New option for Receipts Report – report based on Receipts in Advance

Dashboard > Finance menu > Receipt

We have introduced a new option for the Receipts report that will allow you to generate the report based on Receipts in Advance. As you can see below, in the section for Report Based On there is a new option for Receipts in Advance – Invoice Due Date.

IMPORTANT: When you select this option you will be asked to enter a date for Invoices Due from. The system needs this date as it will use it to find any invoice that has an invoice due date equal to or greater than the date you have entered in the parameter screen. Once it finds all the invoices that match that parameter it then looks at each invoice and sees if there are any receipts linked to the invoice and if there are, then they are the invoices that will generate in the report. The system will NOT look at receipt dates for this option in the report.

For Example, as you can see below we have entered the Invoice Due from date of 01/07/2022 in the invoice due from date filed. The system will go and find all the invoices (based on other parameters you have selected) and find any that have an invoice due date equal to or greater than 01/07/2022. Then if any of them have receipts entered against them they are the invoices that will show in the report.

By default, the Include Fee line Item will be selected and if you do not want the report to print the fee line item then you can unselect this tick box. This means you can run the report and just see a detailed listing of the invoices where you see fee line items for the invoice and what money was receipted for the fee OR you can unselect this option and it generates a summary style where you just see the invoice in one row with a total amount for the invoice, no fee line items will show.

In the example below, the option for Include Fee Line Item tick box was selected, it has printed the fee description in the report accordingly.

You can also see the generated version of this report below:

New Report Engine

In TEAMS, we have five word reports as below:

  • Offer Letter
  • Academic Docs
  • Payments
  • Invoices
  • Letters and Warnings

All the above-mentioned reports are used to customise a different set of reports/letters that you generate for students. When you generate any of the word reports in TEAMS, it directs you toward the report dashboard screen where you can see the progress of your reports if it’s generated or under processing. The existing report engine takes a bit more time to generate the reports. Hence why, we have introduced a new report engine. This reporting engine will give you the generated version of the reports in less than a minute.

What reports are on the new report engine?

1) Offer Letter
2) Invoices

We have just moved these reports for now. And in the future, we will move the remaining ones as well.

How to make the new report engine work for you?

Not all our clients using TEAMS are moved to the new report engine. Our new clients that we have onboarded to TEAMS recently are on a new report engine and we have customised their templates as well according to the new method. If you wish to be moved to the new engine as well, please contact support. They will guide you and help you move your TEAMS site to the new report engine from our developers. After your site is moved, we will help you to customise your templates in a new way. We will soon release a video on how to customise report templates in a new way.

CSV Export Functionality

To cater to the needs of our clients, who often require access to data presented on the listing screens in the form of downloadable reports, we have introduced a new feature. On the listing screens, you will find a icon that enables users to easily download reports for various sections.

This includes the Main Dashboard Tiles, which provides access to the Continuing Listing Screen, the Finishers tile for the Finishers listing screen, and the Starters Tile for the Starters listing. Similarly, you will also find this convenient download icon available for the Financial Dashboard tiles. This enhancement simplifies the process of obtaining data reports, allowing clients to utilise them for various purposes with ease.

Questions & Answers

Common Questions that you may be looking for an answer to can be found here. Please go through the list and review items that may be of relevance to your situation. You can also use your browser and do a text search for some of the keywords that you would like to read some information about. We have tried to arrange them in the order of frequency of questions asked. As this page grows, we will further break this down into various categories for ease of reading and search.