Intervention Process

If you wish to manage your Intervention Strategy in TEAMS for your students and their enrolments, you can access this from the Enrolment Dashboard > Compliance Alerts tile.

Before using this screen you would need to setup your Intervention Statuses and Outcomes in the User Codes section of the system. Once you have completed the setup, you can then use this process from the Enrolment Dashboard as below.

Note: although intervention is a CRICOS specific compliance requirement, many of our clients that have domestic students want to use this process and it is available to those student enrolments as well.

How to create an Intervention?

To add an intervention to the enrolment, Select the + icon as shown.

This will open up a popup window for adding intervention. You can add the necessary details and save the screen. This will add a new intervention to the enrolment.

  1. Start Date of Intervention – by default, the system will today’s date, however you can change it. You cannot leave this empty as it is a mandatory field.
  2. Intervention Status – select the level of intervention you are placing the student on from this dropdown. This initiates the intervention in the system and until you add an Intervention outcome against it, the system will show the enrolment as having a current intervention in place. This is also a mandatory field, so it cannot be left empty.
  3. Last Appeal Date – this is only used if you need to keep a record of this date, generally only CRICOS colleges would use this.
  4. User Name – by default the system will load your name, if you have logged into TEAMS and are doing this entry.

IMPORTANT: Whenever there is an active Intervention for an enrolment the system will show the compliance warning icon . Only when you complete an intervention will this icon be removed from the Compliance Alerts tile of the Enrolment Dashboard. You can select this icon to open the intervention listing screen. This is where you can see a history of all the intervention/s, current and completed, that the student has for the specific enrolment.

Intervention Listing Screen

This is where you will see all interventions for the enrolment. This will include both current/active and completed (historical) entries. You can edit or delete any entry in the grid by selecting the relevant icon in the Actions column.

As mentioned above, once you have completed an active intervention by adding the intervention outcome to it, the system will remove the compliance warning icon. It will be replaced with the view icon which you can select to open the Intervention listing screen.

Uploading Invoices in Document Log

We have introduced a new change for uploading Invoices in the Document tile on the Enrolment Dashboard.

When you generate any invoice from the student financial screen and once the invoice gets generated, it will auto upload the generated invoice in the document log.

Student Finacial Details screen

Enrolment Dashboard > Document Screen

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

Enrolment Financials – Edit Multiple Invoices

For ease of use, we have now introduced a new screen “Edit Invoices” on Student Financial Detail Screen.

In the past, to edit the invoice dates or their amounts we were editing each invoice individually. But now with this new screen, we can edit multiple invoices at once. Isn’t that easy? Yes, it is and will save a lot of time.

To edit multiple invoices, Just click on the edit icon on the student financial detail screen.

This will open the Edit Invoices screen as shown below. From this screen, we can edit the invoice date, invoice due date, amount, and GST for all the invoices (highlighted in green color). We can also delete any fee line item by ticking the tick box in front of all the line items for each invoice.

Business Rules

A – The system will only update the student invoices from this screen, it will not regenerate the agent commission invoices. So, if needed you have to change them manually from Agent commission screen.

B – If there is any negative invoice, the system will not allow you to edit it. It will show you the negative invoice in red font color as a line item.

C – If there is any financial transaction against any of the invoice, then the system will not allow you to edit that invoice. It will show you the invoice line items but in a read only mode i.e. non editable.

D – If there is only one line item in any invoice then it will make delete tick box as read only because the system will not allow to delete the whole invoice.

E – By ticking the tick box, the system will delete that fee line item after saving the screen.

After editing all the invoices, you can click on the save button to save the changes.

Change – Added BCC in the compose email screen

Enrolment Dashboard > Communication Tile > Communication Log Burger Menu > Email Log

We have added a new field in the compose email screen i.e. BCC. Now you can BCC the email to the preferred email address while sending an email to any agent, applicant, student and enrolment.

Important Links

Audit Log > New column

Student Dashboard > Show Audit History icon > Audit Logs

Audit logs are used to view changes/updates that any TEAMS user has done on the screens. We recently have added a new column namely Object Details on this screen.

You will be able to see the student number, enrolment number, student name and application number. This way, it’s helpful and easy for you to search for the changes/updates.

Transitioning of old to new subjects

It’s important that you understand the data that the system is showing you. The data is actually divided into two parts. The 1st 4 columns are showing the units’ information from the old program code in which the student is currently enrolled into. It will show you units, their descriptions, what the result is for each unit and result dates.

The 2nd part (the last 4 columns) will show you units from the new program code in which you are going to move the student’s enrolment.

The column Action Taken which is placed in between these two parts will give you the data in three ways:

  • Same – when there is no change in the unit i.e unit in the old program code and in the new program code remains the same.
  • Superseded – when the unit is superseded i.e the unit linked with old program is also superseded. However, the description is the same for the unit. Learn how to make a unit superseded in TEAMS, so that the system can map the units.
  • Newly Added – when the unit isn’t linked with old program code and is now linked with new program code.

From this screen, you can update the result for all the units that are linked with the new program code.


1) If a unit has a successful, unsuccessful or progressive result in the old program code, then the system will automatically update the same result and result date in the new program code for those units. This can include all the units that are same in both the program codes or are superseded. However, you are still given the facility to update the result if there is any need.

2) If the units are newly added, then you can update the result and result date manually.

After you are done selecting the result and result dates, you need to hit the Save button, so that the system can transit a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.

After you hit the Save button, the system will change the icon color to green and will give you a tooltip upon moving your mouse cursor over the icon. It will also show you the transition date in the profile section.

This is how you can move a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.

On the training plan and results screen, the system will show all the current units from the new program code in the current tab and inactive units from the old program code will appear in the inactive tab.


This table will show you icons that are available under the Details column, Actions column, and Applicant/Student/Enrolment profile tiles.

Details Column Icons – When you move your mouse on any icon under the details column, it will show a tooltip with the icon showing its information.

Actions Column Icons – These icons will allow you to make an entry for any student data on your TEAMS site and will take you to the relevant screens and you will find these icons on many screens within TEAMS.

Applicant/Student/Enrolment Icons – Icons under these sections will allow you to add/edit the student data from each object’s profile tile. Also, you will be able to view the information by moving your cursor to any icon which will show a tooltip on the enrolment profile tile.

Details Column IconTheir Use
This icon indicates that the enrolment is a New Student
This icon shows that the enrolment is a Returning Student
This icon will show you the name of the Account Manager
This icon will show you the overseas information of the student
This will show you the Agent Name
This icon will show you the overdue amount for the Students/Enrolments
This icon will show you the tooltip as orientation required
Actions Column IconsTheir Use
To edit the data. You will see this icon on many screens for editing.
To approve/convert a pending application to enrolment.
To decline a pending application.
To reverse the declined application.
To send out emails
To send out SMS.
To create contact logs.
To delete an entry.
To print reports.
To cancel reports.
To create New Invoice.
To create Invoice Recreation.
To Edit the receipt.
To Transfer receipted money.
To refund the receipted money.
To send a pay request email for invoices.
Subject Mapping
To start an enrolment.
To finish an enrolment.
To Submission Review.
To download the document.
To Commence Subject.
To Uncommence Subject.
Subject Mark as inactive.
Main Menu’sand Sub Menu’sTheir Use
Complicance main menu.
Finance main menu.
Navigate to Student Search sub menu.
Navigate to Class Allocation sub menu.
Navigate to Attendance sub menu.
Navigate to Results sub menu.
To generate CSV report
To generate report in Excel.
To generate report in word.
Navigate to New Enquiry sub menu.
Navigate to New Application sub menu.
Navigate to Marketing Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Agent sub menu.
Navigate to Agent Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Commission Templates sub menu.
Navigate to Campus sub menu.
Navigate to Programs sub menu.
Navigate to Unit of Studies sub menu.
Navigate to Subjects sub menu.
Navigate to Academic Template sub menu.
Navigate to Group Training Plans sub menu.
Navigate to Timetable sub menu.
Navigate to Allocate Subjects/UoS sub menu.
Navigate to GTP Allocation sub menu.
Navigate to Intakes sub menu.
Navigate to Submission Review sub menu.
Navigate to Assessments sub menu.
Navigate to Subject Dates sub menu.
Navigate to USI Request sub menu.
Navigate to Compliance Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Avetmiss Export sub menu.
Navigate to Avetmiss Export History sub menu.
Navigate to Student Progress sub menu.
Navigate to Attendance Monitoring. sub menu.
Navigate to Training Location sub menu.
Navigate to TPS History sub menu
Navigate to Financial Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Agent Transactions sub menu.
Navigate to Instalment Plans sub menu.
Navigate to Fee sub menu.
Navigate to Site Setting sub menu.
Navigate to Report Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Organisation sub menu.
Navigate to Report Settings sub menu.
Navigate to User sub menu.
Navigate to Audit Logs sub menu.
Navigate to Employer sub menu.
Navigate to School sub menu.
Navigate to Classrom sub menu.
Navigate to Trainers sub menu.
Navigate  to Account Manager sub menu.
Navigate to Report Template sub menu.
Navigate to Email Template sub menu.
Navigate to SMS Template sub menu.
Navigate to User Codes sub menu.
Navigate to Notes Template sub menu.
Navigate to Notification Template sub menu.
Navigate to WebForms sub menu.
Navigate to Public Holidays sub menu.
Navigate to Term Breaks sub menu.
Navigate to Quiz sub menu.
Navigate to Question Bank sub menu.
Navigate to Alert System Configuration
Navigate to Automated Action sub menu.
Navigate to Automated System Actions sub menu.
Student/Enrolment Dashboard IconsTheir Use
To update student’s AVETMISS, Local and Mailing Addresses.
To update student’s next of kin/emergency contact details.
To show you that it’s an AVETMISS student and has a VET enrolment.
To show you that the student has a VET enrolment but you haven’t set the it as AVETMISS student.
To create/update the USI for a student when it is not updated.
To show you that the USI is there in TEAMS for the student but it is not verified
To show you that the USI is verified.
For you to add student’s holidays.
To show you that there are student’s holidays updated.
To add or edit student’s conditions.
To show that the conditions are updated for the student.
To link/edit the account manager.
To update/view student’s english proficiency.
To update/view student’s visa details or CoE details.
To show you that the visa has been expired for the student.
Application DashboardTheir Use
This icon navigate to edit Avetmiss Settings.
This icon navigate to Training Plan and Results.
This icon navigate to Fee Help Setting.
This icon navigate to Employer Tracking.
This icon navigate to Edit Applicant Visa Details.
This icon will show local address of student when you hover mouse on that icon.

Transition Process of an Enrolment


The transition of enrolment means moving a student’s enrolment from one program to another. There might be a case where a program code has been superseded with a new code. In that case, we give a facility to our users to move that enrolment from the old program code to the new program code easily.

Example: A student who is enrolled in BSB51918 – Diploma of Leadership and Management program with a start date and end date as 03 Aug 2020 to 01 Aug 2021. Now the code BSB51918 got superseded by BSB50420 on the date 18 Oct 2020. Now it’s an RTO’s responsibility to update the new program code for all the students who are currently studying BSB51918 or are enrolled with a future start date. This is where you will be using the Transition feature.

The Transition Process has a number of different steps in it. To view this post you can choose to either use the next arrow below and you will be able to walk through each step OR you can select specific links below to go directly to the relevant step.

Transitioning of old to new subjects

Enrolment Dashboard > Transition Student

The unit’s start and end date should be within the enrolment dates

On the Training plan and Results screen, where you can see all the units’ related and other information for a student’s enrolment, we have some set of business rules that you must follow to avoid certain errors/issues. This post will explain to you all those business rules.

1. The unit’s start and end date should be within the enrolment dates. For instance, if an enrolment’s start and end dates are 11 Jan 2021 and 16 Oct 2022 respectively, then all the units linked with that enrolment should have their start and end dates within these dates. The system itself will not allow you to enter the dates out of enrolment dates. The calendar will strikethrough the dates which are outside of enrolment dates. See the below screenshot:

2. A unit’s end date cannot be lesser than its start date. The system will throw an error if any user by mistake have clicked on the end date which is before its start date. And as a result, the end date will be updated the same as the start date of the unit.

3. A unit’s start date cannot be greater than its end date. If any user by mistake has clicked on the start date which is after its end date, the system will update the end date the same as the new start date.

4. Result date cannot be after the enrolment’s end date. If an enrolment’s end date is 16 Oct 2022, then the result date cannot be after this date. However, the result date can be after the unit’s end date.

5. You cannot delete a unit if it has a final outcome such as Competent, Credit Transfer, Competency not achieved/fail etc. The delete icon will disappear under the Actions column for such units.

6. Always update the final outcome for all the units once a student has completed the course to avoid errors in AVETMISS reporting. For instance, if a unit’s result is Continuing Enrolment and the end date has passed, then there will be an error for that unit in the AVETMISS reporting.

7. In case of a superseded unit, always link the new unit with the enrolment and delete the one that is no longer required to avoid errors/warnings.

8. If you are using TEAMS for assessments as well, make sure the final result is updated for the unit after you have marked the result for that unit’s assessments.

9. Update the Qualification Information section very carefully after a student has completed a course, so that the enrolment can be reported correctly.

10. All the units will display in a seq, based on the seq no. updated at the program > subject screen.

Note: If the seq no. is not updated, then the units will display in the ascending alphabetical order based on the unit code.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via