UPDATE – Thursday, 5 May 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on

Thursday, 5th of May, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you may know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better  efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department. 

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.

To ensure that you are kept well informed with all that is new within TEAMS, we are going to be releasing a detailed What’s New update via email every two weeks. 

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision makers or team members. Each of the changes outlined also have hyperlinks that you can click to take you to our help website for further detailed explanation.

Major Process Changes

Edit Application/s Dates
Bulk edit dates for Application/s that you are processing. This is especially useful and a big time saver if you have package / multiple applications linked to the one Student / Applicant.

Pending Payments for Agents
Easily Create Draft Agent Payments (with an Approval process) and better control this important business function. Especially designed for CRICOS colleges

New Check on Training Plan and Results Screen
Super easy to track common and superseded units from enrolment dashboard.


TPS Report
Easily track tuition fee paid/pending for the calendar year. Required reporting to Tuition Protection Service as required by the Australian Government. Can be used by International and VSL as well as Higher Ed Providers.

ASQA Class Roll
A new class roll report with ASQA approved design.

Agent Pending Invoices
List outstanding/ pending commission invoices for Agents. Works with the new Pending Payments Process for Agents outlined in the above section.

New Merge Field for Results
Easily insert Student results into your emails and other documents.

General / Small Improvements

Student Search – Delta Number
Enhanced Student Search. Now you can search for a Student with their Delta number.

VET Tick Box for Programs
VET Programs tick box now in a conveniently located and prominent place on the Program entry screen.

Work Placement for Subjects
New tick box added to Subjects.

Actual End Date
Edit Enrolment screen now allows you to easily record the Actual End Date.

Send offer letter to Agents directly
Now you can send Offer Letter directly to Agents without having to send it to the Student.

VSL Student – Disabilities
Minor improvements on how the Disabilities related fields will appear for a VSL student.

Intake Entry Screen
A new tick box has been added on the Intake entry screen.

Stop Accepting New Applications – Programs and Campus
A new tick box to easily stop new Applications added to the Program and Campus screens.

Please review the changes and related help site links above. If something doesn’t make sense of you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team. 

We will endeavour to maintain the fortnightly update and keep you in the loop with emails such as this.

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 19th May). We are currently working on finalising XERO integration, Bulk Creation of Invoices, Application Processing improvements and more…

Remember, we are always open for feedback and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

We also have some big changes coming in the next few releases for Timetables and Academic departments.

Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. 

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or support@rtosoftware.com.au
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 5th May 2022. 

Have a great day!

UPDATE – Thursday, 19 May 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on
Thursday, 19th of May, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you may know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better  efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department. 

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.
To ensure that you are kept well informed with all that is new within TEAMS,we are going to be releasing a detailed What’s New update via email every two weeks. 

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision makers or team members. Each of the changes outlined also have hyperlinks that you can click to take you to our help website for further detailed explanation. 

With all that in mind, please review some of the key points outlining the list of changes below – 

Major Process Changes

  • Recalculation of Invoices in application process
    Recalculate a student’s invoices for Application/s that you are processing. Each student has a different case when it comes to charging fee and instalment plan. To keep that in mind, now you will be able to edit the invoice dates, invoice due dates, fee amount and even can change the no. of invoices.
  • Subject Invoicing
    Create invoices on subject level. It’s for all those RTOs who wish to raise invoices at subject level instead of a program for the students.
  • Bulk Invoice Generation
    Easy for you to now raise invoices for multiple students at once be it a late payment fee or any other admin fee. It’s going to save a lot of your time.


  • Offer Letter
    Generate the offer letter at the student level. In TEAMS, you could generate the offer letter only at the applicant level, however, now you will be able to generate it after converting an application.

General /Small Improvements

  • Sorting of subjects
    You will see all the subjects on the Training Plan and Results screen sequence number wise.

Please review the changes and related help site links above. If something doesn’t make sense of you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team. 

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 2nd June). We are currently working on finalising XERO integration and more… 

Remember, we are always open for feedback and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. 

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or support@rtosoftware.com.au
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 19th May 2022. 

Have a great day!

Student Dashboard – Bulk Generate Academic Docs

In TEAMS, academic docs consist of students’ certificates, transcripts, record of results, statement of attainment, completion letter and any summary document for a student’s units. You were only be able to generate the academic docs from Enrolment Dashboard only. However, now you will be able to generate the academic docs in bulk from the Student Dashboard as well.

The option is available on the student dashboard > Burger Menu > Academic Docs

This new option is available under both the tiles – Current and Upcoming Enrolments and Historical Enrolments

To use this option, select your enrolments for which you wish to generate the Academic Doc in bulk.

Important to Consider before using this option: This option can only be used if you are going to generate the academic doc for the same program. Let’s take an example, a student who started studying SIT30816 in Jan intake and in between the studies, he wanted to have a break for let’s say 2-3 months due to some personal reason. In that case, some RTO keep the same enrolment and apply student’s personal holidays with that enrolment. However, that’s not the case with every RTO. Some RTO terminate that enrolment and create a new enrolment into the same course for remaining units which student hasn’t completed in the previous enrolment. They create it when student arrives after his holidays. Hence why, in such cases, there will be more than 1 enrolment for that student into the same course.

After student finishes both the enrolments and asks for a certificate or transcript etc, it becomes difficult for an RTO to issue such documents. They manually have to edit it to have all units in one transcript because some results are marked in one enrolment and some in another enrolment.

To make it easy for such RTOs, we have introduced this feature, where they can generate the academic docs in bulk for these cases.

After you have selected your enrolments, go to the Burger Menu > Academic Docs.

The system will direct you towards another screen as below:

More Details about the screen: This screen will show you some basic details for the enrolments that you have selected to generate academic doc. It will also show you the results for the enrolments for each unit.

To demonstrate, a student has two enrolments in the same course SIT30816 and there are total of 25 units for SIT30816 each enrolment. The 1st enrolment, in which the student completed some of the units, has a final outcome and 2nd enrolment has final outcome for remaining units. This screen will show you 50 units in total – 25 each enrolment. It will show you what the result and result date are for each unit. However, it will print only 25 units in the academic doc that you are going to print. It will not populate the units from the 2nd enrolment if it already has a final outcome in the 1st enrolment. Logically, a transcript will have just 25 unique units for SIT30816 that student has completed with your RTO.

Select your parameters/filters that you usually use to generate the academic docs. Update Parchment Issue date and Parchment number as well. Select your template.

After you have updated your parameters/filters, hit the Print icon.

The system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen from where, you can download the generated report.

This is how you can generate the academic docs in bulk from the Student Dashboard.

UPDATE – Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Please note, we have successfully completed  TEAMS client update

Wednesday, 21st July 2021

With the continued effort to make TEAMS more efficient and smart for you, we always try to make changes and add new things to TEAMS. In this update, we have introduced re-instate functionality on the enrolment dashboard for you to un-cancel a cancelled enrolment.

Also, we have added a delete icon to delete agent payments from the agent financial screen. Moreover, you can now select more than one campus while creating a timetable or adding a term break.
 We strongly recommend that you introduce a TEAMS update process where someone at your RTO regularly reads the Newsletters that we send.

Any critical changes for compliance or the system that may require you to do something in TEAMS or notify other users of TEAMS about

  • What has been changed in the system
  • What new features are being added to the system, that you and other staff may wish to use

By following this update process your business will always be up to date with what TEAMS can offer and take those new features to the relevant decision makers for review and consideration.

We will also warn you of new items (screens and processes) or changes that we have made for compliance reasons and when necessary we will mark them as urgent, where you are required to change or add something to your processes in TEAMS to meet the compliance requirements.

Major Process Changes

General Screen Changes

If you have any further questions or encounter an issue, please contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or support@rtosoftware.com.au 

Have a great day!

Change – AGD – send emails with attachments

Agent Dashboard > Communications Tile > Communication log > Burger menu > Send an Email

From the Communication Log that you access from the Agent Dashboard (AGD) > Communication Tile, you now can send an email with attachments.

This works in the same way that you use the attachments when sending emails from the Student or Enrolment Dashboards.

How to send an email with attachment/s

Step 1: Open the Agent Dashboard and click on the count displayed in the Communications Tile, in the screen shot below this means click on the 0.

Step 2: when the Communication Log screen opens, from the Burger menu select the option for Send an Email, as shown below.

Step 3: when the Email Log screen opens either select an Email template to use or write you message in the Message section. You then have two options to attach documents to the email that include:

  • Attach documents linked to the Agent – this will show you a list of all the documents that have been uploaded to the Documents tab for the Agent. This will show both documents uploaded by a user or generated by the system.
  • Attach documents from your computer/network – this will allow you to navigate to your computer and network to find and select relevant documents to attach to your email.

Based on the button you select for the one of the options above, you will see a popup window with a list of documents.

The above is the list of all the documents present in the document log screen, as shown below) for the same agent.

Step 4: Once all the required documents are selected, click on Add to Email Attachment button. It will show the attached documents on the email log screen as shown below.

Step 5: After attaching the documents, click on the send button and the system will send the email with the attached documents to the agent.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via support@rtosoftware.com.au

Student Dashboard – History

Generate Offer Letter > Student Dashboard

Initially, the system was generating the offer letter from the application level but now the users can generate the offer letter from the Student Dashboard too.

Note: A user can select more than one enrolment to generate the offer letter.

To generate an offer letter, you need to go to the student dashboard > select the enrolment’s tick box and then select the Burger menu and Print offer letter as shown below:

When the Print offer letter is selected, the floating window will open and you can select your customised offer letter template from the drop down and select the generate button as shown below.

How to set up Subject Invoicing?

There are three ways to set up invoicing method in TEAMS:

Program Based – By default this is set as it is the standard version in the system.

Subject Based – if you prefer to only raise invoices based on subjects then select this option instead.

IMPORTANT: if you select this option, you will have further set up to do and the system will NO LONGER raise program based invoices as it currently does.

Both – If you want the option to do either, then select this, you will also have further setup to do.

  • Program Based – If this setting is turned on, the system will generate the invoices from the Program level for all the campuses.
  • Subject Based -If this setting is turned on, the system will generate the invoices from the Program Subjects level if the Fees are set up for the Subjects, otherwise the system will fetch the fees from the Subjects level.
  • Both: If this system setting is turned on then you need to select the radio button (Program Based or Subject Based) as desired on the settings tab, whether you want the system to generate invoices for Programs or Subjects for the specific Campus from the campus entry screen as shown below:

What’s New – New Application – Invoice Preview > Recalculating Invoices

We have introduced a new feature called Recalculate on the New Application – Invoice Preview screen. If the existing instalment plans do not apply to any special case. Then Yes now you can make those changes for such special cases in the application process itself.

You can edit the dates, add the number of instalments as you need and also can edit the amount of all the instalments. But make sure the total amount you selected/entered at the fee selection step is equal to the total of all the invoices amount at the invoice preview screen.

Note: if you have selected any instalment Plan while selecting the Fees on the Application Fee Selection screen and you wish to change the No. of invoices and Recalculate them on the Application – Invoice Preview screen then the Instalment settings initially chosen will be ignored. As part of the Recalculation, new invoices will be recreated and dates and amounts will be distributed proportionally.

Steps to follow while Recalculating Invoices:

Step 1 – After selecting all the applicable fees at the fee selection step, then on the Invoice Preview screen, the system will show you the label No. of Invoices with a box in which you can enter the number of invoices/instalments you want to create.

Step 2 – On selecting the Recalculate Button the system will create the number of invoices you entered in the box. If you had already selected any instalment plan at fee selection step but in this step, you wish to change that plan by entering the different number of invoices and clicking on the recalculate button. The system will show a prompt message on top of the screen where you can choose OK to continue with the changes you made or select Cancel if you want the existing instalment Plan.

Step 3 – The system will recreate the new invoices as per the numeric value entered. You can edit the Invoice dates and Invoice due dates of all the invoices accordingly. Also, you can edit the amount of all the invoices.

Note: The system will only split the tuition fee equally in all the invoices and all other fees will be linked to the first invoice/instalment only

IMPORTANT: When creating/editing application/s, then either use instalment plans or re-calculate your invoice/s based on above explanation, so that the system can work efficiently for you.

Change – Displaying subjects in sequence order

Enrolment Dashboard > Result and Progress > Training plan & Results icon

On Training Plan and Results screen, we have made a visual change. Now a user will be able to see the subjects in the grid as per the sequence numbers allocated to all the subjects.

All the subjects will be displayed in the ascending sequence numbers.


> The system is showing the sequence numbers from the course definition. A user can edit the same at the training plan and result screen.