We have made a new enhancement to the Enrolment Financial Detail screen. Now, when you access this screen, you will notice that the invoices are sorted in ascending order based on their due dates, as opposed to their invoice dates. This change ensures that you can easily prioritise and manage payments according to the urgency of upcoming deadlines, providing you with a more streamlined view of financial information.
Previously, when raising a new invoice for enrolment, the system allowed you to add the invoice date. However, changes have been made to the Enrolment Dashboard > Invoice screen.
A new field has been added to the Invoice summary tile called Invoice Due Date. This new feature allows you to specify a specific due date for the invoice, which can help to better manage payments and keep track of outstanding balances.
On the Student Dashboard, a new Agent Icon has been added beneath the Current and Upcoming Enrolment tile. When hovering the cursor over the icon, a tooltip will appear displaying the name of the agent. This icon will allow you to identify the designated agent linked to an enrolment.
Note – The Agent Icon will only be visible on the Student Dashboard if the agent is linked to an enrolment. If the agent is not assigned to a particular enrolment, the icon will not appear.
If the system has not calculated a GST amount for a fee, it is most likely because the Charge GST option was not set for the fee at the time it was raised in the invoice.
IMPORTANT: it is important to understand that at the time you do a transaction in TEAMS, the system uses the settings for that transaction as they are. If you then change the settings afterwards, the system will NOT retrospectively go backwards and update data. For example, you have a material fee that was not set with Apply GST and you raise that fee in invoices for students. You then realise this mistake and go and update the fee with Apply GST turned on. The system will not go backwards and update all the invoices with the fee in it where the GST wasn’t calculated, it will only use the new setting for the next invoice you raise with the fee in it.
Follow the steps below to update a fee with the Apply GST turned on
Go to Main Dashboard > Finance menu > Fee icon
Search the fee with the Fee code on the Fees Welcome Screen and then select the Apply button.
After your search, edit the fee from the edit icon under the actions column.
On the Fee Entry screen, select the Apply GST tick box and save.
When all the above steps are done, the GST will starts appearing for the fee.
Each user will have different permissions, including what campuses they can see enrolments and other information for.
Based on this, when a user goes to the Student Dashboard or even the Applicant Dashboard, based on the campuses they are linked to and logged in as, will determine what enrolments and/or applications they can see.
For example – In order to view a student’s enrolments in different campuses, the user must have the necessary access permissions for both campuses in TEAMS. If the student is enrolled in two different campuses, such as Campus 1 and Campus 2, the user will only be able to see both enrolments if they have the appropriate permissions for both campuses. Without access to either one of the campuses, the user will not be able to view the corresponding enrolment.
Note – If you are not able to view all enrolments or applications for certain students/applicants then speak to your manager. If you or they need further assistance with this, then please contact our support staff.
Recently, we have made some changes to the Refund report. Two new elements have been added to it, namely the Refund Number merge field and the Quantity Column.
The Refund Number merge field is designed to display the specific refund number associated with a particular student’s refund. On the other hand, the Quantity Column is used for the rate-based fee which will show you the quantity of refunded rate based fees.
A new merge field called Visa Expiry Date has been added to the Email Template Screen. This merge field applies to email templates for both student and enrolment types. The merge field will enable you to include the visa expiry date in the emails, making it easier to communicate important information with students.
A new system setting has been implemented for certificates that allow the subjects to be sorted based on two criteria: Subject Code and Result Date.
When the Subject Code radio button is selected, the table within the certificates will display the subjects Code in alphabetical order and if the Result Date radio button is selected instead of the Subject Code radio button in the certificates, then the table within the certificates will display the results dates in ascending order.
Note – Our default settings have been configured to include the Subject Code as the default selection when generating certificates. However, if you prefer to have the Result date radio button selected by default, we offer the option to turn on this setting for you. To do this, please get in touch with our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary changes to your organisation site.