Sometimes happen when you are creating the application, the program doesn’t appear in which you want to enrol the student. That means the program is not linked with the campus that you have selected. Follow the following steps to get the program link with the campus so that it will appear while the creating application:
Go to the Academic menu > campus.
Open the campus screen and edit the campus by selecting the edit icon from the action column.
Once you will be on the campus entry screen you need to select the “Linked Program” option from the burger menu as highlighted below:
After selecting the “Linked Program” option the system will open the “Linked Program” screen where the system will show you all the linked programs within the campus.
Now you need to select the “+Program” button and the system will show you a floating window.
On the “Campus – Program search” floating window search for the program in the program code fields and select it.
Once you will select the required program, then you need to select the active box to flag this program as active at the campus level.
Select the save button to finish the linking process of the program with the campus.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via
The tile displays important information regarding the parchment number and parchment date, as well as the result status, commencement status, and completion status.
To update or edit the qualification information, you can easily make changes by selecting the designated icon. . Once you select the icon, it will open the pop window where you can edit the information and save it.
This section will display the information related to the current timetable, and total classes. Also, the total subjects, successful, are yet to complete and not counted due to CT, RPL, and RCG. Other than you can select Level Attained by selecting the icon next to the text.
This tile also navigates you to the class listing screen. Select the icon and you can see the list of all classes allocated to it. To know more, click here.
The Academic Information section provides essential details about the enrolment, including the campus name, course code, and the start and end dates of the enrolment period. To populate the subject dates, you can choose from various options available in the dropdown menu. This includes using an academic template that you have created in your TEAMS site, extracting information from the course definition, or simply utilising the enrolment’s start and end dates.
By selecting the From Course Definition option, you have the ability to update the start date and end date of subjects based on the sequence number and the number of days or weeks defined at the program level.
When you choose the Use Enrolment Start and End Dates option, the subject dates will be updated to match the start and end dates of the enrolment itself. This means that the enrolment start date will be set as the start date for each subject, and the enrolment end date will be set as the end date for each subject.
The Add/Update Group Training Plan option allows you to manage the group training plan associated with the enrolment. By selecting the corresponding icon , a pop-up window will open, presenting you with further options. In the pop-up window, you can select the appropriate group training plan from a dropdown menu. Once you have made your selection, simply select the save button to apply the changes.
Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Visa Information Icon
This screen will allow you to add/edit the visa details of an applicant at the application dashboard > Visa Information Screen
IMPORTANT – Once the application is converted to a student, you won’t be able to add/edit any details at the applicant level. However, you can make the changes from the Student level.
Below are the steps to add the visa details for an applicant.
When you select the icon on the Applicant Dashboard, it will take you to the edit visa details screen where you can select thebutton to add the visa details of an applicant.
Upon selecting the add button, a popup window will open where you can add the visa information for the applicant and select the +ADD button.
Once you select the Add button, it will appear in the grid.
This tile will show you all the pending and converted applications along with the basic details of the applications.
Note: You will only see icons if the application is pending otherwise you don’t need to see icons.
This icon allows you to add a new application for the student from the student dashboard screen and once you click on this icon, the system will take you to the new application screen
This icon shows you a tooltip called Approve and once you click on this icon, the system will show you a pop message on the screen as (are you sure you want to approve this application?) Select Ok to continue or Cancel to leave as it is
This icon shows a tooltip called Decline and once you click on this icon, the system will show you a pop message on the screen as (are you sure you want to approve this application?) Select Ok to continue or Cancel to leave as it is
When you select this icon, the system will open a dialogue box called (compose SMS for application) from there you can send an SMS to the application
When you select this icon, the system will take you to the compose email for the application from there you can send an email to the application
In TEAMS, academic docs consist of students’ certificates, transcripts, record of results, statement of attainment, completion letter and any summary document for a student’s units. You were only be able to generate the academic docs from Enrolment Dashboard only. However, now you will be able to generate the academic docs in bulk from the Student Dashboard as well.
The option is available on the student dashboard > Burger Menu > Academic Docs
This new option is available under both the tiles – Current and Upcoming Enrolments and Historical Enrolments
To use this option, select your enrolments for which you wish to generate the Academic Doc in bulk.
Important to Consider before using this option: This option can only be used if you are going to generate the academic doc for the same program. Let’s take an example, a student who started studying SIT30816 in Jan intake and in between the studies, he wanted to have a break for let’s say 2-3 months due to some personal reason. In that case, some RTO keep the same enrolment and apply student’s personal holidays with that enrolment. However, that’s not the case with every RTO. Some RTO terminate that enrolment and create a new enrolment into the same course for remaining units which student hasn’t completed in the previous enrolment. They create it when student arrives after his holidays. Hence why, in such cases, there will be more than 1 enrolment for that student into the same course.
After student finishes both the enrolments and asks for a certificate or transcript etc, it becomes difficult for an RTO to issue such documents. They manually have to edit it to have all units in one transcript because some results are marked in one enrolment and some in another enrolment.
To make it easy for such RTOs, we have introduced this feature, where they can generate the academic docs in bulk for these cases.
After you have selected your enrolments, go to the Burger Menu > Academic Docs.
The system will direct you towards another screen as below:
More Details about the screen: This screen will show you some basic details for the enrolments that you have selected to generate academic doc. It will also show you the results for the enrolments for each unit.
To demonstrate, a student has two enrolments in the same course SIT30816 and there are total of 25 units for SIT30816 each enrolment. The 1st enrolment, in which the student completed some of the units, has a final outcome and 2nd enrolment has final outcome for remaining units. This screen will show you 50 units in total – 25 each enrolment. It will show you what the result and result date are for each unit. However, it will print only 25 units in the academic doc that you are going to print. It will not populate the units from the 2nd enrolment if it already has a final outcome in the 1st enrolment. Logically, a transcript will have just 25 unique units for SIT30816 that student has completed with your RTO.
Select your parameters/filters that you usually use to generate the academic docs. Update Parchment Issue date and Parchment number as well. Select your template.
After you have updated your parameters/filters, hit the Print icon.
The system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen from where, you can download the generated report.
This is how you can generate the academic docs in bulk from the Student Dashboard.
Contact logs are like notes for an RTO. TEAMS allows you to create contact logs for students, employers, and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You either can create a contact log in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can make it individually for a student or agent by using the communication tile on different dashboards that we have such applicant/student dashboard, application/enrolment dashboard, agent dashboard, etc. No matter what screen you choose to create the contact log/s, the steps to use this functionality are the same everywhere. This post will explain how you can use the “Create Contact Log” option.
Select the “Create Contact Log” option.
This will open a popup window.
Update the contact date. This is the date when you are entering the contact log and this is a mandatory field that cannot be left blank.
The user Name field is automatically loaded by the system. This is the user’s login name who is currently entering the contact log.
Select your Log type. This is to identify what kind of notes you are going to create. This is a user code and you can create the User Code as a log type as required, such as Late Fees, Financial support due to COVID, etc.
If you wish to show the contact log that you are going to create in the student portal, then select the tick box:
Type in your notes in detail for the contact log by selecting the “Notes” icon. It will open a popup message box for you to type in your notes manually.
Select the Notes icon again to close the popup message box.
If you are entering the notes for a specific subject, then select that subject from the “Subject” dropdown.
TEAMS gives you the option to send out email/s to students, employers and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You can either send the emails in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can send individual emails by using the communication tile on different dashboards. No matter what screen you choose to send out the email/s, the steps to use that screen are the same everywhere.
How to send emails
Select the “Send an Email” option from the Burger Menu
The system will redirect you to the “Compose Email” screen. Use a comma between email addresses to CC the mail to them.
Select an email template if you’ve added any in your TEAMS. If you do not have an email template, you can leave this field blank.
If you have selected the email template, the subject field will be updated manually. However, if not, you can update the subject manually.
The sender address is automatically entered by the system (it is always the user’s email address). If you have linked a specific sender address with an Email Template, that email address will be listed in the dropdown menu, along with any email address you have linked as default at the organisation level. If there are no email addresses updated at the Email Template or Organisation Level, then you will only see the user’s email address in the Sender field, no other email addresses will be visible. Note – When you are using the Application or Enrolment Dashboard to send out emails and the agent is linked with the application/enrolment, you will see some more tick-boxes. If you select “Send email to the agent only”, then the system will send out the email to the linked agent only and if you tick “CC to Agent”, then it will be sent to the student and agent. And if you aren’t ticking any of the above tick-boxes, then the email will be sent to students only.
To attach a document from your computer or Network, select the Attach button
IMPORTANT: Do not change the fields that are in curly braces. Those are called merge fields to populate the data by TEAMS and if you remove anything from them, the system won’t print the data when you send out the email to the student or the agent.
Note – If you are sending emails individually from the student’s communication tile then the system will allow you to attach the documents generated from the student level only.
Select the “Send” button to send out the email and your email will be sent.