What’s New – 30th November 2023

Some important announcements

  • We have a new dedicated Mobile Student App in early preview (general release by Jan 30, 2024).
    • Android and iOS versions are being tested as we speak
    • We need clients who wish to be beta testers and early adopters of this
    • Customisation with your own branding is also available
    • We can also submit to the Play Store App Store under your organisation’s account
    • Please contact support for further information
  • Our next update will not be until 18th Jan 2024 due to Christmas and New Year’s break

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Student Request forms workflow and management with TEAMS and Student Portal
  • New exclusion icon to exclude subjects you wish to not report in AVETMISS
  • New system setting to auto generate student email addresses as per your college’s domain
  • New long format date fields introduced for student certificates
  • Cancel receipt feature has been improved. Cancelled transactions are now visually highlighted to ensure better visibility
  • Bulk cancellation of multiple invoices is now available on the Student Financial Detail screen

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Student Request Forms Workflow and Management

The Student Request Forms process in TEAMS involves creating and uploading PDF documents, accessible on the Student Portal. Students select, download, fill out, and re-upload forms.

Pending requests are visually represented on the Student Request New Listing Screen in TEAMS. Actions like approval, decline, download, view, or contact log creation are available. The status updates on the Student Portal promptly, ensuring synchronisation between TEAMS and the Student Portal.

Bulk Exclusion of Subjects from AVETMISS Submission

On the Enrolment AVETMISS screen, you will now find a convenient Exclude Subjects from AVETMISS Icon. This icon allows you to easily select and exclude the subjects you desire from the AVETMISS submission.

Automatic Student Email Creation – New Functionality

Automated system features allow the creation of student email addresses using the college’s domain name during the conversion of applications into student records.

Certificate Report – New Enrolment Start Date and End Date Long Format Merge Fields

A new merge field known as Enrolment Start Date and End Date Long Format, is now added into our certificate reports. This feature is designed to provide a more detailed representation of enrolment information on certificates

Improvements in Cancel Receipt functionality

The cancel receipt functionality has undergone changes for improved clarity and usability.

When a receipt is cancelled, the system will visually mark it with a distinct red-maroon colour, clearly indicating its cancelled status. Additionally, to avoid confusion, icons under the Actions column for that particular receipt will no longer be visible.

New Functionality – Cancel Multiple Invoices in Bulk

This new functionality offers the capability to cancel multiple invoices in bulk.

With the cancel icon, you can efficiently and effectively handle a significant number of invoices simultaneously, saving time and simplifying the task of invoice management.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 19th October 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Boost in loading speed of all listing screens
  • Track visa types on applicant, application and enrolment screens
  • New page limit option on all listing screens
  • A new tick box to flag enrolments as overseas in bulk
  • New dropdown (Campus and Training Location) on the training location missing screen

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Listing Screens Optimisation

We have implemented significant enhancements to all the listing screens within the system. Whether you’re accessing the continuing, starters, finishers, overdue, payment overdue, or payment received screens, you’ll now experience significantly faster loading times.

Enhanced Visa Type Tracking

Now, as you move forward, essential visa-related information will seamlessly populate in the ‘Visa Details’ section of both the ‘Applicant Dashboard’ and the ‘Application Dashboard.’ This enhancement ensures that visa-related data remains readily available and editable even after applications have been approved and transformed into enrolments

Listing Screens – New Page Limit Option

It simplifies the process of selecting and communicating with multiple students simultaneously. With the Page Limit option, you can easily pull up the desired number of students on a single page and efficiently send emails.

Compliance Dashboard – Bulk Flagging of Overseas Enrolments

On the Compliance dashboard, there’s a new feature where you can easily manage enrolments that are not flagged as overseas.

Training Location Missing Screen – New Campus and Training Location Dropdown

This provides you with a convenient way to filter students based on their respective campuses. Moreover, it enables you to efficiently update the training location of multiple students in bulk, offering improved control and flexibility when it comes to handling training location information.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

The next update is due on Friday, 3rd November 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 5th October 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • A new feature that divides every fee line item while processing Applications
  • Sort Commission Due Report by Student Name and Student Number
  • New Program Summary Table and Notes Column introduced for Offer Letter
  • New Bulk option to update Include in National Export for multiple enrolments

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Application Process – Edit Invoice Screen Fee Line Items Changes

This new functionality will display every fee line item in each instalment. This means you will now have the ability to clearly see and divide fees like material fees, enrolment fees, placement fees, and more across all the instalments.

Commission Due Report – New Sort By Option

Now, when generating a Commission Due Report, you have the flexibility to sort it either by Student Number or by Student Name, providing you with greater control and ease when managing commission-related data.

Offer Letter – New Program Summary Table

The Program Summary Table provides you with a comprehensive summary list of all the programs linked to the application. It simplifies the process of reviewing and understanding the programs associated with the application.

Within this Program Summary Table, you’ll notice the inclusion of a new column titled Program Notes. This column is designed to provide program-specific details and notes for each enrolment,

New Bulk Tick Box to Update Include In National Export

A convenient new feature that allows you to efficiently update the “Include in National Export” status for multiple enrolments in bulk directly from the Include in National Export listing screen.

This will eliminate the need for updating each record individually and enable you to make bulk changes effortlessly.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

The next update is due on Thursday, 19th October 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 21st September 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Timetable Detail report has been introduced
  • New Subjects Column added to the Email Template Welcome Screen
  • Now the Invoices are sorted in ascending order based on invoice due dates
  • Send emails in bulk by selecting students from different pages from the listing screen
  • The payment Due Listing screen now has a new Contact Detail column

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Timetable Detail Report

A new report, known as the Timetable Detail Report, has been recently incorporated into the system on the Timetable Step 2 – Classes screen. This report has been designed to provide you with comprehensive and detailed information regarding timetables.

Email Template Welcome Screen – New Email’s Subject Column

A column, labeled Email’s Subject, has been introduced to enhance the email template customisation.

With this addition, you now have the ability to view a clear and attention-grabbing subject line for your emails right from the Email Template Welcome screen.

Enrolment Financial Details Screen – Invoices Sorted by Due Date

When you access the enrolment financial detail screen, you’ll notice a significant improvement in how invoice due dates are presented.

They are now sorted in ascending order, making it much easier to track and manage your financial obligations efficiently.

New Option – Select Multiple Student Records Across Pages for Email Sending

You now have the flexibility to select multiple students from different pages on the listing screen and send emails to them in bulk with a single action, eliminating the need to navigate through pages one by one.

Payment Due Listing Screen – New Contact Details Column

You will now see a new column, Contact Details, within the grid, displaying the mobile numbers of the respective students. This addition makes it easier than ever for you to access essential contact information while managing payment dues.

Bulk Result Screen – Result Date Changes

This is a convenient feature that allows you to select result dates from previous periods when updating results for enrolments in bulk.

This means that when you’re on the Bulk Result screen and you need to update results for students who have successfully completed subjects in the past, but whose results and result dates were not previously updated, you can effortlessly do so. By applying the appropriate filters, you can efficiently update the result dates for those students.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

The next update is due on Thursday, 5th October 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 7th September 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Recent Reports Icon on every screen in TEAMS
  • Student Receipt column has been added to the Commission Due Report
  • Added new Subject Date fields on the Bulk Results Screen
  • New Result Code Column in the Subject Result Table for student Certificates
  • Add Invoice Notes for applications and enrolment invoices
  • A New Program Code column added to the Email Listing Screen
  • Fee Name dropdown will now auto populates the fee name by default
  • Finishers Report now has the new Student’s First Name and Student Last Name column
  • New Campus dropdown has been introduced for the Payment Due and Payment Received listing screens

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

New Recent Report Icon in TEAMS

We have introduced a new icon called Recent Reports in TEAMS, which will now appear on every screen within Teams. This icon is designed to streamline the process of downloading reports from various screens, eliminating the need to navigate back to the Report Dashboard.

Whether you are on the Main Dashboard, Student Dashboard, Enrolment Dashboard, Applicant Dashboard, or any other screen, you can simply select this icon. When you do, a sidebar will appear on the left side of your screen, displaying the 3 most recently generated reports. If any report is currently being generated, it will indicate this with an under processing and processing icon in the sidebar.

NOTEThis icon will not be visible on the Report Dashboard.

Agent Commission Due Report – New Student Receipt Date Column

Now, when you generate this report, you will find a new column labeled Student Receipt Date positioned alongside the existing Invoice Tuition Receipt column.

This new column is designed to provide you with valuable information regarding the date on which the student’s payment receipt was issued for a specific transaction.

Bulk Results Screen – New Subject’s Start Date and End Date Fields

In our latest enhancement to the Bulk Result screen, you will see two valuable additions: the Subject’s Start Date and End Date Fields.

This enhancement provides you with enhanced flexibility, allowing you to input subject start dates and end dates in bulk directly on the Bulk Result screen.

Certificate Report – New Result Code Column

Introducing the new Result Code column in the Certificate Report will display abbreviated codes for different result types, making it easier to identify and understand results at a glance. For instance, Competent will be represented as C, Not Yet Started as NYS, Credit Transfer as CT, and so forth.

Edit Invoice – New Invoice Notes field

TEAMS introduces a new level of flexibility by enabling you to incorporate Invoice Notes when editing invoices.

This enhanced feature empowers you to seamlessly attach relevant invoice notes directly when editing an invoice for a specific application or enrolment. These added notes are then automatically synchronised with the financial transactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the context behind each invoice.

Email Sent Listing Screen – New Program Code Column

The email listing screen has been updated to provide additional information in a more user-friendly manner.

Now, when you view the screen, you will notice that alongside the enrolment number, the Program Code is also displayed within the grid. This enhancement aims to make it easier for you to quickly identify and associate program codes with specific enrolment numbers.

Fee Selection – Fee Type and Fee Name Changes

When creating a new invoice for either an application or an enrolment, a convenient enhancement has been introduced.

Now, when you make a selection in the fee type dropdown, the system will automatically load and display the corresponding Fee Name associated with the chosen fee type. This simplifies the invoicing process, as you no longer need to manually input the fee name.

Finishers Report – New Student’s First Name and Last Name Columns

In the Finishers Report, there’s a notable addition of new columns that provide valuable information. Specifically, you will now find columns labeled Student First Name and Student Last Name.

With these new additions, you can quickly access and analyse student’s information alongside other relevant data, offering a more comprehensive view of the report’s contents.

Payment Due and Payment Received Listing Screens – New Campus Dropdown Parameter

A notable update has been implemented in the payment due and payment received listing screens, introducing a valuable feature – the Campus Dropdown parameter. With this addition, you now have the flexibility to filter and load payments in the grid based on a specific campus.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 21st September 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 24th August 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Integrated Xero in TEAMS
  • Newly introduced Refresh Icon on the Report Dashboard automates the refreshing process
  • Quantity and Rate Column is now available on the Student Financial Detail screen
  • Notes icon is now accessible within the Student Dashboard
  • You can now add Invoice Notes while creating invoices

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Xero Integration

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you – we’ve successfully implemented a one-way integration between TEAMS and Xero, specifically involving the utilisation of charts of accounts. This integration now empowers TEAMS to seamlessly handle fee entries within Xero’s framework.

Here’s an illustration: Suppose you’ve generated an application in TEAMS, subsequently transitioning to enrollment. In this scenario, TEAMS will seamlessly export invoices, receipts, and agent payments directly into Xero. Our setup encompasses two distinct banks in Xero – the Main Account and the Fee Account.

When recording receipts or agent payments within TEAMS, the bank you designate holds key significance. The integration operates in such a way that the chosen account in TEAMS aligns with the relevant account in Xero. It’s important to ensure accurate selection within TEAMS. However, in instances where no specific account selection occurs, TEAMS takes the initiative to employ the Main Account for Agent Payments and designates the Fee Account for Student Receipts.

IMPORTANT – As part of our integration, we facilitate the seamless export of invoices, student payments, agent invoices, and agent payments from TEAMS into Xero. It’s important to note that any supplementary transactions executed within TEAMS necessitate manual adjustment or editing within the Xero platform.

Transition Process Optimisation

This optimisation encompasses a range of improvements applied to the Training Plan and Results screen, as well as the transition screen. Notably, a significant change you’ll observe is the introduction of the Transitioned tab, replacing the previously labeled Common tab on the Training Plan & Results (TP&R) screen.

For further insights into these enhancements, we encourage you to click on the “Read More” button, providing you with additional information about these impactful changes.

Report Dashboard – Optimisation

The recent optimisation brings a notable enhancement to the Report Dashboard. Now, when you initiate report generation, a refresh icon appears, indicating that the system is actively working on the report. The process is seamless, as the system automatically processes the report and subsequently provides a download icon.

This eliminates the need for repetitive manual refreshing of the report dashboard to check if the report is ready. This improvement has also resulted in a substantial reduction in the processing time needed to generate reports

Student Financial Detail Screen – New Qty and Rate Column

When navigating to the Student Financial Details screen, specifically within the Financial tab featuring additional options for invoices, there is a notable update.

The system now dynamically displays pertinent information in the form of quantity and rate columns. The system now accurately captures and presents the corresponding amount under these designated columns, providing a more comprehensive and transparent view of financial details.

Student Dashboard – New Notes Icon

This improved feature allows you to effortlessly include notes for any student directly through the student dashboard, specifically by accessing the student profile tile.

This streamlined approach eliminates any unnecessary complexity, ensuring that adding important notes for students is now more convenient and accessible than ever before.

Raise New Invoice – Invoice Notes New Option

TEAMS introduces a new level of flexibility by enabling you to incorporate Invoice Notes when generating new invoices.

This enhanced feature empowers you to seamlessly attach relevant invoice notes directly from the Application Dashboard while creating invoices for applicants, or from the Enrolment Dashboard when generating invoices for enrolments. These added notes are then automatically synchronised with the financial transactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the context behind each invoice.

Webform – Redesign Agent Section

This redesign introduces a significant improvement, granting you the capability to seamlessly introduce new agents to the system, complete with their respective agent Codes and Names. In the previous setup, your ability to establish connections between agents and applicants was confined to those agents already present in the system.

However, this new enhancement facilitates the inclusion of entirely new agents, enabling you to effortlessly input and associate agent codes and names directly within the webform.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 7th September 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 10th August 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Current Student by Nationality Forecast has been added under the Student Management menu
  • New Survey Data Export report has been introduced in TEAMS under the System Admin menu
  • Bulk updates of trainers to enrolments from Continuing and Starters listing screens
  • Main Dashboard now allows you to conveniently track SMS communications right from the Email/SMS tile
  • New Font Size option has been added under the Email Template Entry screen
  • Search students with their Last Name from the Search Bar
  • Student’s Name column changes on the Bulk Class Allocation Step 2

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Current Student by Nationality Forecast Report

Introducing our latest addition, the Current Student by Nationality Forecast report. This innovative report is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of our student enrolment categorised by nationality.

Survey Data Export

With the Survey Data Export report, you can now efficiently manage and examine the survey data, allowing for deeper insights and informed decision-making.

Listing Screens New Feature – Bulk Update Trainer

We have announced the incorporation of a new feature – the Bulk Update Trainer – into our system. This enhancement empowers you with the capability to efficiently modify or include trainers for multiple student enrollments at once. This can be seamlessly achieved through both the “Continuing” and “Starters” listing screens.

Main Dashboard – Email/SMS Sent Tile New Functionality Enhancement

This means that from now on, you can conveniently monitor both email and SMS communications in one centralised location.

Email Template Screen – New Font Size Option

With this latest enhancement, you can now have greater control and customisation when creating new email templates. When composing an email, you will find the Font Size option, which allows you to adjust the text size according to your specific requirements.

Certificate Report Enhancements

This refinement ensures that the certificate reports are even more accurate and polished, effectively eliminating redundancy and maintaining a high standard of professionalism in the presented information.

Search Bar – Student’s Last Name Enhancement

You can now conveniently find students by simply typing in their last names in the search bar. Even if a student has two last names, our system accommodates this by allowing you to search using either of the last names or both of them combined.

Bulk Class Allocation Step 2 – Student’s Name Column Changes

A significant improvement has been made to the Bulk Class Allocation Step 2 screen. Specifically, we have made changes to the Student’s Name Column to enhance the user experience. Now, when allocating classes in bulk, the student names will be displayed in ascending order.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 24th August 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 27th July 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Pin Payment integration in TEAMS
  • Newly Refresh Icon and Tooltip have been introduced on the Marketing Dashboard and Main Dashboard
  • View Enrolment Outcomes and Campus code within the Current and Upcoming Enrolments section
  • Enrolment Dates are arranged in ascending order within the historical enrolment tile
  • New Invoice Due Date column on Applicant Dashboard
  • New system setting that shows invoice dates in ascending order
  • Enrolment Outcome column has been introduced on payment due listing screen
  • Edit invoice dates and amounts while recreating invoices

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Pin Payment Integration

With Pin Payment, a trusted and widely recognised payment gateway, we can ensure a seamless and hassle-free payment experience for your students.

Main Dashboard – Email Sent Tile New Functionality

This tile offers a comprehensive list of all the objects to whom emails have been sent. It provides users with a quick and convenient way to access essential email information and perform various actions.

Main Dashboard Tiles Optimisation

With this latest enhancement, you will notice the addition of a convenient refresh icon accompanying the Continuing, Starters, and Finishers Tiles.

  • Refresh Icon – This refresh icon empowers you to effortlessly update and retrieve the most up-to-date data pertaining to Current Students, those who have already started and those who have successfully completed their courses.
  • Tooltip – This tooltip serves as a valuable reminder of when the data was last updated, ensuring that you have access to the most recent information.

Marketing Dashboard Tiles Optimisation

As you access the Marketing Dashboard, you will immediately notice the valuable addition of a refresh icon accompanying the Summary, Intakes, Programs, Short Programs, Agents, and Account Managers Tiles.

  • Refresh Icon – This refresh icon empowers you to effortlessly update and retrieve the most up-to-date data for the Summary, Intakes, Programs etc.
  • Tooltip – This tooltip serves as a valuable reminder of when the data was last updated, ensuring that you have access to the most recent information.

Student Dashboard – Historical Enrolments Tile Changes

There are some changes have been implemented to the Historical Enrolments tile and you will now have the convenience of viewing historical enrolments in descending order, meaning that the system will display the most recent enrolments first, followed by older ones in chronological order.

Applicant Dashboard – Financial Tile New System Setting

With this latest improvement, you now have the option to enable the system setting, which will result in the display of invoice dates in ascending order within this tile.

Applicant Dashboard – New Invoice Due Date Column on Financial Tile

You will now see new invoice due date column in the financial tile on the Applicant Dashboard.

Student Dashboard – Current & upcoming and Historical Enrolments Tiles Changes

A new label displays each student’s Enrolment Outcome, enabling you to understand their current status in various courses quickly.

Additionally, including a Campus Code for each enrolment further enriches the Student Dashboard’s data. To make it even more convenient, we have implemented a helpful Tooltip feature that reveals the corresponding campus name when hovering the mouse over the campus code.

Payment Due Listing Screen – Changes

We are excited to share the latest updates made to the Payment Due Listing screen, which aim to enhance your experience and provide you with valuable insights.

  • Enrolment Outcome – This new column offers valuable information regarding the outcome of student enrolment
  • Sort By – Within the Sort by dropdown, you can easily select the Agent Name option to arrange the listing based on this criterion.

Invoice Recreation Changes

This improvement empowers you with greater control over their invoicing processes, making it easier to adjust and customise invoices as needed.

Student Holiday Report – New Email Address Column

In this new column, you can conveniently retrieve and review the email addresses associated with each student, streamlining communication and contact management.

Student Result Listing Report – New System Setting

You now have the flexibility to activate the system setting for your RTO. Once activated, you will enjoy the benefit of viewing both the student number and the enrolment number in their respective columns for each subject.

Documents Log – Preview Icon

With the Preview Icon, you now have the convenience of viewing your documents before downloading them. Simply select the Preview Icon and a new window will open, displaying your document in its entirety.

Webform – New Training Location dropdown and reCAPTCHA

In our recent updates to the web form, we have implemented two new features to enhance functionality and security. 

  • Training Location Dropdown – we have introduced a training location dropdown in the WebForm. This addition allows you to conveniently select the preferred training location from a list of available options.
  • reCAPTCHA – to bolster security measures, we have incorporated a recaptcha at the bottom of the web form. The recaptcha feature helps verify that the form is being filled out by a real human user rather than an automated bot. 

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 10th August 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 13th July 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • TEAMS transition from USI web service 4.0 to USI web service 5.0
  • Report Dashboard Optimisation
  • New Survey screen has been introduced
  • Action Details report is now available in the task management process
  • Added multiselect campus dropdown for Intervention Status report
  • intakes/dates column in all listing screens now displays both Intake names and enrolment dates

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

USI Web Service Version 5.0

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that TEAMS has successfully transitioned from the USI web service 4.0 to USI web service 5.0

Report Dashboard Optimisation

Now, whenever you generate a CSV report, the report dashboard will provide additional information to enhance clarity and context.

Specifically, the dashboard will display the Campus name, taking into account any multiple campuses selected while generating the report. Additionally, the report’s start date and end date will be prominently displayed, offering clear visibility into the specific timeframe covered by the report.

Survey Screen

With this new feature, you can design surveys, customise questionnaires, and tailor the survey flow according to their specific requirements.

The addition of this new screen aims to enhance the survey management capabilities of our system, facilitating efficient survey creation and empowering you to gather valuable insights from their survey students.

Task Management – Action Details New Report

We are pleased to inform you that a new report called the Action Details Report has been added to our system.

The report provides a comprehensive view of all the details associated with tasks created from the Task Entry Screen. Additionally, it includes action logs for Journal Entries. 

Intervention Status Report – Campus Dropdown Changes

The key change involves transforming the Campus dropdown into a multi-select option. Previously, you were limited to selecting only one campus at a time for generating these reports.

We believe that this enhancement will significantly improve the reporting experience, enabling more efficient and effective monitoring of student outcomes across various campuses.

Listing Screens – Intake/Dates Column Changes

This modification allows you to quickly identify and associate enrolment information with the specific intake, providing a more comprehensive view of the data presented in the listing screens.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 27th July 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

What’s New – 29th June 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Implemented changes to the Task Management tile and tiles screens
  • New enhancements to the Group Training Plans Entry Screen
  • New Refresh Icon introduced for Financial Tiles
  • Student Passport Merge Field introduced for student Certificates
  • New default Site Setting has been introduced for Completed Qualification
  • Enhanced Trainer’s User-Related Restrictions
  • New label for Negative Invoice Reference

You will also see the Q&A section of our What’s New summary. Here we will provide answers to the questions that are most frequently asked about TEAMS.

Task Management – Enhancements

Task management plays a crucial role in efficiently organising and handling tasks associated with different entities in TEAMS, including Students, Enrolments, Agents, Employers, and more.

Group Training Plans Entry Screen Optimisation

An improvement has been made to the entry screen for group training plans, resulting in a more efficient process. With this enhancement, there is no longer a need to manually input the subjects and their corresponding dates.

Financial Dashboard – New Refresh Icon on Financial Tiles

You will now notice a new refresh icon accompanying the financial tiles, specifically the Overdue Fees, Payments Received, and Payments Due sections.

Certificate Report – Student Passport Number New Merge Field

This merge field is designed to incorporate and print the student’s passport number on the certificate.

Completed Qualification – Default Setting

We have introduced a new system setting that aims to simplify the process of managing qualification information for your students. This system setting is added under the System Admin > Site Setting menu.

Enhanced Trainer’s User-Related Restrictions

Now, when a user is linked to a trainer, they will have restricted access to the Dashboards and Screens within the system.

Negative Invoice Reference – New Label

The system will now display this Negative Invoice Reference Number in the Transactional Details section for that particular Negative Invoice.


Do you have a TEAMS question?

Make a list of your questions, send them to our support teams and we will send you the answer and add them to our fortnightly update.

Select the read more button as here are some questions we get asked and then answers on how to do them in TEAMS.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 13th July 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.