New Application – Fee Selection

This screen will allow you to select the fees for the application including (Tuition Fee, Application Fee, Material Fee, etc.) The first section of the screen will show you the basic information about the applicant, and then you select the drag down button to expand, which will show you the fee section.

NOTEDO NOT close your browser while you are walking through the steps of this process, as you will lose what you have entered. When you select the NEXT button in each step of this process the system does not save what you have done to the database. It allows you to go back in the process to change what you have selected, however, it is not until the final step where you select the FINISH button that the system will fully save everything to the database for you.

IMPORTANT – if you have set up the Tuition fee and any other fees in the system, then only you will be able to see and select the fees from the dropdown.

Also, if you have selected the agent’s commission for the tuition fee of the program, then the Pay Commission tick box will be automatically ticked while selecting the tuition fee otherwise and if it is not selected at the fee level then you can select the Pay commission tick box for the tuition fee.

Once you have selected the required fees for the application you need to select the Next button to complete the further actions.

Note – When selecting the  Rate Based Tuition fee and inputting the quantity on the New Application Fee Selection Screen, selecting the next button will show you the Amount column, and Quantity column. You can easily view the amount based on the quantity you have selected for the rate based tuition fee.

New Application – Choose Programs

This screen allows you to choose the programs for the application and you can select multiple programs for the application as shown below:

NoteDO NOT close your browser while you are walking through the steps of this process, as you will lose what you have entered. When you select the NEXT button in each step of this process the system does not save what you have done to the database. It allows you to go back in the process to change what you have selected, however, it is not until the final step where you select the FINISH button that the system will fully save everything to the database for you.

When you select the Add button it will show you the total number of Programs in the New Application – Programs selected for the application grid. The tiles will show you basic information about the program. If you wish to make the changes in the selected programs then you can select the edit icon from the program tile or you can delete the program by selecting the delete icon.

Once you are happy with what you have selected for the application, you then need to select the Next button for further actions to complete the application.

Explanation of Fields :

Application TypesThis is a user code and you can create any application type as you required.
Select the Campus that you wish to use for this applicationIf you have multiple campuses then this dropdown will show you all the campuses where you can select a specific campus for the application.
Select the Program that you wish to use for this applicationIt will show you the list of Programs linked to the campus selected.
Program NotesYou can add the Program notes
Select the Intakes for this programThis will show you the intakes that are linked to the program.
Start Date for this ApplicationIf you have selected the intake then the system will populate the start date for the application and if you are using the rolling intake then you select the date from the calendar icon for your rolling intake.
Study WeeksThis will show the total study weeks of the application.
Holiday WeeksTotal holiday weeks.
End Date for this ApplicationThe system will populate the end date for the application when the Program and Intake get selected.
Agent Commission Template
This will show you the agent’s commission for the selected agent in the first step of the application.
Populate subject dates usingThis dropdown will show you the fields that how you want to show the subject dates for this application.
Type of studentNew Student or Returning Student
Was this an Upsell or Extension?Select the tick box
Does this Enrolment require Orientation?Once you select the tick box, it will show you induction/Orientation field to select the date.
Please Select Package TypeInternal or External

Enrolment dates – can’t be longer than five years

We have added a new check in the application process on the New program – Choose Programs screen where the system will not allow you to add the program to the application if the program’s start date and end date are selected is more than five years.

Also, when you are on the Enrolment Dashboard – Edit Enrolment Screen, you will not be allowed to edit the enrolment dates for more than five years.

IMPORTANT: If Program/s is selected as VET on the program entry screen > settings tab or the subject type for the subject/s is selected as Unit of Competency (UoC) – Nationally Accredited then you are not allowed to add the application dates of more than 5 years. BUT, if the User Choice Tick box is selected on the Program entry screen for them then you will be allowed to add the application dates of more than five years.

Training Plan & Results – Subjects and Assessment Result New Check

As you all know, students can have multiple enrolments with multiple subjects in the system. However, you may not be aware that for each subject linked to an enrolment you can also have Assessments and mark results at that level instead. This new rule impacts anyone using assessments in the system.

Using the student and enrolment examples above there are two scenarios that will help to explain how the new check works.

Scenario 1

As you can see in the above image, Subject 1 has three assessments and their results have been marked as Successful with result dates for each assessment result. Based on the last assessment result you enter and its result date, the system will take that assessment result date and at the Subject level automatically update the Subject result to Competent and it uses the last assessment result date as the Subject result date. In the example above, you can see that for Assessment 3 its result date has been marked as 02/08/2022 and the system has updated Subject 1 with the final result of Competent and the result date as 02/08/2022.

Scenario 2

Another scenario for the same could be that one of the assessments has a result of Unsuccessful, as you can see with Assessment 3 above. Based on all assessment having a result the system has then update Subject 1 with a result of Not Yet Competent and again used the Assessment 3 result date of the 01/09/2022 as the Subject result date.

New Check Explanation

Using either of the above scenarios, it doesn’t matter what the final result is (successful or unsuccessful) if a user goes to the Subject level and tries to change the result so that it clashes with the assessment level results it will stop you from changing the Subject Result.

For example, using Scenario 1 above, if a user went to the Training Plan & Results screen and tried to change the Subject 1 result from Competent to Not Yet Competent or any other result the system would stop you and you would see this message below:

To change the Subject Result you must go to the Enrolment Assessment Results screen and change the relevant assessment result and save and then the system will re-calculate and update the correct result against the Subject.

Program Screen – New Field

We have added a new field Last Reset on to the Program Screen > Settings tab and you will only see this field if you have set up the study sequence of the program as rolling in your TEAMS site.

You can set the last reset year as rolling from the dropdown.

Bulk Results – changes to filters and grid columns

We have made some changes under the Bulk Result screen and now the options available under the Programs, Timetable, and Intake fields will be dependent upon the Campus selected.

For Example – if you have selected a particular Campus under the Campus field, then the Program field will only display the programs that are linked to that selected campus and the same as it will load the Intake and Timetable.

Bulk Result Screen > Column related changes under Grid

There are some changes that have been made to the grid column headings in the bulk result screen.

  • The ‘Student No’ column has been renamed to ‘Stud No’.
  • The ‘Enrolment No’ column has been renamed to ‘Enrol No’
  • The ‘Intake’ column will now be renamed as ‘Intake/Dates’ and it will reflect dates as well.
  • New column, ‘Subject Start Date’ and ‘Subject End Date’ has been added under the grid
  • The ‘Group Training Plan’ and ‘Score’ columns have been removed.

How to link Subjects to an Enrolment?

To link subjects to an enrolment, go to Enrolment Dashboard > Result and progress tile > Training Plan and Results Icon. Once you select the icon, the system opens the Training Plan and Results screen.

This screen is about the subjects linked to the enrolment, their start and end date, results and result date. This screen is visually distributed in 2 sections where you can edit the dates, and results, link the trainers, mark the assessments and many more. To link subjects, you need to go to the second section which is called the results grid.

IMPORTANT – Before linking any new subject to an enrolment, please make sure that it is added in the system on the subjects screen or the subject is linked with the program on the program > subjects screen. It is recommended to check the correct subject codes on before adding them to the system.

Now, to link subjects to the enrolment, you need to select the Subject Icon. When you select this icon, it will expand the screen and you will be presented with all the subjects related fields in the grid itself.

Note – There are two Radio buttons that will help you to search the subject that you wish to link to the enrolment and based on the radio button selected the system will show you the subjects in the Subject Code search field.

Program linked to the enrolment – The “Program linked to the enrolment” radio button will be selected by default. This will show only the program’s subject in the Subject Code field.

From the full list of subjects in the system – When you select this radio, the Subject Code field will show you all the system’s subject codes that are not linked with the program.

Other fields explanations

Subject Code – search the subject with the subject code which will show you all the suggestions under the search field. Select the correct one.

Start Date and End Date– Select the subject dates from the calendar. Please make sure that the dates that you are selecting, should lie between the enrolment dates.

Seq No – Add the sequence number of the subject.

Core/Elective – Select any of the one radio buttons as it is mandatory to mention if the subject is code or elective.

Score – When you add a score, the credit points required field will be auto-populated.

Trainer – you can select the trainer and delivery group from the dropdown. You can choose either to allocate a trainer at the enrolment level only OR you can choose to allocate different trainers to the individual Subject/s. If you wish to allocate different trainers to Subjects then select a trainer from the dropdown.

Delivery Group – Select the delivery group from the dropdown.

Once you have updated all the above steps, select the Add button. Upon selecting the button, the system will refresh the screen and update the subject in the grid.

New Application – History

Here are some of the latest changes that we have made in the New Application process.