Student Dashboard – History

New Financial Dashboard


In this post, we will be explaining:

  • Key features
  • How to access
  • Business Rules

Key Features

Better Visual

In the past we were displaying all financial tile in the main dashboard. There were 10 tiles in total including financial tiles. So now to make it more easy to understand. We will be showing 7 tiles only i.e. excluding all financial tiles.

Reduced Page Load Time

Now no more delays in loading main dashboard tiles. As the financial tiles were taking a bit more time then others to get loaded when you login to TEAMS. Now by excluding this financial tiles, main dashboard becomes feature rich.


If any user does not have access to Finance menu, will get no access to these tiles too. So yours financials are secured within the users having permissions to financials.

How to access

Previously we were displaying main dashboard with 10 tiles including financials tiles.

But now we will be displaying all other tiles except financial tiles which are:

>Overdue Tile
>Payment Received Tiles
>Payment Due

Here is the new look of Main Dashboard

Now how to access three financial tiles? All financial tiles have been moved to New Financial dashboard. Follow the below steps to open financial dashboard from main dashboard.

1.Follow the path to open Financial Dashboard

Main Dashboard > Finance > Financial dashboard

Once you will open the financial dashboard, you will get access to all three financial tiles in the same way we were displaying at main dashboard in the past. The working and logic of the tiles is same only the access point is changed. Below is the glimpse of the New Financial dashboard.

Business Rules

If a user does not have access to Finance menu, will get no access to financial dashboard and financial tiles too. As these tiles have been moved under Finance menu so who ever wants to get access to these tiles then finance menu item permission has to be given to them.