Pending Payment Welcome – Commission Payment Step 2

Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile > Pending Payment > +New Payment

On the Agent Pending Payment Step 2 screen, the grid will display all the commission invoices that were selected in step 1. The Pending Payment Details section will replace the filter section on this screen. In the Pending Payment Details section, you must enter the payment details for the selected invoices. This includes information such as the payment date, payment method, and payment reference number. Once this information is entered, you can review the pending payment invoice before finalizing it. The Pending Payment Details section on the Agent Pending Payment Step 2 screen is where you can enter the necessary payment details to create a pending payment invoice.

Note: You are required to enter the Agent Invoice number and Agent Invoice Date for the selected commission invoices in the Pending Payment Details section. Once these details are entered, the system will automatically populate the values in the Inv. No. and Inv. Date columns in the grid for each selected invoice. This automation ensures that the correct information is recorded for each commission invoice, making it easier for you to keep track of payment details. By entering the Agent Invoice number and Agent Invoice Date, users can ensure that the correct information is associated with each commission invoice in the grid.

IMPORTANT – If an agent has not sent any invoice yet, you can leave the Agent Invoice number and Agent Invoice Date fields empty when creating a pending payment invoice on the Agent Pending Payment Step 2 screen. These fields can be edited in the future once the agent provides the necessary information.

The Scheduled Payment Date is the only mandatory field that must be filled in to save the pending payment batch. This field specifies the date on which the payment for the selected commission invoices is scheduled to be made. By leaving the Agent Invoice number and Agent Invoice Date fields empty for agents who have not yet provided this information, you can create pending payment invoices for those agents without delay. Once the agent provides the necessary information, these fields can be updated to ensure that the correct information is recorded for each commission invoice.

Once all the necessary information has been entered in the Pending Payment Details section of the Agent Pending Payment, you can select the Finish button located at the top of the screen and will finalise the pending payment invoice for the selected commission invoices. Before selecting the Finish button, you should review the information entered in the Pending Payment Details section to ensure that it is accurate and complete.

Pending Payment Welcome – Commission Payment Step 1

Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile > Pending Payment > +New Payment

On the Agent Commission Payment screen, you can view commission invoices for agents in a grid format. Additionally, you can also create a new pending payment invoice for these commission invoices. To filter the invoices, you need to select mandatory fields like Campus and Invoices due as at. The Agent Commission Invoices Grid will then display all the commission invoices that match the selected parameters.

IMPORTANT – If the student is not appearing on the commission payment screen then please make sure that the student’s commission due date is falling under Invoice Due As At Date and have selected the correct Campus from the parameters.

To create an agent pending payments invoice, please follow the steps given below:

  • Select the necessary parameters for filtering the commission invoices. The mandatory fields are Campus and Invoices due as at.
  • Once you have selected the parameters, Select the Search button. The Agent Commission Invoices Grid will load all the commission invoices that match the selected filters.
  • Find the column named “TEAMS Agent Inv Date and Look for the tick box that is located right beside this column.
  • Select the box for the commission invoices that you want and then select the Next button on the right hand corner of the screen.

Note: On the Agent Commission Payment screen, the Stud Rec Amount column displays the amount that is received from the student for the outstanding commission invoice. If the student invoice for the outstanding commission invoice is not paid yet, the amount displayed in the Stud Rec Amount column will be in red font. This is a visual cue that the payment for the student invoice is still outstanding and needs to be collected. By checking the Stud Rec Amount column in the Agent Commission Invoices Grid, you can easily identify which commission invoices still require payment from students.

Agent Entry – Contacts

This screen is designed to enable the user to input and manage the primary contact for an agent. The user can add new contacts or edit and delete existing ones using the grid view provided. The grid view will display the current contacts associated with the agent and allow the user to modify them as necessary. This feature provides an efficient way for users to manage their contacts within the system and ensure that the information is up-to-date and accurate.

There are two screens within the system that allow users to add or edit the contact details of an agent. The first screen is accessed from the Agent Dashboard by selecting the Agent Profile Tile and then selecting the Edit Agent button. From there, the user can access the Burger Menu and select Contacts to view and manage the agent’s contact information.

The second screen is available from the Agent Welcome screen, which is accessed by adding a new agent to the system. Once on the Agent Welcome screen, the user can select the edit agent icon from the grid and then can access the Burger Menu and select Contacts to add or modify the agent’s contact information.

Both screens offer users a quick and easy way to manage an agent’s contact details. By providing multiple access points to this feature, the system ensures that users can efficiently add, edit, or delete contact information as needed.

Generate Bulk Invoice

When you have many students with overdue invoices or need to raise fees for a class of students, it can be time-consuming to do so one by one from the Enrolment Dashboard. Instead, you can use bulk invoicing options available in TEAMS. To raise invoices in bulk, you typically need to select the relevant listing screens Continuing Listing Screen, Starters Listing Screen, Finishers Listing Screen, Short Program Listing Screen etc displaying the students.

Choose the group of students for whom you want to raise invoices, and create the invoices or fees with the necessary details such as amount, due date, and any other relevant information. Review and confirm the invoices or fees before submitting them, and the system should generate and send them automatically to the selected students.

Here are some general steps you can follow to generate invoices in bulk:

IMPORTANT – When generating invoices in bulk, it’s important to note that you can complete steps 3 and 4 in any order. However, it’s crucial to remember not to select the “SAVE” button until you have completed both steps. In step 3, you will need to select the fees you want to include in the invoice, while in step 4, you will need to enter invoice information such as the date and any discounts or adjustments. Once you have entered all the relevant fees and invoice details, be sure to select the “SAVE” button at the top of the screen to save the invoice.

Step 1 – Navigate to the Continuing, Starters, or Finishers listing screen and select the tick box next to the student numbers for the students you want to generate invoices.

Step 2 – Select the “Burger Menu” (typically three stacked lines) in the top right-hand corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Generate Bulk Invoices

Step 3 – When generating bulk invoices, you will need to select the fees you wish to include in each invoice. The process for selecting fees is similar to that of creating individual invoices from the Enrolment Dashboard. To select fees, go to the Fee Selection section and choose the Fee Type from the list. The system will then refresh the dropdown list for Fee Name, and you can select the relevant fee for the invoice. If necessary, you can adjust the amount or add a discount before adding the fee to the Fee Items section. It’s essential to select the “+Add” button to ensure the fee is added to the invoice. Once you have selected all necessary fees, you can proceed to review the invoice details and generate the invoices in bulk.

Step 4 – After selecting the fees for the invoices in the Fee Items tile, you can proceed to the Invoice Summary section. Here, you will see the total amount that will be invoiced, which includes any applicable discounts or adjustments. For example, you might see a total of fees that have been selected along with a discount of 10%. You will also need to select the invoice date, which will be used as the due date for the invoice. Once you have entered all of the necessary information, be sure to select the “SAVE” button located in the top right corner of the screen. This will ensure that the invoice is saved and linked to the selected enrolments.

Step 5 – To view invoices for a particular student, you can go to the Enrolment Dashboard and select the Financials tile. From there, select the Student tab and then select the “more…” option next in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to the Student Financial detail screen to view a list of all the invoices associated with the selected enrolment. You can then review each invoice to see details such as the fees included, the invoice date, and the amount due.

Student Dashboard – Edit Enrolment/s Dates

Student Dashboard > Burger Menu > Edit Enrolment/s Dates

This screen allows you to modify the intake date for a student’s enrolment, even after their application has been processed and they have become a student. This can be helpful in cases where the student needs to defer their enrollment due to a visa delay or personal reasons. To simplify the process and save time, you can now modify the intake dates for multiple enrolments of the same student at once.

IMPORTANT – When using this screen, ensure that all necessary changes to enrolment dates are made before marking the enrolment as started. If changes need to be made after the enrollment has been marked as started, you may need to contact our support team for assistance.

The below steps will explain to you how you can change the intake date:

  • To utilise this option, you need to select the specific enrolments for which you want to modify the intake dates.
  • Select the Burger menu icon on the Current and Upcoming enrolments where you manage student enrolment information. The Burger menu icon typically looks like three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
  • Look for the option titled “Edit Enrolment/s Dates” and select it.
  • The screen will then take you to the Edit Enrolment/s Dates screen where you can modify the intake dates for one or more enrolments.
  • By default, the system will show the section for 1st enrolment and you can expand other enrolment sections by selecting the expand (+) button.
  • To enrol the student in a new intake, you must select the desired intake from a dropdown menu. Once an intake is selected, the system will automatically populate other fields such as the start date, study weeks, holiday weeks, and end date.

IMPORTANT – When changing the intake for enrolment, it may be necessary to update various dates associated with that enrolment, including invoice dates, invoice due dates, and subject dates.
To make this process easier and more efficient, the system appears to have a checkbox labeled “Update subject dates“. By selecting this checkbox, the system will automatically update the relevant dates associated with the enrolment to match the new intake. It is recommended that users always check this box to avoid the need for manual updates on a case-by-case basis.

Once all the above steps are done, select the save button, the system should update the enrolment dates as per the changes you have made. It is recommended that you double-check all dates and information to ensure that everything is correct before proceeding.

Submission Review

Main Dashboard > Academics > Submission Review

This screen allows you to search for submissions using various filters. The screen also displays a grid listing all assessments submitted by students, allowing you to review these assessments. If you need to search for the assessment of a particular student, you can use the filters option provided on the screen. By doing so, you can easily find and review the assessment you are looking for.

In the grid, you will see some different icons under the Status Column and Actions Column.

  • The status column will show you the Completed and Re – Submission icons which will help you to identify the status of the subject.
  • The actions column will show you the Review and Download icons
    • Review icon – When you select this icon, the screen will show you a pop window where you can select the submission as re-submission or completed. Based on the check boxes selected, you can add Trainer Notes, and Attach files.
    • Download Icon – This icon will allow you to download the completed and pending submissions.

What’s New – 23rd Feb 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

This update includes the addition of new merge fields, namely Campus Program CRICOS code and Program CRICOS Name.

IMPORTANT – How is your progress going with reviewing and cleaning up your data? If you are submitting your National AVETMISS 2022 student data, please note that there are only five days left until the deadline for successful data submission.

NCVER Annual Student Data Submission

Have you successfully validated and finalised your submission for 2022 student data? If not, can we help you?

If you are having any issues with errors that you don’t understand, please email the error list and NAT files to and then call support on 1300 85 05 85 and they will help you. The support staff must have the error list and NAT files to be able to assist you.

If for some reason you have not commenced your submissions, you have only 5 business days left to finalise your data submission with NCVER. If you are not sure where to start or what to do please select read more and it will walk you through the steps. If you need help contact our support staff urgently.

Email Template Screen – New Merge Fields

We have added new merge fields for Campus Program CRICOS code and Program CRICOS Name for customising the enrolments Email Template.

When you’re creating an email template for enrolments, you can now use these merge fields to automatically fill in the Program CRICOS code and campus program CRICOS code into the email.


Do you have a TEAMS question?

Make a list of your questions, send them to our support teams and we will send you the answer and add them to our fortnightly update.

Select the read more button as here are some questions we get asked and then answers on how to do them in TEAMS.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 9th March 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

GTP Allocation

Main Dashboard > Academics > GTP Allocation

This screen provides you with the functionality to assign Group Training Plans (GTPs) to students who are currently not assigned in the system. The grid on the screen displays both the allocated and unallocated GTPs, giving you a clear overview of the assignment status. This allows you to efficiently manage and track the GTPs to ensure that all students are appropriately assigned to their respective training plans.

Explanation of the fields is below:

Group Training PlanThis a multi select dropdown and if have multiple campuses then you select from the drop
Start DateSelect the Start Date from the calendar
End DateSelect the End date from the calendar
CampusThis a multi select dropdown and if have multiple campuses then you select the from the drop
ProgramsBased on the GTP selection, the system will show Program in this dropdown.
IntakeThis a multi select dropdown and you can select multiple intakes for the GTP.
Enrolment TypeSelect the Enrolment Type from this dropdown.
Include EnrolmentsSelect Include Enrolments from this dropdown.
TimetableEnter the Timetable in this field.
ClassesSelect classes from this dropdown.
Look at the Enrolment Start date onlyTick this tickbox if you wish to view only the enrolment start date.


Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Assessments

This screen will show you all the assessments in the grid that are in your system. You can search assessments with the Code or Name of the assessments in the search field for the object such as Subjects and Uos from the dropdown and select the apply button or hit the enter key from your keyboard.

To know more about the Icons under the Actions, select them here