The below table will explain about the explanation of the columns that will get printed in the report.
Columns | Explanation |
Student No | Student Number generated by TEAMS |
Student Name | Student first name, middle name, last name |
First Name | Student’s First Name |
Family Name | Student’s Last Name |
DOB | Student’s date of birth |
Mobile | Student’s mobile number |
Phone | Student’s phone number |
Work Phone | Student’s work phone number |
Campus Name | Name of the campus linked to the enrolment |
Enrolment No | Enrolment Number generated by TEAMS |
Enrolment Type | This is a user code and the system will print the enrolment type from the Enrolment Dashboard > Edit enrolment details screen |
Visa Type | It will show the Visa type selected at the Student and Enrolment level |
CRICOS Code | This is the CRICOS code of the Program updated on the Program Entry Screen |
Program | Program Name updated on the Program entry screen |
Start Date | Enrolment’s Start Date |
End Date | Enrolment’s End Date |
Duration in Weeks | The system will show you the total number of the Enrolment’s week i.e. sum of study and academic holiday weeks |
Agent | Name of the agent linked to the enrolment |
Employer Name | Employer name linked to the enrolment |
Employer Email Address | Employer’s email address |
Employer Phone | Employer’s phone number |
Nationality | Nationality of the student |
Country | Country of the student |
Account Manager | Displays Account Manager’s name linked to enrolment |
Timetable | Timetable name linked to the enrolment |
Marketing Source | The system will print the marketing source selected while processing the application |
Last Class Attended on | This is the date of the last class attended by student |
AVETMISS Student | This will show Yes if the student is selected as AVETMISS |
Client ID | This will show the client Identifier entered at Student Dashboard > Edit AVETMISS information screen |
Training Contract Identifier | This will show the training contract Identifier entered at Enrolment Dashboard > AVETMISS Settings screen |
Ecoe Start Date | Start date of the CoE |
Ecoe End Date | End date of the CoE |
Sex | Gender of the student (Male, Female and other) |
Recommencement Enrolment | |
Status | Status of the enrolment as Started, Not Started etc. |
AAC Details | |
Program Code | Program code updated on the Program entry screen |
Notes | Program Notes |
Payment Type | |
Enrolment Outcome | The outcome of enrolment selected on the Enrolment Dashboard > enrolment details screen |
User | |
Total Invoice | Total Invoiced amount of the enrolment |
Total Receipt | Total receipted amount of the enrolment |
Purchasing Contract | This is the Purchasing Contract number updated on the Enrolment’s AVETMISS settings screen |
Funding Source – State | Funding source – state selected on the enrolment edit avetmiss screen |
Level of Student | Level of student updated on the edit student details screen |
Overseas | This is a tick box selected on the enrolment AVETMISS settings screen |
VSN | This is the VSN number selected at the student entry screen |
VSN Eligible | This relates to the VSN tick box and once you have selected the system will ask you for the VSN number on the student entry screen |
Enrolment Started | The system will show you the status of the enrolment as Yes or No |
AVETMISS State | AVETMISS state selected on the enrolment’s AVETMISS settings screen |
Program Delivery Schedule | |
Total Tuition Fee | This is the total invoiced amount of the tuition fee |
Special Needs | This is a tick box selected on the student entry screen |
Special Needs Notes | This relates to the special needs tick box and once you have selected the tick box, the system will ask you for the special needs notes. |
Has Disability | This will show Yes if the disability tick box is ticked on the Enrolments AVETMISS screen |
Disability | This relates to the Disability tick box and once you have selected the tickbox, the system will ask you for the disability. |
Language Spoken | Student’s language spoken at home |
Field of Study | |
Skype Name | Skype ID of the student |
CoE No | This is the number updated on the CoE details screen from the enrolment dashboard |
Trainer | Trainer’s Name |
Completed Qual | It will show the commencement status from the Training Plan and Results screen > Qualification Information tile. |
Student Payment No | |
USI | Student’s USI number |
USI Verified | It will show Yes if the USI is verified and No if not verified |
Total No. of Units | Total number of subjects linked with enrolments |
Last Date of Result | |
No. of Units Successfully Completed | Total number of subjects completed |
School Name | |
Email Address 1 | Student’s primary email address |
Email Address 2 | Student’s secondary email address |
Email Address 3 | Student’s additional email address |
Program Notes | Program Notes |
Future Programs | Student’s upcoming enrolments |
Study End Date | Enrolment’s end date |
Enrolment Notes | Enrolment Notes |
Enrolment Date | Processed date of the enrolment |
Application No | Enrolment’s application number |