Current Students Report Data Columns

The below table will explain about the explanation of the columns that will get printed in the report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student Name Student first name, middle name, last name
First NameStudent’s First Name
Family NameStudent’s Last Name
DOBStudent’s date of birth
MobileStudent’s mobile number
PhoneStudent’s phone number
Work PhoneStudent’s work phone number
Campus NameName of the campus linked to the enrolment
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code and the system will print the enrolment type from the Enrolment Dashboard > Edit enrolment details screen
Visa TypeIt will show the Visa type selected at the Student and Enrolment level
CRICOS CodeThis is the CRICOS code of the Program updated on the Program Entry Screen
ProgramProgram Name updated on the Program entry screen
Start DateEnrolment’s Start Date
End DateEnrolment’s End Date
Duration in WeeksThe system will show you the total number of the Enrolment’s week i.e. sum of study and academic holiday weeks
AgentName of the agent linked to the enrolment
Employer NameEmployer name linked to the enrolment
Employer Email AddressEmployer’s email address
Employer PhoneEmployer’s phone number
NationalityNationality of the student
CountryCountry of the student
Account ManagerDisplays Account Manager’s name linked to enrolment
TimetableTimetable name linked to the enrolment
Marketing SourceThe system will print the marketing source selected while processing the application
Last Class Attended onThis is the date of the last class attended by student
AVETMISS StudentThis will show Yes if the student is selected as AVETMISS
Client IDThis will show the client Identifier entered at Student Dashboard > Edit AVETMISS information screen
Training Contract IdentifierThis will show the training contract Identifier entered at Enrolment Dashboard > AVETMISS Settings screen
Ecoe Start DateStart date of the CoE
Ecoe End DateEnd date of the CoE
SexGender of the student (Male, Female and other)
Recommencement Enrolment
StatusStatus of the enrolment as Started, Not Started etc.
AAC Details
Program CodeProgram code updated on the Program entry screen
NotesProgram Notes
Payment Type
Enrolment OutcomeThe outcome of enrolment selected on the Enrolment Dashboard > enrolment details screen
Total InvoiceTotal Invoiced amount of the enrolment
Total ReceiptTotal receipted amount of the enrolment
Purchasing ContractThis is the Purchasing Contract number updated on the Enrolment’s AVETMISS settings screen
Funding Source – StateFunding source – state selected on the enrolment edit avetmiss screen
Level of StudentLevel of student updated on the edit student details screen
OverseasThis is a tick box selected on the enrolment AVETMISS settings screen
VSNThis is the VSN number selected at the student entry screen
VSN EligibleThis relates to the VSN tick box and once you have selected the system will ask you for the VSN number on the student entry screen
Enrolment StartedThe system will show you the status of the enrolment as Yes or No
AVETMISS StateAVETMISS state selected on the enrolment’s AVETMISS settings screen
Program Delivery Schedule
Total Tuition FeeThis is the total invoiced amount of the tuition fee
Special NeedsThis is a tick box selected on the student entry screen
Special Needs NotesThis relates to the special needs tick box and once you have selected the tick box, the system will ask you for the special needs notes.
Has DisabilityThis will show Yes if the disability tick box is ticked on the Enrolments AVETMISS screen
DisabilityThis relates to the Disability tick box and once you have selected the tickbox, the system will ask you for the disability.
Language SpokenStudent’s language spoken at home
Field of Study
Skype NameSkype ID of the student
CoE NoThis is the number updated on the CoE details screen from the enrolment dashboard
TrainerTrainer’s Name
Completed QualIt will show the commencement status from the Training Plan and Results screen > Qualification Information tile.
Student Payment No
USIStudent’s USI number
USI VerifiedIt will show Yes if the USI is verified and No if not verified
Total No. of UnitsTotal number of subjects linked with enrolments
Last Date of Result
No. of Units Successfully CompletedTotal number of subjects completed
School Name
Email Address 1Student’s primary email address
Email Address 2Student’s secondary email address
Email Address 3Student’s additional email address
Program NotesProgram Notes
Future ProgramsStudent’s upcoming enrolments
Study End DateEnrolment’s end date
Enrolment NotesEnrolment Notes
Enrolment DateProcessed date of the enrolment
Application NoEnrolment’s application number

Applications Processed Report Data Columns

Below is the table that will show the columns and their explanations.

Student NoStudent number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent name entered on the edit student details screen
CampusCampus name in which the student/applicant is enrolled
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by TEAMS
Enrolment TypeIt will show you the enrolment type selected on the Edit Enrolment details screen
CRICOS CodeCRICOS code updated for the programs
ProgramProgram name
Start DateStart date of the Enrolment/Application.
Processed DateProcessed date of the Enrolment
StartedThis column will display as Yes if the enrolment is started and No if the enrolment is not started
FinishedThis column will display as Yes if the enrolment is finished and No if the enrolment is not started
End DateEnd date of the Enrolment/Application
Duration WeeksThe total duration of the programs linked to the enrolment in weeks
Study WeeksThe total study weeks of the Enrolment
Account ManagerThe Account Manager linked to the Student/Applicant
AgentThe Agent linked to the enrolment
NationalityThe Nationality of the student/applicant
Visa TypeVisa type of the Student/Applicant selected on the Visa Details screen
Enrolment DateEnrolment processed date
Amount OwingThe Amount Owing by the Student/Applicant.
Tuition FeeTotal Tuition Fee of the Student/Applicant
CountryThe Country of the student/applicant selected in the Edit Student
UserUser name by which the Student/Applicant has been created.
Agent AddressAddress details of the agent linked to the student/applicant.
Marketing SourceThe Marketing Source (Social Media, Word of Mouth etc)
Level of StudentThe Level of student/applicant selected in the Edit Student
Enrolment OutcomeIt will show you the enrolment outcome selected on the Edit Enrolment details screen
RegionRegion of the Student/Applicant
Skype NameSkype name of the student/applicant
EmailEmail address of the student/applicant
MobileMobile number of the student/applicant
PhonePhone number of the student/applicant
International PhoneInternational number of the student/applicant
EmployerThe Employer name linked to the Student/Applicant.
Enrolment StatusThe Enrolment Status (started, not yet started) will display under this column.

Applications Processed Report Filters

Below are the filters and their explanation for the Applications Processed Report.

General Tab FiltersExplanations
Report start dateSelect the report start date from the calendar
Report end dateSelect the report end date from the calendar
CampusSelect specific campus from the dropdown.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search and select the program
Enrolments to includeThis dropdown will show you (current, to start and finished). You can select them as you required
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort byPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance Tab Filters
Enrolment TypeYou can select the Enrolment Type from the drop-down

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Application Status Report Data Columns

The below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the report.

Application Creation DateCreation date of the application
Application NoApplication number generated by the system
Applicant NameApplicant name updated on the Edit applicant details screen
Date of BirthDate of birth of the Applicant
CampusCampus name under which the applicant is enrolled
ProgramProgram name under which the applicant is enrolled
NationalityNationality of the Applicant
AgentAgent name linked to the applicant
Employer NameEmployer name linked to the applicant
Start DateStart date of the program
DurationDuration (in weeks) of the program
Total FeeThe total fee of the program
UserUser name
Application TypeApplication type (CoE or Non CoE) selected in the system
Application StatusThe current Application status (Current or Converted) will display under this column
Student NoThe student number generated by the system
Marketing SourceThe marketing source of the applicant (Newspaper, agent etc)
Account ManagerThe account manager’s name selected at the Applicant level
Total Tuition FeesThe total tuition fees of the program
Total Other FeesThe total amount of other fees will display under this column
Program NameName of the program
Level of StudentThe Level of the applicant selected in the Edit Student screen
RegionRegion of the Student/Applicant
Phone NoPhone number of the applicant
Mobile NoMobile number of the applicant
Email AddressEmail Address of the applicant
International Phone NoInternational phone number of the applicant
Last ContactThe last contact log that has been made in the system
Agent Email IDEmail address of the agent
SkypeSkype ID of the applicant
Onshore/Offshore StatusOnshore or Offshore status of the applicant
Agent CommissionTotal agent commission

Application Status Report Filters

The Application Status Report Filters screen will show you two different tabs General and Advance. Below tables will show you filters and their explanations.

General FiltersExplanation
Dates based onThe system analyzes Applications by Application Creation Date, Application Start Date, or Converted Date.
Choosing a specific date or date range in the “Report start date” and “Report end date” fields shows the number of applications accordingly.
Report start dateSpecify dates based on the selected option in the “Dates based on” field.
For example, if “Application Creation Date” is chosen and a date range is entered, the system will retrieve applications created within that range.
Report end dateSelect the report end date from the calendar icon
CampusYou can select a specific campus from the dropdown.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search and select multiple programs
Application StatusSelect the Application Status (All, Current and Converted) from the dropdown.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Overseas/Local Student StatusThis dropdown has two different tick boxes overseas or local students. You can select them as you required
Application TypeThe dropdown will show you application type based on what you have added in the system from User Code screen
AgentSelect the specific agent
EmployerSelect multiple Employers from this dropdown field.
Account ManagerSelect multiple Account Managers from this dropdown field.
Marketing SourceSelect multiple Marketing source options from this dropdown field.
Nationality select Nationality from the dropdown field.

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Applications Processed Report

Main Dashboard > Marketing Menu > Applications Processed Report

The Applications Processed Report will show you the current status of all the applications in the selected date range whether the application is converted or not.

To know more about the Filter and columns and their explanations, please select the below links.

Applications Processed Report Filters

Applications Processed Report Data Columns

Agent Performance Report Data Columns

The below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the report.

Agent NameThis column will show you the agent names
Account Managerit will show you Account managers linked to the agent
Student NoStudent numbers linked to the agent
Student NameStudent names linked to the agent
NationalityNationality of the student
Student StatusThis column will display the status of the student whether the enrolment is started, pending, finished or not yet started
CampusCampus name under which the student is enrolled
Enrolment DateThis column will display the processed date of the enrolment
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by the system
Application NoThe application number generated by the system 
CRICOS CodeCRICOS code entered updated on the program entry screen
ProgramProgram name under which the applicant/student is enrolled
WeeksThe total number of study weeks of the program
Start DateEnrolment Start Date
End DateEnrolment End Date
Tuition ReceiptedThe total receipted tuition fee will display under this column
Gross TuitionGross tuition amount of the student/applicant under this column
Agent CommissionThe total Agent commission amount will display under this column
Total Commission PaidThe total commission that has been already paid to the agent
Total Commission BalanceThe total balance of the Agent commission
Commission DueThe total due amount of the Agent commission
Discount notesDiscount notes for the agent
CountryThe country of the agent updated on the Agent screen
Agent RegionThe region of the agent
Agent IDThe agent ID generated by the system
Phone NoAgent’s phone number
Mobile NoAgent’s mobile number
Fax NoAgent’s fax number
Email AddressAgent’s email address
Web AddressAgent’s web address
Local AddressAgent’s local address
Mailing AddressAgent’s mailing address

Starters Report Filters

The Starters Report filters have two tabs General and Advance and the below table will show you Filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
Report Start & End DatesThe system will always look at enrolment start dates only to find enrolments between the date range.
CampusIf you have multiple campus then you can generate this report by selecting multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search and select multiple Programs.
Enrolments to IncludeThis field has three radio buttons and you can select any of them one at a time. For example:
Show only Started – If you select this, it will only show you started students.
Show only to Start – It will show you students that are about to start.
Both – by selecting both the report will print Started and to start students.
Show only Overseas studentsBy selecting this tick box, the report will print overseas students only.
Include Cancelled EnrolmentsThe system will only consider enrolments with start dates within the specified report period that have been canceled using the cancel enrolment function. It will not include enrolment outcomes marked as canceled for this purpose.
Include ApplicationsThe system will always display enrolments in the report. If you choose this option, it will also include applications with a current status and an application start date within the specified report period.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetable and ClassesThis is magic search field and you can search and select multiple timetables.
Print class names for enrolments in report?To see the class names associated with enrolments in the report, select the tick box. Please note that generating the report may take longer because an enrolment can be linked to multiple classes, and the system will list all class names for each enrolment.
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and one can create the user code in TEAMS as you required. You can select multiple enrolment type from the dropdown.
Enrolment OutcomeIf you have setup the enrolment outcome on the User Code screen then it will appear under this dropdown.
Visa TypesSelect the Visa type from the dropdown.
AgentSearch and select multiple Agents in this field.
EmployerSearch and select multiple Employer in this field.
Account ManagerSelect multiple Account Manager from the dropdown.
CountrySelect multiple Campus from the dropdown.
NationalitySelect multiple Nationality from the dropdown.
Marketing SourceSelect multiple Marketing Source from the dropdown.
Level Of StudentSelect multiple Level Of Student from the dropdown.

Click on the “Print” icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.