Applications Listing Screen

history of changes

This screen can be accessed from different locations such as the Agent Dashboard and Marketing Dashboard in TEAMS and provides a comprehensive list of both pending and converted applications. The displayed applications are filtered based on the selected date range and are specific to a particular Agent and Program. This screen serves as a centralised hub to track and manage the progress of applications, offering a convenient overview of the status of each application within the specified criteria.

As you can see below, this screen is divided into two sections:

  1. Filters/Parameters
  2. Listing Grid


To open this screen, you would have selected the link for Applications+ from the Marketing Dashboard or the Applications Tile on the Agent Dashboard. Based on what you selected the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section.

For an explanation of each filter and how the system will use it, please click here for more information.

Listing Grid

The system will show you a summary of information for each pending and converted application. The information that is displayed in the columns for this grid is generally standard. However, please keep an eye out for any What’s New posts for this screen as this is where we would let you know of any new columns or changes to existing ones that we do.

Note – There is a Page Limit dropdown after the filter’s sections which will allow you to specify the number of students you want to view on a single page.

Icons – Click here to learn more about how to use these icons

Burger Menu – Click here to learn more about how to use the burger menu

Analyse Survey Results

Analysing Survey Results refers to the process of examining the collected data from a survey in order to gain insights, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions. It involves analysing the responses provided by survey participants to extract meaningful information and identify patterns, trends, relationships, and key findings.

The screen offers you the ability to analyse survey results based on a specific year or date range. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can select the desired timeframe and view results accordingly. In addition, there is a dropdown menu next to the “based on” radio button, which allows users to select specific pages from the survey to focus on when analysing the results.

Upon selecting the desired parameters, you are presented with a summary response section. This section provides key metrics to provide an overview of the survey performance within the selected period. It includes information such as the “Total Sent in Selected Period,” which represents the total number of survey invitations sent during the chosen timeframe. The “Total Completed in Selected Period” indicates the number of surveys that were fully completed within the specified timeframe.

Furthermore, the summary response section also provides insights into completion rates across different periods. This includes information such as “Completed in Different Period,” which shows the number of surveys completed within periods other than the selected timeframe. Additionally, it presents the “Total Not Completed,” which represents the number of surveys that were not completed by respondents.

The availability of these summary response metric assists you in understanding the overall survey engagement and completion rates. By analysing results based on specific timeframes and page selection, you can derive valuable insights into survey performance, identify trends, and assess the effectiveness of the survey design. This helps in making data-driven decisions and improvements based on the survey findings.

Survey Requests Screen

The Survey View Request screen is a part of the survey management interface that displays a grid list of survey requests received from students. This screen provides essential information related to each request in a structured format. The grid typically includes details such as the date the request was sent, the student’s name, enrolment number, course name, enrolment dates, and status of the request.

By presenting survey requests in a grid, you can easily access and review the basic information associated with each request. This information allows you to track the progress of survey participation, identify specific participants, and gather essential demographic details such as the student’s name, enrolment number, and course name. Additionally, the enrolment dates and status information provided in the grid help in managing and monitoring the survey process.

This screen also serves as a central hub where you can view and manage the requests received from students. It offers a convenient overview of the survey participant pool, enabling efficient tracking and organisation of survey data. This screen plays a crucial role in ensuring that survey requests are properly tracked, managed, and processed, facilitating effective data collection and analysis.

Survey Designer Screen

Survey design refers to the process of creating and structuring a questionnaire or survey instrument to collect data from students. It involves various considerations such as determining the survey objectives, selecting appropriate question types, formulating clear questions, designing the survey flow, and deciding on the survey delivery method.

The survey management interface consists of different tabs, each offering distinct functionalities and screens. The “Design Survey” tab allows users to create and customise surveys. Within this tab, there are various screens where users can define survey header, select question types and structure the survey flow, and determine response options. Additionally, the “View Requests” tab provides a screen where users can manage and view survey submissions or participant requests. Another important tab is the “Analyse Results” tab, which offers screens specifically designed for survey data analysis.

Design Survey Tab

Designing a survey involves several key steps.

  • Firstly, it’s important to define and add the questionnaire in the Survey header.
  • Next, select the +Add Page button to add the appropriate question types, such as multiple-choice, rating scales, or open-ended questions, should be selected based on the desired data.
  • Structuring the survey flow involves arranging questions logically, considering grouping, skip patterns, or branching logic to tailor the survey experience.
  • Response options need to be determined, ensuring they cover all possible answers or providing an other option when necessary.
  • Once the responses are collected, data analysis is performed using appropriate statistical methods or qualitative analysis techniques to derive insights and draw conclusions.

View Requests Tab

This tab will show you the Survey Request for a particular object. To Know more Please select Survey Request.

Analyse Results Tab

Analysing survey results refers to the process of examining and interpreting the data collected from a survey to gain insights, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions. It involves summarising and examining the responses provided by survey respondents to identify patterns, trends, relationships, and key findings. To know more please select Analyse Results.


Main Dashboard > System Admin Menu > Survey

We have introduced a new screen called Survey in our system. This addition enhances the functionality and capabilities of our system, providing you with a dedicated platform for creating, administering, and managing surveys.

A survey refers to a research method used to gather information and feedback from students, faculty, and staff within the college of your RTO. Surveys serve various purposes, such as assessing student satisfaction, gathering feedback on courses or programs, measuring faculty performance, evaluating campus services, or conducting research on specific topics related to the college environment.

Surveys are designed to collect quantitative or qualitative data through a set of structured questions. These questions can cover a wide range of topics, including academic experiences, campus facilities, student support services, campus culture, extracurricular activities, and overall satisfaction. The survey design may incorporate different question types, such as multiple-choice, Likert scales, open-ended questions, or rating scales, depending on the research objectives and the information sought.

When you are on the Survey panel screen, you will be presented with the Icons, buttons and surveys in the grid. Please see the below table for more.

HomeWhen you select the Home, it will take you back to the Main Dashboard.
My SurveysUpon selecting this, you will be presented with all the surveys under your user name.
Applies ToThis is a user code and you can create the user code as per your requirements. For example – Students,Enrolments etc.
Title SearchThis field will help you to search for the specific survey by selecting the search button.
Gridthe grid will display all the survey as a list and also gives you relevant information such as, Applies to, date created, design, Analyse and actions such as whether you want to clear or delete the survey.
LogoutUpon selecting this button, the system will log you out from TEAMS.
+Create SurveyWhen you select this button, you will taken to the create survey step 1 screen.

Create Survey Step 1

When you select the + Create Button from the Survey Panel screen, the system will takes you to the create survey step screen. This screen will allow you to create a new survey in the system. You will be presented with the create a new survey radio button following the Title and Applies to fields.

  • Title – This can be anything as per your requirements.
  • Applies to – This is a user code in TEAMS, and based on the User Code created, the dropdown will show you the options accordingly.

In the header of the screen, the Home label will takes you back to the TEAMS Main Dashboard, My Surveys label will open the Survey Panel screen for you and the question Bank will take you to the Question Bank Screen.

Once you select the Continue button, the system will take you to the Survey Designer screen.

Application Dashboard – Account Manager

Application Dashboard > Application Profile Tile > Account Manager Icon

This icon will display the name of the account manager. If you want to change the account manager then you can change it by clicking on the icon itself. This will open a popup window where you can enter the first two letters of the account manager and it will display all the account managers starting with those letters. Select the appropriate account manager and select the update button.

Task Management – Task Entry Screen

The Task Entry screen is a feature that enables you to add new tasks or edit the existing tasks for any object within the system. It serves as a convenient interface where you can input relevant information and details about the task you wish to create. Along with basic task attributes such as Task Type, Description, and Schedule date and time, the task entry screen provides additional functionalities.

One of the key features of the Task Entry screen is the ability to set task recurrence. You can specify if a task should repeat on a regular basis, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. This recurring option helps in managing repetitive tasks more efficiently, reducing the need for manual task creation each time.

Note – The Recurrences button will only appear on the screen when you have selected the required new tasks details and saved the screen. When you select the Task Recurrence button, it will open a pop window on your screen. To know more about the pop window, please select Set Recurrences.

Furthermore, the screen allows you to attach documents to the newly created tasks. This feature facilitates the association of relevant files with the task. You can upload documents from your local devices or select existing files from the system’s storage. By attaching documents, you can provide additional context, references, or resources that are essential for completing the task.

Below is the table that will explain the fields and their usage.

Task TypeTask Type is User Code in TEAMS and you can Select the required Task Type from dropdown.
Applies ToThis will show you different objects such as internal, agent, Student, Enrolment etc. Depending upon your requirements you can select the object from the dropdown.
PrioritySelect the priority of the task from dropdown. This will indicate whether the task’s priority is Normal, Low or High.
Search When you select any object from the Applies To field then the search field will appear accordingly.
Logged ByThis field will show you the User Name who is logging the task and will be read only field.
AddressIf the User’s address is updated for their user in TEAMS on the User Entry Screen then it will populates here.
TelephoneIf the User’s telephone is updated for their user in TEAMS on the User Entry Screen then it will populates here.
MobileIf the User’s mobile is updated for their user in TEAMS on the User Entry Screen then it will populate here.
EmailIf the User’s email is updated for their user in TEAMS on the User Entry Screen then it will populates here.
Assign ToThis dropdown will show you the list of all the user’s in TEAMS and you can select and assign the task.
Schedule DateEach task will have a schedule date assigned to it, indicating when it should start.
Schedule TimeEach task will have a schedule time assigned to it, indicating when it should start.
Brief DescriptionIf you wish to add any description for the then you can update in this field.
NotesIf you wish to add any notes for this taskfor the then you can update it by selecting the Notes Icon
Attach DocumentsAttach files button will allow you to attach documents to the task.

Task Management – Active Tasks – Task Details screen

By selecting the Active Tasks hyperlink number, users are directed to the Task Details screen, which provides a comprehensive overview of all active tasks in the calendar, as well as unassigned tasks. The screen is divided into two tabs: My Tasks and Unassigned/overdue Tasks, offering efficient task management.

Under the My Tasks tab, users can easily handle their tasks using various filters such as Task Type and logged or assigned names from the dropdown menu. This allows for quick searching of active tasks. Additionally, users can preview task details, make necessary edits, or delete tasks as needed. This functionality empowers users to review and modify their task list seamlessly, promoting an organized approach to task management.

The Unassigned/overdue tasks tab presents a grid displaying all unassigned and overdue tasks. The grid provides relevant information such as task description, logged date, action type, priority, and task status (pending or completed). This tab helps users stay informed about pending tasks and ensures timely completion.

To add a new task to the system, users can simply select the +Action Button located on the right-hand side of the screen, which will redirect them to the Actions Entry screen. This streamlined process allows for the easy creation of new tasks into the system, facilitating efficient task management and ensuring all necessary actions are accounted for.

Task Entry > Set Recurrence Button

When you select the Task Recurrence button, a pop-up window will appear on your screen, providing several options for configuring the task recurrence:

Schedule Type:

Within the pop-up window, you will find three radio buttons—Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. By selecting one of these options, the system will schedule the task according to your choice.

If you choose Daily Radio Button, you can specify the task recurrence on the daily basis. The system will show you the below fields as shown in the table.

Fields Explanation
Range of RecurrenceThis field allows you to define the date range for the recurring task. You can set a start date to determine when the recurrence should begin and end.
End AfterIf you select this radio button, you can specify the number of occurrences after which the task will automatically end. For instance, if you set it to 10, the system will repeat the task 9 times because the system will include the task that you have created the recurrences for.
End ByAlternatively, if you choose this radio button, you can select a specific end date for the task recurrence using the calendar icon. The task will continue repeating until the specified end date is reached.
Every daysThis is a mandatory field. If you are choosing, the End After radio button for the specified occurrences then you must select the number of days for this field so that the system will look and create the task accordingly. For example – If you have entered the number 2 then the system will create a recurrence every second day.

Same as if you select the End By radio button and update the end date the system will look and create the task accordingly.

If you choose Weekly Radio Button, you can specify on which day of the week and for how long the task should recur. The system will show you the below fields as shown in the table.

Fields Explanation
Range of RecurrenceThis field allows you to define the date range for the recurring task. You can set a start date to determine when the recurrence should begin and end.
End AfterIf you select this radio button, you can specify the number of occurrences after which the task will automatically end. For instance, if you set it to 10, the system will repeat the task 9 times because the system will include the task that you have created the recurrences for.
End ByAlternatively, if you choose this radio button, you can select a specific end date for the task recurrence using the calendar icon. The task will continue repeating until the specified end date is reached.
Every WeeksThis is a mandatory field. If you are selecting, the End After radio button for the specified occurrences then you must select the number for every week, so that the system will look and create the task accordingly. For example – If you have entered the number 2 then the system will create a recurrence every 2 weeks.

Same as if you select the End By radio button and update the end date the system will look and create the task accordingly.

Please Note – You will also see tick boxes for the days of week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday). When you select the days the system will create the recurrence every 2 weeks on the same days.

If you choose Monthly Radio Button, you can specify on which day of the month and for how long the task should recur. The system will show you the below fields as shown in the table.

Fields Explanation
Range of RecurrenceThis field allows you to define the date range for the recurring task. You can set a start date to determine when the recurrence should begin and end.
End AfterIf you select this radio button, you can specify the number of occurrences after which the task will automatically end. For instance, if you set it to 10, the system will repeat the task 9 times because the system will include the task that you have created the recurrences for.
End ByAlternatively, if you choose this radio button, you can select a specific end date for the task recurrence using the calendar icon. The task will continue repeating until the specified end date is reached.
Day of MonthThis is a mandatory field. If you are selecting, End After radio button for the specified occurrences then you must select the day of the month, so that the system will look and create the task accordingly. For example – If you have entered number as 2 then the system will create the recurrence on every second day of the month.

Same as if you select the End By radio button and update the end date the system will look and create the task accordingly.
Every MonthThis is a mandatory field. If you are selecting, the day of the month then you must mention the number for every month field. For example – If you have entered the number as for the day of the month and selected the number as 2 in every month field then the system will create the recurrence on the second month.

Same as if you select the End By radio button and update the end date the system will look and create the task accordingly.

After, selecting the above desired radio buttons, select the save button.