Subject – AVETMISS Settings

Subjects > Subjects Entry Burger Menu > AVETMISS Settings

Colleges set up AVETMISS (Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard) settings for subjects to ensure compliance with the national data reporting requirements for vocational education and training in Australia. AVETMISS is a standard framework that governs the collection, reporting, and analysis of data related to vocational education and training activities.

By setting up AVETMISS settings for subjects, you can accurately capture and report data on student enrolments, completions, qualifications, and other relevant information.

When you access the AVETMISS Settings option, it will open the Subject AVETMISS screen. This screen allows you to input and manage the AVETMISS details for the subjects. Within the Subject AVETMISS screen, you can add the necessary AVETMISS information for each subject individually.

IMPORTANT – It is crucial to update the AVETMISS settings for subjects before conducting an AVETMISS export. Failure to update these settings in the system can result in errors during the AVETMISS submission process. The AVETMISS data, including subject details, is exported into the NAT00060 file format, which is used for reporting vocational education and training data.

Explanation of the fields below:

InternalWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught onshore only. The other two fields automatically have a 0 value.
ExternalWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught offshore only. Then the internal and workplace field automatically have a 0 value.
WorkplaceWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught at the workplace level only. Then the internal and external fields automatically have a 0 value.
Pre-Dominant Delivery ModeIt is a read-only auto-populated field that changes according to the delivery type method selected.
Nominal HoursHere you can add the nationally agreed nominal hours of the subject.
Field of EducationYou can select the field of education from the dropdown.
Funding Source NationalIf you are 100% CRICOS for your VET subject you would select the funding source national as overseas 31 (International onshore client – other revenue). However, if you deliver offshore for student then you would change it from an Enrolment subject AVETMISS level.
VET Recognised SubjectSelect this box to make the subject VET recognised.
Do not include in AVETMISS SubmissionSelect this tick box if you do not want to include the subject in the AVETMISS submission.

Campus Entry Screen

Main Dashboard > Academics > Campus > Campus Button

On the Campus Entry screen, you will see three different tabs as shown below:

Details Tab – Where you can add the details of the campus.

Settings Tab – You can set up the settings as per your need.

Higher Education – You can add the filters as per your requirements.

Explanations of the fields on the Details Tab are below:

Campus CodeYou can enter the campus code in this field. usually, it may an abbreviation of the campus name. It is a mandatory field. 
Campus NameYou can add the name of the campus in this field. it is a mandatory field.
CRICOS Provider CodeIn this field, you can add the campus CRICOS provider code.
Institution NameIn this field, you can add the name of the institute.
Institution Trading NameIn this field, you can business/trading name of the institute.
Phone NumberIn this field, you can add the contact details of the institute.
Fax NumberFax number can be added in this field.
Website AddressHere you can web address of the institute.
EmailHere you can add the official email address of the institute.
ABNYou can add Australian Business Number in this field.
ACNYou can add the Australian Corporation Number in this field.
Default training locationFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the default training location.
ActiveTo make the campus active this tick box should be ticked
Upload LogoYou can select this button to upload the campus logo.

Explanations of the fields on the Settings Tab are below:

Use Close of BooksThis tick box gives you two radio buttons – Roll Over, and Date.
InvoiceYou can set up the invoice prefix for eg AC1234, here AC is a prefix of the invoice number. you can set the format of the invoice for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg AC1235, In the Suffix, you can add the last number of the invoice for eg AC1234CB. 
ReceiptYou can set up the recept prefix for eg R455, where R is a prefix of the receipt number. you can set the format of the receipt for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg R456, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the receipt for eg R456C.
OSHC PaymentYou can set up the OSHC payment prefix for eg Q212, where Q is a prefix of the OSHC payment number. you can set the format of the OSHC Payment number for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg Q213, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the OSHC payment number for eg Q213H.
OSHC InvoiceYou can set up the OSHC invoice prefix for eg I798, where I is a prefix of the OSHC invoice number. you can set the format of the OSHC invoice number for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg I799, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the OSHC invoice number for eg I799G.
Invoicing Terms
1st Invoice Due
GST % RateYou can add or edit GST % in this field.
Application/Enrolment Start date
Application/Enrolment Create date
RTO Operated Offshore
Grace Period in days
Qual. Indicator State
Email AddressYou can add the official email address of the campus.
Course Progress Study Period length
Attendance Study Period length
What do you report students in PRISMS on?From the dropdown menu, you can select if you want to report a student’s attendance or course progress in the PRISMS report.
Set Orientation Date days before start dateYou can set up that before how many of the start date you want the orientation in this field.
Program basedChoose this radio button if you want the invoicing method to be program based. 
Subject basedChoose this radio button if you want the invoicing method to be program based.

Explanations of the fields on the Higher Education Tab are below:

Campus Effective From DateEnter the campus effective from the date in this field.
Campus Effective To DateEnter the campus effective to date in this field.

Assessment Entry Screen

Assessments > Add Button > Assessment Entry

When you select the +Add Button, the system will open the Assessment Entry screen for you. On the Assessment Entry screen, you will see different fields on the Details tab. Enter the details in all the fields and save.

Explanation of the Assessment Entry Screen is below:

Object Type*This is a mandatory field and you need to select the object type such as Subject, UoS, etc from the dropdown.
Based on the object type selected, the system will show you another field as a select a subject or select UoS.
The field will be a magic search field and you can search and select the required field accordingly.
Assessment CodeEnter the Assessment Code
Assessment NameEnter the Assessment Name
Assessment DescriptionEnter the Assessment Description in this field.
Sequence NoEnter the Sequence no in this field.
Parent AssessmentSelect this tick box if you want this Assessment as a Parent Assessment.
ActiveSelect this tick box to make the assessment Active.
Allow Multiple document?Select this tick box to Allow Multiple document for the specific assessment
Allow Grading?Select this tick box to Allow Grading for the specific assessment
Allow ResubmissionSelect this tick box to Allow Resubmission for the specific assessment

Unit of Studies

Dashboard > Academics menu > Unit of Studies

The Unit of Study is where the students enrolled in a unit to undertake the required study and to complete the assigned assessment pieces as per the unit outline.

When you are on the UoS welcome screen, you will be able to search, edit and view UoS that are already in your database and you can also add a new +Unit of Study in the system.

Explanation of the fields on the Unit of Study Screen is below:

UoS CodeThis search field will allow you to search for the specific UoS with their Code and Name.
CampusYou can select the Campus from the Dropdown.
Include inactive UoSIf you select this tick box, then it will show all the inactive UoS.
Apply buttonOnce you applied the filters, you can select the Apply button to see your desired search or simply select the enter key.
+ Unit of StudyYou can select this button if you want to add a new UoS in the system

Assessment – Documents

Assessments Entry Screen > Burger Menu > Documents

On this screen, you will be able to see the documents in the grid that are already linked with the assessment and you can also add the documents for an Assessment. When you select the +Add button, the system will show the files on your local system and as per your need, you can select your desired document to upload.

After selecting the document, a popup window will appear and you will be able to see the document there. You can select the document type and you can also add notes for the document. Then select the Upload button.

An explanation of the fields is below:

Upload DateThis will show you the current date and you will not be able to change the date as it is auto populated and read only.
NotesYou can write notes for your own reference by selecting the notes icon.
Document TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the user code created, you can select the document type
Document NameIt will show the name of the document which you have selected.
Public DocumentSelect this box if you want to make the document public on the student portal.

Program – Timetables

Main Dashboard > Academics > Program > Program Entry Burger Menu > Timetables

This screen will show you the timetables in the grid that are allocated to the Program. You can add the timetable from the add button or delete the timetable for the delete icon under the actions column.

To link the timetable to a program, you need to type in the timetable code in the magic search field and once you type in the first three initials of the timetable code or name, it will show you suggestions to select the timetable.

When you select the desired timetable from the suggestions, you then need to select the +Add button and once you hit the add button, the selected timetable will get linked to a program as shown below:

Subject – Document

Subjects > Subjects Entry Burger Menu > Documents

When you select the documents option, you will taken to the subject document scree. You will see documents in the grid that are already linked with the Subjects. You can add documents for the subject by selecting the +Add button.

When to select the +Add button, a popup window will appear where you can select the document from your local system to upload save.

Explanation of the fields below:

Upload DateThis will show you today’s days which will be auto populated.
NotesYou can write notes for your own reference by selecting the notes icon.
DocumentsTick this box if you want to make the document public on the student portal.

Campus – Documents

Campus > Edit Campus > Campus Entry Burger Menu > Documents

When you select the documents option from the burger menu, a document screen will open where you can add documents for the campus by selecting the +Add button.

Upon selecting the +Add button, a popup window will open on the screen from where you can select the document which you want to upload for the campus.

Explanation of the fields

Upload DateIt will be today’s date and will get auto-populated in the field
NotesYou can write any notes for your own reference.
Document TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created in TEAMS, you can select the document type.
Document NameIt will show the name of the document which you have selected.
Public DocumentTick this box if you want to make the document public.
Reference MaterialIf the document is for reference then you can tick this box. Also, you can write the title of the material.
Display in SRC WorkplaceTick this box if you want to display the document in SRC Workplace.

Program – Documents

Program Entry Burger Menu > Documents

When you select the Documents option, you will be taken to the Program Entry > Documents screen. If you have already uploaded documents for the program, it will show you in the grid.

You can also +Add documents by selecting the Add button in the right hand corner of the screen.

Explanation of the fields below:

Upload DateThis will show the date, the day you upload the document
NotesYou can write notes for your own reference by selecting the notes icon.
Document TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the user, you ca
Document NameIt will show the name of the document which you have selected.
Public DocumentSelect this box if you want to make the document public on the student portal.
Reference MaterialSelect this box if the document is for reference. Also, add the reference title.
Display in SRC WorkplaceTick this box if you want to display the document in SRC Workplace.

Program – Intakes

Program > Program Entry Burger Menu > Intakes

This screen will show you all the intakes that are linked to the program. You can add intake by selecting the +Add button. When you select the “+Add” button, a popup window will appear on the screen where you need to select the Intake code (Intake name and Start date will automatically appear) and then save.

Explanations of the field below:

  • Select the Intake code – It is a magic search field, where you can type the intake code and then you can select the intake from the suggestions.
  • Intake Name – It is a read-only field, which will be auto-populated when you select the intake code.
  • Start Date – It is a read-only field, which will be auto-populated when you select the intake code.