ASQA Class Roll report Data Columns

All the columns and table printed in the report are self explanatory. However, below table can provide you more information about the logics:

Table 1 (This will print a class’s data)

Column NameExplanation
TimetableTo print the timetable code and name
DateClass Date (It will be printed twice in the top table of the report)
StatusThis is always to printed as “Enrolled” because you always generate the class roll report for all the students who are enrolled and currently studying.
Class NameName of the class
HoursHours for the class
EnrolmentsTotal enrolments count which are allocated into the class
Start TimeStart time of the class
End TimeEnd time of the class
TrainerTrainer name who is linked with the class. If there are more than 1 trainer linked with a class, this will print all trainers’ names with comma separated. Example: Ramneet Kaur, Isha Sharma
Practical and TheoryBased on your selection for the class type for a class, the system will print “True” and/or “False” in the ASQA Class roll report.
If you have set your class as Practical only, then in the ASQA Class roll report, the system will print “True” against the Practical column and “False” against the Theory column. 
VenueClassroom name which is linked with the class

Table 2 (This will print all students that are allocated in the class)

Learner’s NameStudent’s Name
Student NumberStudent Number
Course Enrolment Start DateStart date of the student’s enrolment
Course Enrolment End DateEnd date of the student’s enrolment
Max Att%This is going to print the Overall attendance %.
Avg Att%This is going to print the Current attendance %.
Start TimeIs to be manually entered by the trainer
End TimeIs to be manually entered by the trainer
Hrs AttIs to be manually entered by the trainer
SignatureIs to be manually entered by the trainer
CommentsIs to be manually entered by the trainer


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