
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS.
Program CodeProgram Code under which the student is enrolled.
Program NameProgram Name under which the student is enrolled.
CampusThe system will show you the campus of the student.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment.
End DateEnd date of the enrolment.
Enrolment TypeThis is the enrolment type selected on the edit enrolment screen.
TimetableThe system will show the current timetable allocated to the enrolment.
Attendance TimeThe system will show you the total attended hours of the student within the selected date range.
Absence TimeThe system will show you the total absent hours of the student within the selected date range.

Attendance Hours Report Filters

Below are the filters and their explanations for the Attendance Hours Report.

General FiltersExplanations
Report Start DateSelect the Start Date from where you want to start calculating the attendance for the enrolment
Report End DateSelect the Date when you want to finish calculating the attendance for the enrolment.
Enrolments to includeIt let you choose current enrolments or finished enrolments. (By default both the tick boxes will be ticked). You can select/unselect as you required.
CampusIf you have multiple campuses then this dropdown will show more than one campus. You can select the campus/es as you need.
ProgramThis is a magic search and multi-select field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Sort BySort by is used to group students in the report according to the selected option in Sort by for e.g – Student No & Enrolment No, Program and Student Name.
Asc/DescSelect the Ascending or Descending radio button.

Select the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After selecting it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

What does the Total Allocation column in Attendance and Results show

The system shows you two numbers in this column such as 23/30.

The first number is how many students are currently allocated to the class (23 in the above example).

The second number is the maximum capacity for the class (30 in the above example).

For the currently allocated number showing in red above, the system is identifying that the class has not reached its minimum capacity. For example, Room 808 has been setup with a minimum capacity of 26, however only 23 students have been allocated to the class and that is why 23 is in red.

The system will also show the maximum capacity number in red if the total students allocated to the class is more than the maximum capacity set for the class room