What’s New – 15th June 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New tile Task Management to manage tasks for different objects
  • A Subject type column has been added to the Student Result listing report
  • New AVETMISS field changes on the New Applicant screen

To know more, please see the below list:

Task Management

The Main Dashboard now features a task management tile that provides an overview of different task categories, including Closed tasks, Active tasks and Unassigned tasks. Each of these sections has dedicated screens to perform specific actions on tasks.

Student Result Listing Report – New Subject Type Column

A new system setting has been implemented for the Student Result Listing report that will allow you to show a separate Subject type column for each subject.

New Applicant – AVETMISS Field Related Changes

In the past, when accessing the AVETMISS tab on the New Applicant/Edit Applicant screen, you were presented with an extensive list of options for Country of Birth and Language Spoken at Home.

However, we have made significant improvements in these fields. They are now equipped with a convenient magic search feature that enhances your experience.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 29th June 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 1st June 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Optimised email deliverability which will deliver emails directly to the recipient’s inbox
  • New Invoice Due Changes for Agent Commission Invoices

In Q&A, we look at why sometimes you may not be able to see GST for Agent commission invoice/s.

Email Deliverability Optimisation

We understand the importance of effective email communication for your business, and we are delighted to be able to offer you an even more reliable and efficient email delivery service. 

We have optimised email deliverability where emails will be delivered directly to the recipient’s inbox.

Invoice Due Date change for Agent Commission Invoices

Whenever an invoice is created for a student, the due date for that particular invoice will be copied as the Agent commission invoice date.


Do you have a TEAMS question?

Make a list of your questions, send them to our support teams and we will send you the answer and add them to our fortnightly update.

Select the read more button as here are some questions we get asked and then answers on how to do them in TEAMS.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 15th June 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 18th May 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • The enquiry screen now has a new Document Log screen
  • New PRISM icon on the Student Dashboard
  • New Agent icon and Delete icon on the Application Dashboard
  • Student progress Matrix report now has a New Score Column
  • You can now restrict user based permission to the Account Manager

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Enquiry – New Document Log screen

This screen aims to assist you in efficiently uploading student documents for those in the enquiry stage. To upload documents for students at the enquiry level, simply select the +Add button from the Enquiry Document Log screen.

Student Dashboard – New PRISMS Icon

This new icon will help you to see the student’s information altogether. This will help you to easily copy the information from this popup window to paste it in PRISMS to create CoE, so that you do not have to click on the icons separately on the profile tile to check the student’s information.

Application Dashboard – New Agent & Delete Icons

We have added a new Agent icon and delete icon under the Applicant profile tile on the Application Dashboard screen.

Agent icon will allow you to Add a new agent or edit the existing agent that is linked with the application. Delete Icon will help you to delete the linked agent.

Student Progress Matrix Report – New Score Column

When the system settings are turned on, the generated Student Progress Matrix report will display a separate Score column for each unit that the student is studying. This column will indicate the score achieved by the student in that specific unit.

Account Manager – User-based restricted login

With the Account Manager User Login, account managers will have a dedicated login that provides access to specific information relevant to that account manager.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 1st June 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 04th May 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Agent icon on the student dashboard to identify and navigate the information
  • New Applicant icon and Edit Application icon on the student Dashboard’s Applicants Tile
  • The search bar has undergone some new improvements
  • New Invoice Due Date on the Enrolment Dashboard
  • New Amount (Amt) has been added to the Application Edit Invoice Screen
  • New CSV icon Attendance Listing Screen

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Student Dashboard – Agent Icon for enrolments

On the Student Dashboard, a new Agent Icon has been added beneath the Current and Upcoming Enrolment tile.

Student Dashboard – Application Tile – New Icons

These icons will provide easy access to the student’s Applicant Dashboard, allowing for quick navigation to view and edit the student’s pending application.

Search Bar – Improved Search Functionality

With these changes, you will be able to search for a specific student by their Primary Email address, their DOB and, by typing their last name followed by their first name, in a particular format.

Enrolment Dashboard – Raise Invoice Screen New Field

A new field has been added to the Invoice summary tile called Invoice Due Date. This new feature allows you to specify a specific due date for the invoice, which can help to better manage payments and keep track of outstanding balances.

New Application – Edit Invoices/Preview Screen – New Column

A new column called Amount (Amt) has been added to the Application Edit Invoice Screen. This column is specifically for the Rate Based Tuition fee

With this new feature, you can easily view the amount you will be charging based on the quantity you have selected for the rate based tuition fee.

Enrolment Dashboard – Attendance Listing Screen – New CSV icon

We have added new CSV icon on the attendance listing screen which will appear in the right hand side of the student attendance listing grid.

You can simply select this icon and the system will generate the Student Attendance Grid report for you.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 18th May 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 20th April 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New changes made the Agent performance Report
  • Enhancemnet in the speed of generating reports

You will also see the Q&A section of our What’s New summary. Here we will provide answers to the questions that are most frequently asked about TEAMS.

Agent Performance Report Changes

We have added a new column for Study Weeks and other column heading name changes.

Optimised the generation of the report

The generation of reports has been optimised, resulting in a significant reduction in the time it takes to produce Word formats. The system has been improved to enhance the speed of generating reports, providing you with faster access to the information you need.


Do you have a TEAMS question?

Make a list of your questions, send them to our support teams and we will send you the answer and add them to our fortnightly update.

Select the read more button as here are some questions we get asked and then answers on how to do them in TEAMS.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 4th May 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Agent performance Report Changes

We have recently made some changes to the columns in the Agent Performance Report. These changes include the following:

  • Changed column heading of Weeks to Total Weeks
  • Added Study Weeks column to the right of the Total Weeks column and before the Start date Column
  • Added the average row for the Agent in the group-wise section which will show the average count of the total weeks and study weeks
  • Added the total of study weeks at the bottom of the report.

What’s New – 06th April 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Visa Expiry Date merge field introduced for Email Template
  • New merge field and Column introduced for Refund Report

You will also see the Q&A section of our What’s New summary. Here we will provide answers to the questions that are most frequently asked about TEAMS.

Email Template – Visa Expiry Date – New Merge Field

A new merge field called Visa Expiry Date has been added to the Email Template Screen. This merge field applies to email templates for both student and enrolment types.

Refund Report – New Merge field and Column

Recently, we have made some changes to the Refund report. Two new elements have been added to it, namely the Refund Number merge field and the Quantity Column.


Do you have a TEAMS question?

Make a list of your questions, send them to our support teams and we will send you the answer and add them to our fortnightly update.

Select the read more button as here are some questions we get asked and then answers on how to do them in TEAMS.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 20th April 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 23rd March 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • The Main Dashboard tiles now display the Program Name and Program Code
  • New icon to distinguish between enrolments and students in the search bar
  • The edit sender email option is now available while sending emails
  • System Setting to Set Send email to all as yes by default
  • System Setting to generate certificates with Subject Code and Result Date

For a full list of what has been added in this release, please see below.

Main Dashboard – Tiles Changes

A new system setting has been implemented in our system, which now displays the program name alongside its corresponding program code on various tiles including Continuing Tile, Starters Tile, Finishers Tile, and Short Programs Tile.

Search Bar Changes

Main Dashboard’s Search Bar has undergone recent changes, which include the addition of a new icon to distinguish between enrolments and students in the search results list.

Compose Email – Sender Email Address option Changes

To access this feature, simply select the Add different sender address tick box located next to the sender dropdown when composing an email. 

Set Send email to all as yes by default – New System Setting

This setting applies to the campus level, and when it is enabled, the Send to All Email Address tick box will be selected by default on the New Applicant, Edit Student and Add/Edit Agent screens.

Certificates – Subject Code and Result Date – New System Setting

A new system setting has been implemented for certificates that allow the subjects to be sorted based on two criteria: Subject Code and Result Date.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 6th April 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.