The main menu for Finance provides a list of icons that allow you to navigate to different areas related to financial transactions for students and agents. By selecting the icons, you can access the financial dashboard, screens, and reports that provide information on the financial status and activities of these groups.
Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Fee Icon > +Add button
The Fee Entry screen enables you to add new fees to the system or edit existing ones. If you want to create a new fee, you’ll need to input the relevant details related to the fee into the appropriate fields. Once you’ve provided all the necessary information, you can save your new fee by clicking the save button. This process allows you efficient and organised fee management, as you can easily create and modify fees as needed.
Below is the explanation of the fields:
Field Name
Object Type
This is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank as the system will create the fee based on the object type selected. Select the appropriate object type (such as Organisation, Campus, Subject, UoS or Program) from the dropdown to create the fees.
Fee Type
This is also a mandatory field and based on the fee type created in TEAMS, it will populate in the dropdown.
Fee Code
This is also a mandatory field and you can add the fee code in this field.
Fee Name
This is also a mandatory field and you can enter the fee name (Name of Fee (generally a combination of Fee Type and Student Fee Name)in this field.
Fee Amount
This is also a mandatory field and you can enter the fee amount (If this fee has GST applied to it, you must enter the excluding GST amount in this field) in this field. Only enter the amount with numbers, do not enter any currency symbols such as $.
Apply GST
Select this tick box if the fee has GST applied to it.
Pay Commission
Select this tick box to apply pay commission.
Is Rate Fee?
Select this tick box if the fee is rate based fee.
Select this tick box to make the fee active.
Show as Revenue
When you select this tick box, the system will pop up the drop down namely (When is revenue Taken up). Based on the user code created for the revenue, you can select it from the drop
If the system has not calculated a GST amount for a fee, it is most likely because the Charge GST option was not set for the fee at the time it was raised in the invoice.
IMPORTANT: it is important to understand that at the time you do a transaction in TEAMS, the system uses the settings for that transaction as they are. If you then change the settings afterwards, the system will NOT retrospectively go backwards and update data. For example, you have a material fee that was not set with Apply GST and you raise that fee in invoices for students. You then realise this mistake and go and update the fee with Apply GST turned on. The system will not go backwards and update all the invoices with the fee in it where the GST wasn’t calculated, it will only use the new setting for the next invoice you raise with the fee in it.
Follow the steps below to update a fee with the Apply GST turned on
Go to Main Dashboard > Finance menu > Fee icon
Search the fee with the Fee code on the Fees Welcome Screen and then select the Apply button.
After your search, edit the fee from the edit icon under the actions column.
On the Fee Entry screen, select the Apply GST tick box and save.
When all the above steps are done, the GST will starts appearing for the fee.
Main Dashboard > Finance > Instalment Plans > + Instalment Plan Entry
An instalment plan is a financial arrangement that enables students to pay their fees in smaller, more manageable amounts over a specified period of time, instead of paying the entire amount upfront. it can help make education more accessible and affordable for students who may not have the financial means to pay the full amount at once.
The Instalment Plan entry screen enables you to create new instalment plans for programs or if you wish to edit the existing instalment plan, you can select Edit Instalment Plan.
Below is the explanation of the fields:
Instalment Plan Code
This is a mandatory field and it cannot be left blank.
Instalment Plan Name
This is a mandatory field and it cannot be left blank.
Number of Invoices
Add the number of invoices (instalments) for a program.
Split Tuition Equally in instalments
If you wish to split the tuition amount in instalments then you can select this tick box
Instalment Plan Selected By Default
If you wish the instalment to be selected by default, you can select this tick box
Invoice Due Date Calculated automatically
If you have selected this tick box then the invoice due date will be calculated automatically for the program
Select the Campus/s from the dropdown for which you want to create the instalment plan.
Select the Programs from the dropdown that you want to link to the instalment plan.
By selecting this tick, you will able to see this instalment while creating applications.
Don’t allow two invoices in the same month
By selecting this tick box, the system will not show two invoices in the same month.
Before using the pending payment welcome screen or processing any pending payments, there are several important business rules that you should follow to ensure accuracy and efficiency. These include:
Sr No.
If you are not seeing the pending payment welcome screen and instead are seeing the Commission payment screen, it could be because the system setting is not enabled for your site. The pending payment welcome screen is a feature that displays pending payment batches that have not been paid or approved yet.
To enable this feature, you will need to contact support to turn on the system setting for your site. Once the setting is turned on, you should be able to access the pending payment welcome screen and view all pending payment batches that require processing or approval.
The pending payment welcome screen is a system feature that displays all pending payment batches that have not yet been paid or approved. Once a payment batch has been marked as paid or approved, it will no longer appear on the pending payment welcome screen.
Choose the group of students for whom you want to raise invoices, and create the invoices or fees with the necessary details such as amount, due date, and any other relevant information. Review and confirm the invoices or fees before submitting them, and the system should generate and send them automatically to the selected students.
Here are some general steps you can follow to generate invoices in bulk:
IMPORTANT – When generating invoices in bulk, it’s important to note that you can complete steps 3 and 4 in any order. However, it’s crucial to remember not to select the “SAVE” button until you have completed both steps. In step 3, you will need to select the fees you want to include in the invoice, while in step 4, you will need to enter invoice information such as the date and any discounts or adjustments. Once you have entered all the relevant fees and invoice details, be sure to select the “SAVE” button at the top of the screen to save the invoice.
Step 1 – Navigate to the Continuing, Starters, or Finishers listing screen and select the tick box next to the student numbers for the students you want to generate invoices.
Step 2 – Select the “Burger Menu” (typically three stacked lines) in the top right-hand corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Generate Bulk Invoices
Step 3 – When generating bulk invoices, you will need to select the fees you wish to include in each invoice. The process for selecting fees is similar to that of creating individual invoices from the Enrolment Dashboard. To select fees, go to the Fee Selection section and choose the Fee Type from the list. The system will then refresh the dropdown list for Fee Name, and you can select the relevant fee for the invoice. If necessary, you can adjust the amount or add a discount before adding the fee to the Fee Items section. It’s essential to select the “+Add” button to ensure the fee is added to the invoice. Once you have selected all necessary fees, you can proceed to review the invoice details and generate the invoices in bulk.
Step 4 – After selecting the fees for the invoices in the Fee Items tile, you can proceed to the Invoice Summary section. Here, you will see the total amount that will be invoiced, which includes any applicable discounts or adjustments. For example, you might see a total of fees that have been selected along with a discount of 10%. You will also need to select the invoice date, which will be used as the due date for the invoice. Once you have entered all of the necessary information, be sure to select the “SAVE” button located in the top right corner of the screen. This will ensure that the invoice is saved and linked to the selected enrolments.
Step 5 – To view invoices for a particular student, you can go to the Enrolment Dashboard and select the Financials tile. From there, select the Student tab and then select the “more…” option next in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to the Student Financial detail screen to view a list of all the invoices associated with the selected enrolment. You can then review each invoice to see details such as the fees included, the invoice date, and the amount due.
Program > Program Entry Burger Menu > FEE HELP Setting
When you select the FEE-HELP option, the program FEE-HELP popup screen will open, where you can add FEE-HELP details for a program. In the Settings tab, there will be a field for FEE HELP Availability and there are radio buttons for:
VET Student loan (VSL)
Higher Ed FEE HELP
IMPORTANT – The FEE HELP option will show you the settings as per the Fee HELP availability radio buttons (VSL or Hed) selected on the program entry screen. A program can only be one of the FEE HELP options it cannot be both.
By default, the option of neither will be selected, select the option that you want and then SAVE the change.
When any of the FEE HELP availability radio buttons is selected then you can update the FEE HELP for a Program accordingly. Once you select the FEE HELP option, the popup window will open on the screen.
Explanation of the Fields below:
Course of Study Type
Select an appropriate Course of Study type.
Field of Education Code
Select an appropriate Field of Education code.
Field of Education Effective From Date
From the calendar, you can select the date from when the field of education is effective.
Field of Education Effective To Date
From the calendar, you can select the date when the field of education should be effective.
Special Course Type
From the dropdown, you can select the special course type.
Special Interest Program Effective From Date
From the calendar, you can select the date from when the special interest program is effective.
Special Interest Program Effective To Date
From the calendar, you can select the date when the special interest program should be effective.
Offshore Delivery Code
From the dropdown, you can select whether the course is partially delivered offshore or fully offshore.
Principal Interest of Offshore Delivery Code
From the dropdown, you can select the principal delivery mode of the course.
Program Fees Code
From the dropdown, you can select the program fee code.
Combined Program of Study Indicator
Tick this box if FEE-HELP is for the combined program and then select the supplementary education code from the magic search field.
Indicative Student Contribution CSP
Here you can add indicative student contributions.
Primary Contacts are those contacts that are linked to the agents with their contact information. Please see the below steps to list the primary contact on the Agent Welcome Screen.
The very first step is, you need to update the primary contact information of the person on the Agent Entry Screen > Burger Menu > Contacts Screen.
Select the +Add button to link the contact information and once you select it, the system will show you a pop window on the screen.
In the pop window, update the contact information as you required and Save.
IMPORTANT – Before saving the contact information on the pop window, If you wish to show the contact as a primary contact then you need to select the Primary Contact tick box for the contact.
When you are on the Agent Welcome Screen, you need to do the following steps:
Select the parameters as you required (including by selecting the List primary Contact tick box) and then select Apply Button.
The system will show the agents in the grid with their primary contact details.
Note – if the agent has a contact and they have a primary contact tick box is ticked for them then that agent entry will have the expand (+) icon against the agent code to see the primary contact.
Subjects > Subject Entry Burger Menu > Funding Fee Setup
The funding of subjects or courses is primarily handled through government funding for the students. To update the FEE HELP settings of the subjects, navigate to the Funding Fee Setup option in the menu and select the burger menu, then choose the Funding Fee Setup option.
On the Funding Fee Setup screen, locate the +Add button and click on it. This action will open a funding fee setup pop-up window on your screen. In this window, carefully select the required fields as per your preferences and requirements.
Explanation of the fields below:
Enrolment Type
This is User Code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the enrolment type from the dropdown.
Funding Source National
Select the funding source national from the dropdown.
Select the state from the dropdown.
Delivery Type
Here you can select the delivery type of the subject from the dropdown.
Here you can add the hourly rate of the subject and just below the nominal hour field, the total amount of the subject will be populated as it is a multiply of nominal hours with an hourly rate.
Select this box to make the funding fee setup active.