Enquiry – New Application option in Burger menu

Enquiry > Burger Menu > New Application

We have introduced a new option on the enquiry screen i.e New Application. Initially, you have to go to the enquiry listing screen from the marketing dashboard to create an application for the enquiry but now you can simply search for the enquiry from the main search bar. Once the enquiry screen will get open, you can select the new application option from the burger menu at the top right corner of the screen. TADA! and this will open the new application step 1 screen.

Transitioning of old to new subjects

It’s important that you understand the data that the system is showing you. The data is actually divided into two parts. The 1st 4 columns are showing the units’ information from the old program code in which the student is currently enrolled into. It will show you units, their descriptions, what the result is for each unit and result dates.

The 2nd part (the last 4 columns) will show you units from the new program code in which you are going to move the student’s enrolment.

The column Action Taken which is placed in between these two parts will give you the data in three ways:

  • Same – when there is no change in the unit i.e unit in the old program code and in the new program code remains the same.
  • Superseded – when the unit is superseded i.e the unit linked with old program is also superseded. However, the description is the same for the unit. Learn how to make a unit superseded in TEAMS, so that the system can map the units.
  • Newly Added – when the unit isn’t linked with old program code and is now linked with new program code.

From this screen, you can update the result for all the units that are linked with the new program code.


1) If a unit has a successful, unsuccessful or progressive result in the old program code, then the system will automatically update the same result and result date in the new program code for those units. This can include all the units that are same in both the program codes or are superseded. However, you are still given the facility to update the result if there is any need.

2) If the units are newly added, then you can update the result and result date manually.

After you are done selecting the result and result dates, you need to hit the Save button, so that the system can transit a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.

After you hit the Save button, the system will change the icon color to green and will give you a tooltip upon moving your mouse cursor over the icon. It will also show you the transition date in the profile section.

This is how you can move a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.

On the training plan and results screen, the system will show all the current units from the new program code in the current tab and inactive units from the old program code will appear in the inactive tab.

UPDATE – Thursday, 14 July 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on

Thursday, 14th of July, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department. 

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision makers or team members. Each of the changes outlined also has hyperlinks that you can click to take you to our help website for further detailed explanation.

With all that in mind, please review some of the key points outlining the list of changes below –

Major Process Changes

Report Related Changes

General / Small Improvements

Please review the changes and if something doesn’t make sense or you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team.

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 28th July).

Remember, we are always open for feedback, and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life. Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or support@rtosoftware.com.au
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 14th July 2022. 

Have a great day!

Commission Due Report > A New Column

Dashboard > Finance > Commission Due

We have added a new below column in the commission due report. The column is:

Commission Due to be paid

This column will show the commission which is truly due based on how much Tuition Fee a student has paid for that invoice.

Example: If a student’s invoice for tuition fee is $2,000 and the total commission is $600. And the student just paid $1,000 out of $2,000. In such a case, the newly added column will show you the commission due to be paid on $1,000. This way, it will be easy for everyone to see the commission according to how much tuition fee a student paid instead of doing the calculations manually.

Change – By default Pay Commission tick box is ticked

Dashboard > Marketing > Agent > Agent Entry

Dashboard > Finance > Fee > Fee Entry

Sometimes when creating the new Agent or Tuition Fee in the system, the user forgets to select the Pay commission tick-box on the Agent Entry screen and Fee Entry screen and this results in the disproportion of commissions during the reconciliation of many financial transactions.

In TEAMS, we are showing the Pay Commission tick-box on the two major entry screens i.e. Agent Entry Screen and Fee Entry Screen.

Agent Entry screen

Fee Entry Screen

In the past, the pay commission tick box was not ticked by default but now it will be selected by default on the Agent Entry screen and Fee Entry screen for tuition fees.

Once you have saved the agent or the tuition fee screen with the pay commission tick box ticked. You will not be allowed to edit the tick box again after saving. It will be shown as a read-only tick box.

And If you do not want to select the Pay Commission tick box then untick the tick box before saving and the screen will show you a pop message with your RTO URL saying (Are you sure, you don’t want to tick on the Pay Commission as all the Agent have Pay Commission ticked on) or (Are you sure, you don’t want to tick on the Pay Commission as all the Fee which are Tuition Fee must have Pay Commission ticked on.. You can select Ok to continue or Cancel to select the tick box)

NOTE – If you have saved the agent or tuition fee with the tick box ticked mistakenly or you want to untick it and the system is not allowing you to edit it. Kindly contact our support team.

Transition Process of an Enrolment


The transition of enrolment means moving a student’s enrolment from one program to another. There might be a case where a program code has been superseded with a new code. In that case, we give a facility to our users to move that enrolment from the old program code to the new program code easily.

Example: A student who is enrolled in BSB51918 – Diploma of Leadership and Management program with a start date and end date as 03 Aug 2020 to 01 Aug 2021. Now the code BSB51918 got superseded by BSB50420 on the date 18 Oct 2020. Now it’s an RTO’s responsibility to update the new program code for all the students who are currently studying BSB51918 or are enrolled with a future start date. This is where you will be using the Transition feature.

The Transition Process has a number of different steps in it. To view this post you can choose to either use the next arrow below and you will be able to walk through each step OR you can select specific links below to go directly to the relevant step.

Transitioning of old to new subjects

Enrolment Dashboard > Transition Student

Change – Enrolment Profile Tile > Tooltip on Employer Icon

Initially, the system was showing Employer Tracking as the tooltip of the employer icon on the enrolment profile tile.

But now the system will show the name of the employer and the start/end dates of the employer in the tooltip which is linked to the enrolment recently. And If there is no employer linked to the enrolment, then in the tooltip it will say ” Employer – None linked”.

NOTE – The system will always show the details of the employer in the tooltip which is linked most recently with the enrolment.

Quicker way to update dates in TEAMS

Earlier, we were selecting the dates either from the calendar or we had to enter the dates in the same exact format of the calendar i.e. dd mmm yyyy for updating or entering the dates in the TEAMS. But now we have made it an easier and quicker way to update dates in the system and you can simply type the dates in the dd/mm/yyyy format and the calendar will be accepting this format and automatically converts it into dd mmm yyyy format. Yes, this saves us time :).

Entering the date in dd/mm/yyyy format

The system converted the dd/mm/yyyy format to dd mmm yyyy automatically.

Change – Added new column on the Timetable Welcome Screen

Dashboard > Academics > Timetable

We have added a new column Total Allocations on the Timetable Welcome Screen which shows you the total number of enrolments linked to that particular timetable.

Once you have allocated a class to any enrolment that enrolment will be added to the count under the total allocations column for the timetable of the enrolled class as shown below:

Once you will select the count under the total allocations column, the timetable allocation listing screen will open. This screen will show you the list of all allocated enrolments to this timetable.

If you want to send Emails and SMS or create Contact Log then you can select a tick box for all the students from the tick box column and select the burger icon as shown below:

You can also download the CSV file for all the allocated students from the CSV icon as shown below:

UPDATE – Thursday, 30 June 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on

Thursday, 30th of June, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department. 

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.

To ensure that you are kept well informed with all that is new within TEAMS, we are going to be releasing a detailed What’s New update via email every two weeks. 

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision-makers or team members. Each of the changes outlined also have hyperlinks that you can click to take you to our help website for the further detailed explanation. 

With all that in mind, please review some of the key points outlining the list of changes below –

Major Process Changes

Reports Related Changes

General /Small Improvements

Please review the changes and if something doesn’t make sense or you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team. 

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 14th July). We are currently working on the SMS gateway app and more…..

Remember, we are always open for feedback, and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. 

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or support@rtosoftware.com.au
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 30th June 2022. 

Have a great day!