On this screen, there is a grid below which displays all the classrooms that have been created. You can search for specific classrooms by entering the classroom code or name in the search bar and selecting the campus from the dropdown menu. Once you have entered your search criteria, click on the apply button and the grid will display the classrooms that match your search.
If you want to add a new classroom, you can simply select the +Classroom button and which will take you to the Classroom Entry Screen. This makes it easy to manage and organise your classrooms in one place.
Main Dashboard > System Admin menu > Classrooms > +Classroom Button
To create a new classroom, you need to select the +Classroom button. This will take you to the Classroom Entry Screen, where you will be required to select the appropriate classroom code and name, along with other relevant details that need to be filled in. It is essential to ensure that you enter the correct classroom code and name to avoid any confusion later on.
Below is the table that will explain the fields on the classroom entry screen:
Classroom Code
This is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank
Classroom Name
This is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank
Classroom links to all campuses
If you have multiple campuses then you can select this tick box to link classes to all the campuses
The Report Dashboard is a centralised location where you can access all the reports you have generated. Whenever you generate a report, such as an Excel or Word report, from any relevant screen within the system, the system will redirect you to the report dashboard screen, where you can view and access all the generated reports.
A novel addition to the system is the introduction of a process icon, which effectively indicates the ongoing processing of the report. This dynamic icon persists until the report generation is complete. Subsequently, you are presented with a download icon for the generated report.
The report dashboard typically displays a list of all the reports generated by you along with relevant details such as the report name, report template name, and date and time of creation. You can also filter and search for specific reports, as well as sort the list by selecting the user’s name.
The AVETMISS Export History screen allows you to view a record of all exports made, including details such as the date of the export, **the format State and National used** and the specific data included. Additionally, you can download the exported files as ZIP files for easy access and storage. In addition to viewing and downloading previous exports, **the screen also allows you to edit their exports as needed.**
To do this, you can select the edit icon under the actions column next to the relevant export. From here, you can add submission information to the export, such as indicating whether or not the data has been successfully submitted, the date of submission, and the user name of the person who submitted it. These details can be important for keeping track of reporting requirements and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
When selecting the export option for National, you will be presented with different filters compared to the State option, as NCVER does not accept State-funded data submissions. You will need to choose the Calendar Year you want to export and submit the student data to NCVER. Additionally, you must select the campuses for which you want to export data. For instance, if you have an ELICOS campus, you should not choose to submit data to NCVER. Once you have chosen your filters, you can select the Export button to proceed with the export process.
Once you select the Export button, the system will refresh the screen and display the AVETMISS Export History hyperlink. However, since AVETMISS exports may take some time, the duration is dependent on the amount of data to be checked and exported. Therefore, you can choose to either access the AVETMISS Export History screen by selecting the provided link or wait for the system to email the zipped up export files to you.
Calendar Year
Select the calendar year from the dropdown to generate the export.
Select enrolments to export
Search and select enrolments, if you wish to generate the export for specific enrolments.
Enrolment Type
Select the enrolment type from the dropdown.
You can select multiple campuses here.
Select Programs here.
Email Address
By default, the email address will be displayed here.
When selecting the option to export at the state level, you will notice that the available filters are different from those for the national option. This is because a state-level export is typically done when your RTO is funded in that particular state, and therefore there are specific fields related to state contracts that need to be included in the export. If you are exporting data at the state level, be sure to use the filters that are relevant to your specific state and its requirements.
IMPORTANT – Even if you are making monthly submissions to a state and receiving payments on a regular basis, your data must be submitted based on the entire calendar year, rather than just a single month’s worth of data. Therefore, it is recommended that the dates you enter for your export cover the full calendar year, such as 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022. Once you have selected the appropriate filters for your state-level export, simply select the Export button to complete the process.
Select the state from the drop down for Avetmiss Export
Start & End Dates
Select the dates if you are generating the export according to monthly or yearly basis.
Export Special Contract Only
Select enrolments to export
If you wish to generate the Avetmiss Export for specific enrolments then you can simply search and select the enrolment number in the magic search field.
Enrolment Types
This is a user code and based on the User Code created in TEAMS, you can select the enrolment type from the drop down.
Select the appropriate campus from this dropdown and if you are exporting for multiple campuses then you can select them by selecting the tick boxes.
You can select programs here.
Purchasing Contracts
You can select purchasing contracts here.
Email Address
This field will show you the email address by default.
On this screen, you will be able to view the history of your USI requests, including the status and relevant information displayed in a grid format. If you have multiple campuses, you can select the desired one from the dropdown menu.
Additionally, you can select the intake and specify a custom date range using the calendar icon. Once you have applied all the necessary filters, you will need to select the Apply button in order to display the filtered results. This feature allows for efficient tracking and monitoring of USI requests and their associated status updates.
Main Dashboard > Compliance Menu > Training Location
The Training Location Welcome Screen is a feature that displays a list of active training locations that are already in your database. You can easily search for a specific training location by either entering its Location Code or Name in the search field. Additionally, if you need to view any inactive training locations, you can select the Include Inactive Training Locations tick box.
This feature is helpful for you to quickly access information about training locations without having to manually navigate through the database. With the Training Location Welcome Screen, you can easily find the information you need. You can also add a new training location by selecting the +Add button.
Main Dashboard > Finance > Instalment Plans > + Instalment Plan Entry
An instalment plan is a financial arrangement that enables students to pay their fees in smaller, more manageable amounts over a specified period of time, instead of paying the entire amount upfront. it can help make education more accessible and affordable for students who may not have the financial means to pay the full amount at once.
The Instalment Plan entry screen enables you to create new instalment plans for programs or if you wish to edit the existing instalment plan, you can select Edit Instalment Plan.
Below is the explanation of the fields:
Instalment Plan Code
This is a mandatory field and it cannot be left blank.
Instalment Plan Name
This is a mandatory field and it cannot be left blank.
Number of Invoices
Add the number of invoices (instalments) for a program.
Split Tuition Equally in instalments
If you wish to split the tuition amount in instalments then you can select this tick box
Instalment Plan Selected By Default
If you wish the instalment to be selected by default, you can select this tick box
Invoice Due Date Calculated automatically
If you have selected this tick box then the invoice due date will be calculated automatically for the program
Select the Campus/s from the dropdown for which you want to create the instalment plan.
Select the Programs from the dropdown that you want to link to the instalment plan.
By selecting this tick, you will able to see this instalment while creating applications.
Don’t allow two invoices in the same month
By selecting this tick box, the system will not show two invoices in the same month.
The Attendance and Results screen will show you two sections as follows –
Section 1:
This section displays information about the selected class, including the class name, date range, and timetable. In this section, you can mark attendance or absence for the students on a daily or weekly basis by selecting the appropriate radio button. Additionally, you have the option to modify the dates as per your requirements.
In the Summary section of the class information, two icons have been included for the options of Change Class and New Timetable. This will make it easier for users to access these features and make any necessary changes to their class schedule.
Change Class Icon – The Change Class icon allows users to select a different class to mark attendance for. Selecting this icon will redirect the user to the previous screen, where they can select a new class and continue marking attendance.
New Timetable Icon – The New Timetable icon provides you with the option to select a different timetable and date range for attendance. Selecting this icon will redirect the user to the previous screen, where they can select a new timetable and date range
Section 2:
Allows you to mark attendance or absence for the students under the Attendance or Absence tab. You can also record the student’s results under the Results tab.
Can’t see a SAVE button on the screen?
Unlike other screens in the system, this screen will auto-save when you enter or edit data in it.
Attendance Tab
In the Attendance tab, you can record whether a student is present or absent, depending on how the timetable was set up. To do this, select the checkbox next to each student that you want to mark attendance or absence. Check the box for Attendance if the student is present or Absence if the student is absent.
When you select the checkbox for a student in the Attendance tab, the system will display a number in two boxes next to the checkbox. These boxes are for hours and minutes, and the number displayed will be the total hours and minutes of the class for which you can mark attendance.
If a student attended or was absent for only part of the class, you can modify the numbers in the hours and minutes boxes accordingly. However, the modified values cannot be greater than the original number displayed in the boxes. The system only allows you to mark attendance or absence for the actual amount of time the student was present or absent in the class.
Can’t select the tick box for a student to mark attendance?
If you are unable to select the tick box for a student, it may be because the student has a student holiday entered in the system, and it has been linked to their specific enrolment. In this case, you cannot mark the student as attended or absent for the duration of the holiday period.
Results Tab
In the Results tab, the top section of the screen displays a summary of the subjects or units of study linked to the class. In this section, you can see what subjects or units of study are associated with the class. For each student enrolled in the class, the system displays the subjects or units of study they are linked to, as well as any results that have been recorded for those subjects or units of study.
To mark a result for a particular subject or unit of study for a student, select the Result dropdown for that subject or unit of study. This dropdown will be located next to the student’s name in the Results tab.
Note: There are a few results (Recognition of prior learning, Did not start, etc.) that are in red. You should only see them when you are reviewing historical enrolment results. They are inactive results that you may have linked to a subject and you need to see them so that you can change them where needed. If you do see them in the list, do not use them as they will not be accepted in your National Student data submissions, and you will get errors.
Result date is mandatory and you don’t record dates?
As part of your AVETMISS compliance requirements, your student results require result dates.
To protect your data for AVETMISS data submissions the system will make the result date mandatory where:
1. Any Subject set with Type of Subject is Unit of Competency (UoC) – Nationally Accredited in the Subject entry screen OR
2. Any Unit of Study that has a VET subject linked to it and meets the requirements in point 1 above.