Aged Debtors Report Filters

The General Filters tab on the Aged Debtors Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report.

Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customise the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse.

General FiltersExplanation
Dates based on
You will see two radio buttons under this section:

Invoice Due Date – When you select this, the system will print the report based on the Invoice Due Date.

Invoice Date – When you select this radio button, the system will print the report based on the Invoice Date.
As on Dateselect the As on date from the calendar which is today’s date.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Enrolments to includeYou can include enrolments such as Finished and Started tick boxes, Select Enrolment to include, Finished and Starter
Show accounts in creditSelect this check box to show accounts in the credit
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetables and ClassesThis is a magic search field and you can search for Timetable and Classes by typing the name and Code.
Account ManagerThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created, you can select multiple account managers from the dropdown
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created, you can select multiple enrolment types from the dropdown

Select the Print Icon  to generate the report, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Aged Debtors Report

Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Aged Debtors Report

The Aged Debtors report is a financial report that provides you with an overview of the outstanding fees owed by students.

The report will assist the finance department in monitoring and managing outstanding fees owed by students. It allows you to identify which students have overdue payments, how long the payments have been outstanding, and the total amount owed by each student.

The report typically categorises the outstanding receivables into different time periods, commonly 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and over 90 days. Each category represents the age of the debt from the invoice due date, indicating how long it has been outstanding. The report shows the total amount owed in each category.

Aged Debtors Report Filters

Aged Debtors Report Data Columns

TPS History Screen

Dashboard > Compliance > TPS History

This screen is designed to display a comprehensive list of all TPS reports generated within a selected calendar year. It also allows for the updating of payment information, and uploading of invoices, and payment receipts. Upon loading the screen, all TPS reports generated during the selected date range will be visible.

Once a report has been submitted to the government, an invoice can be generated and uploaded via this screen along with payment details. Additionally, once the invoice has been paid, the receipt can also be uploaded by clicking on the edit icon under the actions column.

For ease of access, the generated report, uploaded invoice, and payment receipt can be downloaded by clicking on the file name under their respective columns (File, Invoice, and Payment Receipt).

Student Progress Matrix Report Data Columns

The table provided contains a list of columns and their respective explanations that will be included in the report that will be generated.

Student NumberThis is the system-generated student number.
Student NameThis is the complete student’s name (First name, Middle name and Last name)
Enrolment NumberThis is the system-generated enrolment number.
Enrolment Start DateThis is the start date of the enrolment.
Enrolment End DateThis is the end date of the enrolment.
Enrolment OutcomeThis column will show you the enrolment outcome such as in progress, Cancelled etc which is updated on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
EmployerIt will display the legal employer’s name.
List of SubjectsIt will display all the subjects’ names linked with the program and the system will display the outcome codes in the cells. 

NOTE – If the enrolment is cancelled then the system will display a can in each cell and if the subject is deleted from the enrolment then it will show the NA in the cell.
The cell will be blank if no result is updated on the Training Plan and Result screen for that subject.

Student Progress Matrix Report

Main Dashboard > Compliance > Student Progress Matrix


The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the student’s progress based on their program. Unlike the Student’s Results in the Listing report, which runs down the rows of an excel per enrolment, this report presents a different view known as the Student Progress Matrix. In this report, the subjects for enrolment run horizontally across the columns.

The report aims to give a comprehensive overview of the student’s progress in their program, showcasing their achievements and identifying areas where they may need improvement.

Student Progress Matrix Report Filters

Student Progress Matrix Report Data Columns

TPS Report Data Columns

The generated report will contain a table with several columns and their corresponding explanations. This table provides a summary of the data or information presented in the report in a structured and organised manner. Each column is labeled with a title that describes the type of information contained within it.

TPS Calendar YearThe year selected to generate the report
CRICOS Provider CodeThe system will show this code from the Campus Entry Screen
Institution NameThis comes from the campus entry screen
InstitutionTradingNameThis again comes from the campus entry screen. If the CRICOS provider code, Institution name/Trading name is blank on the campus entry screen.
Kindly add them. If you are unsure of what to enter there, kindly check
Campus CodePopulates the code setup for the campus on the Academics > Campus entry screen
Campus NamePopulates the name of the campus
Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Complete NameStudent (First name )(Middle name)( Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by TEAMS
CRICOS Program CodeThis is the CRICOS code for the program and will be populated from the Academics > Program entry screen
Program Descriptive CodeThe descriptive code of the program is saved on the program entry screen
Program Descriptive NameThe descriptive name of the program is saved on the program entry screen.
Enrolment TypeIt will show the application type saved for the enrolment on the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Enrolment OutcomeIt will show the enrolment outcome saved for the enrolment at the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Enrolment StatusIt will show the current status of the enrolment. For example – Started, Not Started, Finished, and Cancelled.
Enrolment DatesStart date and End date of the enrolment
Enrolment Duration WeeksThis will be the total weeks of the enrolment which includes total study weeks, total academic holiday weeks, and the student personal holiday weeks.
For example, If enrolment has study weeks = 40, academic holiday weeks = 12, and student personal holiday weeks = 2. Then the total enrolment duration will be 40+12+2=54 weeks
Enrolment Duration DaysThe system will show the total of study days, academic holidays, and student personal holidays.
Total Tuition to payThis is the total invoiced amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Overall Total PaidThis is the total receipted amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Daily Payment AmountThe total tuition to be paid is divided by the total enrolment duration in days.
Total No. of Days PaidTotal receipted divided by the daily payment amount
Total Paid for TPS Calendar YearTotal receipts within the TPS calendar year for the enrolment
ESOS LengthDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year
ESOS DaysDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year in days
ESOS AmountDaily Payment Amount * ESOS days

TPS Report Filters

The General Filters tab on the TPS Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report. Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customise the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanation
Calendar Year for ReportIt means that the data included in the report covers the entire period from January 1st to December 31st of a particular year.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a multi select Program field that allows you to select multiple programs from a list of options. If you do not select any programs in this field, the system will automatically select all the programs that are linked with the campuses that the user has selected.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

TPS Report

Main Dashboard > Compliance > TPS Report


This report pertains to the total amount of tuition fees paid or outstanding for a specific calendar year and is a mandatory requirement for all CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) colleges. Such colleges must submit this report to the government every year. The purpose of this report is to provide the government with accurate and up-to-date information on the total tuition fees received or expected to be received from overseas students studying at these institutions.

To know more about the Filter and columns and their explanations, please select the below links.

TPS Report Filters

TPS Report Data Columns

Student Contact Log Report

Main Dashboard > Student Management > Student Contact Log

In TEAMS, there is a feature called the Communications log screen that can be accessed from various dashboards, including the Applicant DashboardApplication DashboardStudent DashboardEnrolment Dashboard or Agent Dashboard. This screen provides users with the ability to Send Emails and Send SMS, as well as Create a Contact Log for various communication events. This feature is particularly useful for keeping track of all communication that occurs between the user and the student, applicant, or agent, which can help ensure that important information is not lost or forgotten.

A student contact details report contains information about the contact details of a group of students and enrolments. By running this report, you can gain access to past, current, and future contact information for the students, which can be useful for various purposes. Additionally, having access to this report can help you plan for the future and make informed decisions regarding the student’s education.

To know more about the Filter and columns and their explanations, please select the below links.

Student Contact Log Report Filters

Student Contact Log Report Data Columns

Student Contact Log Report Data Columns

The table provided offers an explanation of the different columns that are included in the report.

Contact DateThis is the contact date that you have added while creating the Student or Enrolment Contcat logs.
Student NoThe column will show you student numbers..
Enrolment NoThe column will display the enrolment numbers.
Student NameIt will display the student’s Name (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name).
Contact Log TypeThis is a user code and based on the User Code created in TEAMS, this column will show you the contact log type.
Contact Log DetailsThis will show you the contact details that you have updated in the notes icon on the contact log screen.
User NameName of the user who has updated the contact logs in the system
Program CodeProgram code
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code and based on the User Code created in TEAMS, this column will show you the enrolment type.
Enrolment Start DateStart Date of the enrolment
Enrolment End DateEnd Date of the enrolment
StartedStatus of the enrolment (Started, Not Yet Started, Finished)
Viewable in SRCYes/No