Student Contact Details Report Data Columns

Below is the table that will explain to you the columns that will get printed in the report.

Data ColumnsExplanations
Student NumberStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent Name
Enrolment TypeThis column will show you the enrolment type selected on the Edit Enrolment screen.
CampusCampus name in which the student is enrolled.
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
CRICOS CodeProgram CRICOS Code
ProgramProgram Name
Enrolment OutcomeThis column will show you the enrolment type selected on the Edit Enrolment screen.
AVETMISSThis column will display Yes or No.
Start DateEnrolment Start Date
End DateEnrolment End Date
TimetableTimetable linked to the Enrolment.
WeeksTotal Study of the Program
NationalityStudent’s Nationality.
Mailing AddressStudent’s mailing address
Local AddressStudent’s local address
PhoneStudent’s Phone number
MobileStudent’s mobile number
FaxStudent’s fax number
Work NoStudent’s work number
EmailStudent’s email number
Next of KinStudent’s next of kin name
Next Of Kin MobileStudent’s next of kin mobile number
Total FeesTotal tuition fees of the program
Total PaidTotal tuition fees paid by the student to the college
Email 2Second Email address of the student
Email 3Third Email address of the student
TitleThis column will display Mr, Mrs.
First NameFirst name of the student.
SurnameSurname of the student.
English NameEnglish name of the student.
Building AddressBuilding Address of the student.
Unit NumberUnit Number
Street NumberStreet Number
Street NameStreet Name
CityCity Name
Visa TypeVisa Type of the student.
COE NumberCOE Number
Passport NumberPassport Number
Date of BirthVisa Type of the Student.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on