Applicant Dashboard – Account Manager

Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Account Manager Icon

This icon will display the name of the account manager. If you want to change the account manager then you can change it by clicking on the icon itself. This will open a popup window where you can enter the first two letters of the account manager and it will display all the account managers starting with those letters. Select the appropriate account manager and select the update button.

Note: You cannot edit or change the Account Manager once the applicant is converted to a student. However, you can make changes from the Student Dashboard.

Holidays – Applicant

Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Holiday Icon

While creating an application, you can apply for holidays at the Applicant level from the Applicant Dashboard > Holiday icon. To do this, you need to follow the below steps:

  • Select the Holiday icon from the Applicant Profile Tile
  • Select the Holiday button on the Applicant Holiday Screen
  • In the popup box, update the holidays with the Start and End dates and Holidays Types

Below is the explanation of the tick boxes in the popup window:

  • Apply holidays to this application- If you select this tick then the added holidays will get linked to the application.
  • Extend Application dates – If you select this tick box, the application end date will get extended as per the selected date range for the holidays. If the application start date is 08/05/2022 and the end date is 06/08/2023 and you have applied the holiday dates for 3 weeks, then the application end date will extend to 27/08/2023 as 3 weeks will get added to the application.
  • Extend application subject dates? – When you select this tick box, the Application’s subject dates will get extended automatically.

When all the above steps are done then you will see the applied holidays on the holiday screen, also if you want to edit or delete the holidays then you can select the edit icon or delete icon.

IMPORTANT – Once the application is converted to a student then you won’t be able to add/edit any details at the applicant level. However, you can make the changes from the Edit student screen.

NOTE – Once the holidays are applied to the Applicant, then the holiday’s icon will change to red color

Also, the Holiday type is a dropdown and if you want any holiday type to be set up on your TEAMS site then you to go to the User codes screen.

Allocate Subjects/UoS

Main Dashboard > Academics > Allocate Subjects/UoS

This screen provides the functionality to assign a subject to multiple enrolments simultaneously while specifying the start and end dates for the subject. Additionally, it allows you to select one or multiple subjects that are already linked to the enrolment, which can be deleted or removed as the new subject that you are allocating will replace them.

To do this, you need to follow three different steps on three different screens.

Step 1

The first step of this screen involves selecting various filters to narrow down the search for subjects that need to be allocated to enrolments. These filters include subject code, subject dates, campus, program, intake, and timetable. Depending on the radio button selected for Subjects and Units of Competency (UoC), the appropriate filter options will be displayed.

After selecting the appropriate filters, you must select the Apply button to view the grid displaying the student enrolments that have the subject linked to them. This grid will show all the relevant enrolment details, such as the student’s name, enrolment number, and enrolment dates. To allocate the subject to a specific enrolment, users must select the tick box against the desired enrolment and click on the “Next” button. This step is essential to ensure that the correct subject is allocated to the appropriate enrolment and to avoid any errors or confusion. By selecting the appropriate enrolment, users can proceed to the next step and complete the subject allocation process.

Step 2

During the second step of the process, you will be presented with the option to update the start and end dates for the Subject/Unit of Study that you have selected for enrolment. This will be presented to you in the form of two radio buttons, Yes and No.

When you choose to update the dates for selected subjects, the system will prompt you to enter the new Start Date and End Date in the provided fields. After entering the dates, you will need to select the Apply button. Once you do this, the screen will refresh and display two tabs: Subject/UoS dates cannot be updated and Subject/UoS dates can be updated. These tabs will show you a grid of enrolment for the subjects that you can and cannot update the dates for.

If you select No, it will indicate that you do not wish to make any changes to the subject dates. Once you have made your selection, you can proceed further by selecting the Next button.

IMPORTANT – There are enrolments you have selected that cannot have the Subject/Uos {Code – Name} deleted as it has a final result. The system will continue to complete the previous steps of allocating the Subject/UoS to the enrolments and where applicable updating start and end dates. However, you will need to go to the Training Plan and Results screen for the enrolment and delete this Subject/UoS manually.

Step 3

The final step in this process involves deciding whether you want to delete a Subject/UoS from the selected enrolments. You will be presented with Yes and No radio buttons to choose from. If you select Yes, a drop-down list of subjects will appear on the screen. You can then choose the subject you wish to delete and select the Finish button. This will complete the deletion process and remove the selected subject from the enrolments.

Student Search Bar

Main Dashboard > Search bar

history of changes

IMPORTANT – We believe that staying informed about the latest developments in our software is vital for optimising your experience and maximising the benefits of using our system. To view the latest updates and modifications on the Search Bar, we kindly request you to navigate to the History icon history of changes showing above. By selecting this icon, you will gain access to a detailed log of all the recent changes made to the software.

In the system, there are two distinct methods available for searching for students. The first option is to utilise the Student Search Bar, where you can input either the student’s name or student number. This approach enables you to directly access the Student Dashboard screen with the relevant information.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Main Dashboard, then proceed to Student Management, and finally select Student Search. This pathway also leads to the Student Dashboard screen, allowing you to search for students by their name or number. These two approaches provide convenient ways to locate and access student records within the system.

While searching for the student from the search bar, you need to understand the below steps:

  • If the student is a new enquiry, the system will indicate this by displaying the student’s name accompanied by an enquiry icon in the search bar.
  • Once an enquiry has been converted into a New Application in the system, the search bar will display the student’s name along with both the enquiry icon and the application icon. This combination of icons serves as a visual indication to you that the student was previously an enquiry and has now transitioned into a new application status.
  • When an application is successfully converted into a student record in the system, the search bar will display the student’s name along with the enquiry icon, application icon, and student icon.

IMPORTANT: It is important to note that once an applicant has been converted into a student, any subsequent changes to the student’s information must be made at the student level rather than the applicant level. The applicant level will only provide a view of historical information related to the student’s application process. To update or modify the student’s details, it is necessary to navigate to the student level within the system.

Active Intervention

Main Dashboard > Alerts – CRICOS Tile > Active Interventions

history of changes


The active intervention alert will show you the count of students who have an Active Intervention linked to their enrolment. It will not matter what the start date of the intervention was, it will just count it because there is no intervention outcome against it that would consider it completed.

Rules: if you have an active intervention, no matter the commencement date of the intervention, it will show in the tile count and list screen. The only way to stop an intervention from being considered active is to set an intervention outcome against it.

When you are in the list screen for this count you can change the dates there to see all the interventions that have a commencement date within a specific date range.

The screen is divided into two sections

  1. Filter/Parameters
  2. Active Intervention Listing


To open this screen, you would have selected the count hyperlink for Active Intervention. Based on what you have selected, the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. It will show the start date and end date of the Active Intervention. You can change the dates and select the Apply button for the system to refresh the list for you.

Select the Burger icon to learn more about how it works

Notes: If the intervention has an outcome and the outcome date from which you are searching in the filters is outside of that date range, then that intervention will not be there. And if the outcome is after the date range, it is considered active.

Listing Grid

The system will show you a summary of information for each enrolment that has Active Interventions. The information that displays in the columns for this grid is generally standard information. However, please keep an eye out for any What’s New posts for this screen as this is where we would let you know of any new columns or changes to existing ones that we do.

From the Action column, you will be able to do different actions for each agent listed. Please see the TEAMS Icons post for more information on each action and what you can do.

IMPORTANT: If you open an enrolment there would be an intervention either active or completed. If there is an intervention status that means the intervention is still open and that is the date system looks for while you search in the filters.

CoE Expired Listing

Dashboard > Alerts – CRICOS > CoE Expired

This screen will show you the count of those enrolments that have CoE dates linked to them where the CoE end date is in the past. The system counts this by looking at today’s date and finding any CoE end date less than today’s date to do the count and list the enrolments.

The screen is divided into two sections

  1. Filters/Parameters
  2. CoE Expired Listing Screen


To open this screen, you would have selected the count hyperlink for the CoE Expired alert. Based on what you have selected, the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. It will show the start date and end date of the CoE and you will also see Total CoEs expiring/expired and Warning overall CoEs Expired.

Listing Grid

The system will show you a summary of information for each enrolment whose CoE is expired. The information that displays in the columns for this grid is generally standard information. However, please keep an eye out for any What’s New posts for this screen as this is where we would let you know of any new columns or changes to existing ones that we do.

From the Action column, you will be able to do different actions for each agent listed. Please see the TEAMS Icons post for more information on each action and what you can do.

Select the Burger icon to learn more about how it works

CoE Expiring (next 30 days) Listing

Main Dashboard > Alerts – CRICOS > CoE Expiring (next 30 days)

This screen will show you a list of enrolments that have a CoE linked to them where the CoE end date is expiring in the next 30 days. To do this the system looks at today’s date and what calendar month it is and then goes and looks for any CoE linked to an enrolment where the CoE end date is within today’s date + 30 days and then counts them in the tile. When you then select that number as the link to open this screen it gives you the list of all the enrolments that match this count.

The screen is divided into two sections

  1. Filter/Parameters
  2. CoE Expiring listing Grid


The system will display the start date and end date of the CoE expiry period it used to show the count.

Select the Calendar icon to learn more about how it works 

Listing Grid

The system will show you a summary of information for each enrolment whose CoE expires in next 30 days. The information that displays in the columns for this grid is generally standard information. However, please keep an eye out for any What’s New posts for this screen as this is where we would let you know of any new columns or changes to existing ones that we do.

From the Action column, you will be able to do different actions for each agent listed. Please see the TEAMS Icons post for more information on each action and what you can do.

Short Program Listing Screen

Main Dashboard > Short Program Tile > Short Program Listing screen


In this listing screen, we are showing the list of all the students who are enrolled in short programs. This list will show you the records according to the date range selected in the Short Program Tile on the dashboard.

For example, if you select This Month from the calendar dropdown in the Short Program Tile it will show you a list of all the students who have an enrolment; where the enrolment start and/or end dates falls within This Month.

If you want to get an actual total number of students in your college for This Month, you would set this calendar option in the Short Program tile as well as in the Continuing, Starters and Finishers tiles. If you then look at the totals for all four tiles and add them together, that will then be the total of all your students expected to be in your college This Month.

Important: This count is only relevant if you are using Short Programs in the system, if you don’t use them then your total student count in the college is only Continuing, Starters and Finishers counts total.

This screen is divided into two sections.

1) Filters/Parameters
2) Listing Grid


To open this screen, you would have selected the link for a specific program code or at the bottom of the Short Program Tile you would have selected the link for the total number count. Based on what you selected the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. For example, it will show you the start and end dates that were used in the tile as well as the program/s that were displayed or selected in the tile.

For an explanation on each filter and how the system will use it, please click here for more information.

Listing Grid

The system will show you a summary of information for each continuing student enrolment that they are currently studying. The information that displays in the columns for this grid is generally standard information. However, please keep an eye out for any What’s New posts for this screen as this is where we would let you know of any new columns or changes to existing ones that we do.


From the Action column, you will be able to do different actions for each agent listed. Please see the TEAMS Icons post for more information on each action and what you can do.

Select the Burger icon to learn more about how it works

There are a few columns in this grid that do need some explanation, those columns are as follows:

Previous/Future program Column

This allows you to see, for each student in the grid, if they have a future enrolment to commence after the current one or if prior to their current enrolment had they completed a previous one with you. If it is a previous enrolment you will see that program code to the left of the / and if it is a future enrolment you will see the program code to the right of the /. Where the student has no previous or future enrolments, only the current enrolment, then you would only see the / in the column for that student.

Successful Results and Total Subject/UoS column

This gives you a count of the total Subjects or UoS linked to the enrolment and how many have a successful result. The total count linked to the enrolment is on the right hand side of the / in the column and the total successful result count is on the left of it.

Short Program Tile

Dashboard > Short Program Tile


This tile allows you to view the list of students enrolled in a program setup as a short program, within the calendar selected date range on the tile. The enrolments counted for this tile is based on enrolments either to start, started or finished but not cancelled and where their enrolment start and/or end date is falling within the calendar date range selected.

Select the Calendar icon to learn more about how it works.

How to use it?

Each program has it’s own count of students. Each count is a hyperlink that will take you to the Short Program listing screen for that specific program.

At the bottom of the tile there is a total count for all programs which is also a link that opens the Short Programs list screen.

This listing screen also allows you to download the list of enrolments in the grid in a CSV format. To do this select the CSV icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.