Timetable Entry Screen Step 2

Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Timetable Button > Timetable Entry Screen

After you have entered the basic information for the timetable in the Timetable Entry Screen Step 1, you will be taken to a screen that provides you with an overview of the timetable details. This screen will give you a summary of the information you have entered so far and allow you to create classes for the timetable.

The information will be displayed in a calendar view, which can help you to visualise the timetable. To create classes for the timetable, you will need to select the +Add Class button. This will allow you to add classes to the timetable structure.

Once you selected the add button, it will open the floating window on the screen where you need to do the following steps:

  • Class Name This can be the name of the Program or Subject that the class is associated with. You will need to add the appropriate Class Name.
  • Class Start Date – This is the date on which the class will start. You will need to enter the appropriate date using a calendar icon.
  • Start Time – This refers to the time at which the class will start. You will need to select the appropriate start time using a start time field.
  • End Time – This refers to the time at which the class will end. You will need to select the appropriate start time using the end time field.
  • Class Type – This label has three radio buttons such as Practical, Theory or both. (If the class is a practical class, you will need to select the Practical radio button. If the class is a theory class, you will need to select the Theory radio button. If the class is both a practical and theory class, you will need to select the Both radio button.)
  • Recurrence Pattern – There are two radio buttons to choose from: (One-Time: Select this radio button if the class will only occur once and will not be repeated and Weekly: Select this radio button if the class will occur on a regular, weekly basis).
  • Recur Every – Recur Every value should be set to 1. You can also select the specific weekdays on which the class will occur. You can do this by selecting the checkboxes next to the desired weekdays in the Week Days section. For example, if the class will occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you would select the checkboxes next to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Week Days section.
  • To select the subject or unit of study for the class, you can use the tick boxes. This will allow you to select the appropriate subject or unit of study from a list of options. Similarly, to select the classroom for the class, you can use the tick boxes labeled Classroom in the add class window. This will allow you to select the appropriate classroom from a list of options.
  • Finally, to select the trainers for the class, you can use the tick box labeled Trainers. This will allow you to select the appropriate trainers from a list of options.
  • Once you have added all the necessary classes to the timetable by following the steps mentioned earlier, you can select the Save button to save the changes made to the timetable. After selecting Save, the screen will refresh and display all the classes that you have created so far in the calendar view.

Note – If you need to add more classes to the timetable, you can repeat the same process by selecting the +Add Class button and following the steps mentioned earlier. Once you have added all the required classes to the timetable, and you are satisfied with the details entered for each class, you can select the Finish button to create the timetable.

Enrolment – Standard Training Plan Report

Enrolment Dashboard > Result and Progress Tile > Print Icon

The enrolment standard training plan report serves as a comprehensive document that offers students a concise yet comprehensive understanding of the training program. Its primary objective is to provide a clear outline of the program’s structure and anticipated outcomes, benefiting both trainees and training administrators in monitoring progress and facilitating effective training delivery. This report encompasses essential details, including the training mode, specific unit start and end dates, allocated hours, and outcome status, ensuring transparency and facilitating efficient coordination. The unit starts and end dates specifically define the duration of each module or unit within the training, enabling students to plan and manage their learning journey effectively.

Please select the desired template from the dropdown menu and select the Generate button. Once successfully generated, you can easily download the template in either PDF or DOC format.

IMPORTANT – To receive further guidance on customising the report templates according to your requirements, we recommend referring to the instructional post titled Report Templates. This post provides step-by-step instructions on modifying the templates to match your desired format and content.

Timetable Entry Screen Step 1

Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Timetable Button > Timetable Entry Screen

To create a new timetable using the Timetable entry screen, you’ll need to follow a few steps. First, you’ll need to open the Timetable entry screen, which can typically be accessed through a +Timetable button on the Timetable Welcome Screen.

Once you’re on the Timetable entry screen, you’ll need to input the relevant information for the timetable, such as the Timetable Code, Timetable Name, and date range. You may also need to assign specific resources, Subjects, and Trainers. Once you’ve input all the necessary information, you can select the next button.

An explanation of the fields and filters is as below:

Timetable Code and Timetable NameWhen creating a new timetable using the Timetable entry screen, you’ll need to select a Timetable Code and Timetable Name. While these can be anything based on your preference, it’s recommended to use the Program Code for the Timetable Code so that it’s easy to allocate students to the timetable based on the Program Name.
Mark Absence or AttendanceIf you are required to mark attendance or absence for an individual in a system, you will see a drop-down menu with two options. You can select either “Absence” or “Attendance” depending on your needs. If you need to mark someone as absent, then you should select the “Absence” option. If you need to mark someone as present, then you should select the “Attendance” option.
CampusIf you are creating a timetable that involves multiple campuses, you will likely be given a drop-down menu with a list of campus options. This drop-down menu allows you to select the appropriate campus or multiple campuses, depending on your needs.
Timetable Start and End DateWhen creating a timetable, you may be asked to specify a date range during which the timetable will be active. This date range typically refers to the period of time for which the timetable is applicable, such as a semester or academic year.
Search ProgramYou may need to link specific programs or courses to the timetable to ensure that they are included in the schedule. You can use a search field to search for the relevant program and then link it to the timetable.
IntakeWhen linking a program to a timetable, you may need to select a specific intake that is associated with the program or course. To do this, you can use a dropdown menu that is typically located within the search program field. Once you have searched for a program, the dropdown menu will display all of the available intakes that are linked to that program. You can then select one or multiple intakes from the dropdown menu to link with the timetable.
Holiday to use Term BreakTo include term breaks in the timetable, you may be given the option to select an “All” tick box. This tick box allows you to indicate that you want to include all term breaks in the schedule, rather than selecting each break individually.
Public HolidaysYou can include public holidays in the schedule. To do this, you may be given the option to select a tick box that allows you to add public holidays to the timetable.
Subjects and Unit of StudiesYou may also need to link specific subjects or units of study to the timetable. To do this, you may be given the option to select a radio button that corresponds to the subjects or units of study you want to include in the timetable. Once you have selected the radio button, the system will load a list of subjects or units of study that are associated with that radio button.
You can then select one or multiple tick boxes for the subjects or units of study you want to include in the timetable.
Classrooms and TrainersYou need to include specific classrooms and teachers as resources for the classes. To do this, you may be given the option to select tick boxes that correspond to the classrooms and teachers you want to include in the timetable. Once you have selected the tick box, the system will display magic search fields on the screen. You can then use these fields to search for and select multiple classrooms and trainers to include in the timetable.
ActiveYou need to activate the timetable in order to make it live and visible to others. To do this, you can select a tick box that corresponds to activating the timetable. Once you have selected this tick box, the timetable will become active and visible to others who have access to it.

Compliance Reports

Below is a list of all the reports available under this Compliance menu in the system. You can see the name of the report with either an icon that has the letters CSV in it or an MS Excel icon. Generally, all reports in the system generate to a CSV (Comma-separated Values). There will be times when a report generates to Excel, primarily as it requires a page break in it which you can’t do in CSV, however, in this menu, there are no Excel reports.

Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report, and its parameters and view an example of the report.

Group Training Plan Entry

Main Dashboard > Academic menu > Group Training Plan > Group Training Plan Button

This particular screen provides you with the ability to create and add a new group training plan into the system. This implies that the system has an existing capability of storing and managing group training plans. However, this screen is specifically designed to facilitate the addition of a new training plan to the existing ones. It is likely that you will be required to input specific details such as Group Training Plans code and name, Program Code, and Intake, which are mandatory and must be filled in.

IMPORTANT – When you first access the screen, you will only see one section called “Details.” However, based on the data entered and saved in the “Details” tab, the screen may display additional sections. Typically, the screen has three different sections, namely “Details,” “Subjects,” and another section that is specific to the dates of subjects.

Note -It is important to note that every field and dropdown on this screen is mandatory, and therefore, you must fill out all of them before saving the screen. This means that you cannot skip any of the fields or dropdowns, even if they seem less important. You must ensure that all the data in the filters are updated and accurate before saving the screen.

Subjects Section:

the Subjects tile, comprising the Subject Code dropdown, start date, and end date fields, will not display any subjects or their respective dates. Instead, the grid will show all the subjects linked to the program. In the event that you delete a subject from the grid, it will reappear in the dropdown, allowing you to re-link it to the training plan at a later time. To do so, simply select the subject from the dropdown, specify the desired start and end dates, and add it back to the grid.

Subjects and Dates (in the grid) Section:

Once the mandatory fields are saved and the Group Training Plan is created, it will automatically populate all the compulsory subjects from the selected program into the group training plan. You can then remove any subjects that are not required, eliminating the need for manual selection and addition of subjects to the grid.

In the grid, you have the flexibility to edit the dates of the subjects directly from the Start date and End date columns. Additionally, you can delete subjects using the delete icon located in the actions column.

Student Performance Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS.
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name).
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment.
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment.
End DateEnd date of the enrolment.
TimetableTimetable linked to the enrolment.
No of Successful ResultsThe number of successful results for the subjects.
No of Unsuccessful/Not Yet Achieved ResultsThe number of Unsuccessful/Not Yet Achieved results for the subjects.
Results Completed RatioThe ratio of the result completed by the student.
Completed PercentageThe Percentage of the result completed by the student.
Study Weeks CompletedA number of study weeks completed by the student.
Total Study WeeksTotal study weeks.
Duration Percentage RatioPercentage Ratio of the duration
NationalityNationality of the student.
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment outcome selected on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
Purchasing ContractThis column will display Purchasing Contract as Yes or No.
Exclude from AVETMISSIt will show Yes or No if the enrolment is Excluded from AVETMISS.
OverseasThis column will print Yes if the student is overseas and No if the student is not from overseas.
VisaTypeStudent Visa Type.
Local AddressThe full local address of the student.
Mailing AddressThe full mailing address of the student.
Account ManagerAccount Manager of the student.
Total OwingThis is the total balance owing for the student’s enrolment.
Total OverdueThis is the total overdue invoice for the student’s enrolment.

Student Performance Report Filters

The Student Performance Report provides two tabs for filtering data, namely General and Advance. Once the user has selected the desired filters from either tab, the system will generate a report based on those selections. The below table will show you the Filters and their explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
Report based onYou will see two radio buttons under this section:

Subjects – Select this radio button, if you are delivering subjects.

Unit of Study – Select this radio button, if you are delivering Unit of Studies.
Dates based onYou will see two radio buttons under this section:

Enrolment Dates – When you select this, you will be able to print the report based on the report start date and end date or you can select the As on date from the calendar which is today’s date.

Subjects/UoS start and end dates – When you select this radio button, you will on be able to print the report based on its start and end date.
CampusSelect a specific campus from the dropdown.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Enrolment to includeYou can include enrolments such as Finished and Started tick boxesSelect Enrolment to include, Finished and Starter
Show Inactive Subjects and Units of StudiesSelect this tick box if you want to see inactive subjects and unit of studies in the report
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetable and ClassesThis is a magic search field and you can search and select multiple timetables.
Show only VET enrolmentsTo view enrolments linked to specific programs in AVETMISS-enabled systems, select the VET tick box in program settings. Deselecting this option enables generating a report for student performance across all programs.
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code and one can create the user code in TEAMS as you required. Based on the user code created for the enrolment type, you can select from the dropdown.
Enrolment OutcomeSelect the Enrolment Outcome from the dropdown.
Account ManagerSelect the Account Manager from the dropdown.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Student Performance Report

Main Dashboard > Compliance > Student Performance


A student performance report provides information about a student’s academic progress and achievements in a particular subject or course. It typically includes details about the student’s successful and unsuccessful results, completed percentages and other relevant information. The report may also include basic information about the student including student number, enrolment number and program dates.

Student Performance Report Filters

Student Performance Report Data Columns

Qualifications Issued Report Data Columns

Below is the table that will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Issued DateThe parchment date is the issued date.
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by TEAMS.
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name).
Campus / Program Code / Program NameThis column will print the Campus code / Program code / Program name under which the student is enrolled.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment.
End DateEnd date of the enrolment.
TimetableThe system will show the current timetable allocated to the enrolment.
Enrolment TypeThis is the enrolment type selected on the Edit Enrolment Details screen.
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment Outcome selected on the Edit Enrolment Details screen.
Employer NameEmployer Name
Qual IssuedQual Issued, Full, SOA, N/A
Student NoStudent number generated by TEAMS
Certificate NoCertificate number generated by TEAMS
Authorising OfficerAuthorising Officer
Organisation CodeOrganization code
Parchment NumberParchment number updated on the Training Plan and Results > Edit Qualification Information
Parchment DateParchment Issue Date updated on the Training Plan and Results > Edit Qualification Information
USI NumberUSI number of the student.


Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Timetable

history of changes

This screen provides you with an overview of the Timetable functionality within the system. You can access basic information about Timetables via the welcome screen, which includes the ability to search and apply filters to narrow down results. These filters can be customised to fit your specific needs and preferences. By utilising this screen you can easily find and access the Timetables that you need.

The timetable filters allow you to view specific data within a grid based on the selected fields. For example, you can filter the grid to show data for a specific campus, classroom, intake, trainer, subject, or unit of study.

In order to create a new Timetable within TEAMS you select the “+Timetable” button. This will initiate the process of creating a new Timetable, which will likely include a number of steps that guide you through the process of setting up the Timetable. By following these steps and inputting the required information, you can create a new Timetable in the system.