AVETMISS Students – With No USIs

Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS Students Tile > WIth No USIs

The AVETMISS Student Tile will show you the count of students with no USI updated in the system by the With No USIs hyperlink. To update the USIs, you need to follow the below steps:

  • Select This Calendar year from the Calendar icon.
  • Select the hyperlink next to the WIth No USIs.
  • You will be taken to the Students – With No USIs listing screen.
  • Select the student number hyperlink under the Student No column.
  • You will be taken to the Edit Student – USI screen.
  • Update the student’s USI number and select the Save button.

Note: When you have updated the student’s USI number then on the Compliance Dashboard, you need to refresh the screen to see the updated count of the WIth No USIs.

AVETMISS Student – Incomplete AVETMISS Address

Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS Student’s Tile > Incomplete AVETMISS Address

The AVETMISS Student Tile will show you the hyperlink count of students that have an AVETMISS address missing in the system. To update the addresses, you need to follow the below steps.

  • Select the This Calender Year from the Calender Icon.
  • Select the hyperlink next to the Incomplete AVETMISS Address.
  • You will be taken to the Students – Incomplete AVETMISS Address listing screen.
  • Select the student number hyperlink under the Student Number column.
  • You will be taken to the Edit Student – AVETMISS Address screen.
  • Update the Student’s AVETMISS address and select the Save button.

Note: When you have updated the Student’s AVETMISS Address then on the Compliance Dashboard, you need to refresh the screen to see the updated count of students with incomplete AVETMISS addresses.

AVETMISS Student – Survey Status Missing

Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS – Students Tile > Survey Status Missing

The AVETMISS – Students tile will show you the Survey Status Missing for the students in the system. To update the survey status of the students, you need to follow the below steps:

  • Select This Calendar Year from the Calendar icon
  • Select the total count hyperlink next to the Survey Status Missing
  • You will be taken to the Students – Survey Status Missing Listing Screen
  • Select the tick box against the students for which you wish to update the status or
  • Select the Student Number to update the Status from the Edit Student – AVETMISS Screen
  • Select the Survey Contact Status from the dropdown and then update.

Note: When you have updated the Survey Contact Status in Bulk then on the Compliance Dashboard, you need to refresh the screen to see the count of the Survey Status Missing.

AVETMISS Flag Missing

Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS Student Tile > AVETMISS Flag Missing

The AVETMISS Student Tile will show you AVETMISS Flag Missing with the total count of the students as a link that is AVETMISS but not Flagged as AVETMISS in the System. To Flag them as AVETMISS, you need to follow the below steps:

  • Select This Calendar Year from the Calendar icon
  • Select the hyperlink next to the AVETMISS Flag Missing
  • You will be taken to the Student-Missing AVETMISS Flag Listing Screen
  • Select the tick box against the students that you wish to flag as AVETMISS
  • Then Select the AVETMISS tick box and then Update

Note: When you have updated the AVETMISS Student data then on the Compliance Dashboard, you need to refresh the screen to see the count of the AVETMISS flag missing.

Allocate Subjects/UoS

Main Dashboard > Academics > Allocate Subjects/UoS

This screen provides the functionality to assign a subject to multiple enrolments simultaneously while specifying the start and end dates for the subject. Additionally, it allows you to select one or multiple subjects that are already linked to the enrolment, which can be deleted or removed as the new subject that you are allocating will replace them.

To do this, you need to follow three different steps on three different screens.

Step 1

The first step of this screen involves selecting various filters to narrow down the search for subjects that need to be allocated to enrolments. These filters include subject code, subject dates, campus, program, intake, and timetable. Depending on the radio button selected for Subjects and Units of Competency (UoC), the appropriate filter options will be displayed.

After selecting the appropriate filters, you must select the Apply button to view the grid displaying the student enrolments that have the subject linked to them. This grid will show all the relevant enrolment details, such as the student’s name, enrolment number, and enrolment dates. To allocate the subject to a specific enrolment, users must select the tick box against the desired enrolment and click on the “Next” button. This step is essential to ensure that the correct subject is allocated to the appropriate enrolment and to avoid any errors or confusion. By selecting the appropriate enrolment, users can proceed to the next step and complete the subject allocation process.

Step 2

During the second step of the process, you will be presented with the option to update the start and end dates for the Subject/Unit of Study that you have selected for enrolment. This will be presented to you in the form of two radio buttons, Yes and No.

When you choose to update the dates for selected subjects, the system will prompt you to enter the new Start Date and End Date in the provided fields. After entering the dates, you will need to select the Apply button. Once you do this, the screen will refresh and display two tabs: Subject/UoS dates cannot be updated and Subject/UoS dates can be updated. These tabs will show you a grid of enrolment for the subjects that you can and cannot update the dates for.

If you select No, it will indicate that you do not wish to make any changes to the subject dates. Once you have made your selection, you can proceed further by selecting the Next button.

IMPORTANT – There are enrolments you have selected that cannot have the Subject/Uos {Code – Name} deleted as it has a final result. The system will continue to complete the previous steps of allocating the Subject/UoS to the enrolments and where applicable updating start and end dates. However, you will need to go to the Training Plan and Results screen for the enrolment and delete this Subject/UoS manually.

Step 3

The final step in this process involves deciding whether you want to delete a Subject/UoS from the selected enrolments. You will be presented with Yes and No radio buttons to choose from. If you select Yes, a drop-down list of subjects will appear on the screen. You can then choose the subject you wish to delete and select the Finish button. This will complete the deletion process and remove the selected subject from the enrolments.

Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2 – Generate Finishers Report

The Finishers Report will be used to confirm that the data for each student who has completed their studies with you is correct. For example, if you are preparing to submit your student data to NCVER for 2022 then you would look for all enrolments that have or will finish their study within the calendar year. The dates you would enter for this report would be 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022.

A finished student enrolment is for example, where a student’s enrolment end date is within the calendar year you are wanting to submit data for, such as in 2022. As long as the enrolment is flagged as started and finished, then it should be in the submission and you need to confirm the student level data in this step is correct.

Once the report has generated you need to open it and focus on the following columns to answer specific questions.

Recommended Report Parameters to use

Using the example that you are preparing for a student data submission for 2022, the below recommended parameters should be used for this report.

In the report parameter image above we have selected only one campus for the Gold Coast. Where you have multiple campuses, you will have to select all the campuses where you have VET enrolments for this report. You must also select the option for the parameter of Report Type to Show All as this will show you all enrolments that were meant to finish in the calendar year and then you can review in future steps if they are flagged as finished correctly or not.

  • Student Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in both the First Name and Last name fields in the Student Entry screen. This report does not have columns to show the break down of the student’s name such as a column for First Name and another for Last Name. However, where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in both the First Name and Last Name fields in the Student Entry screen. Where you have done this then you should see in this column something like Ramneet Kaur Ramneet Kaur or RAMNEET KAUR, Ramneet Kaur. Note: this is column B in the report.
  • DOB – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Date of birth (DOB) for a student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column AJ.
  • USI No – you need to confirm if each of your starting students in this report have a USI Number or not, where they are enrolled in a VET qualification/competency. If they are and you do not have a USI Number for them, then you must start contacting student’s and have them supply you with this number. Important: there is a maximum number of students that you can have without a USI No, however it is based on a percentage that NCVER do not give out. We also do not know this percentage, so it is best that you have a USI entered for all your students. If you do not meet the maximum percentage of students without a USI then you will NOT have a successful submission. Note: this is in column AO.

Important: all of the above fields are in the Student Entry screen in Class TEAMS. Once you have a list of student’s with missing data or incorrect data from the report you will need to open each one in this screen and update the information. You can update the AVETMISS Student flag setting in bulk by using the Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen in Classic TEAMS. Also, one very important field that is not in the report but mandatory is the Student Survey Status. You can also update this in bulk using the same Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen.

REMEMBER: keep this report for future steps of the Student Data submission process.

Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2 – Generate Current Students Report

The Current Students Report will be used to confirm that the data for each student currently studying with you is correct. For example, if you are preparing to submit your student data to NCVER for 2022 then you would look for all enrolments that are continuing to study within the calendar year. The dates you would enter for this report would be 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022.

A current/continuing student enrolment is for example, where a student’s enrolment start date may have been in 2020 and their enrolment end date is either in 2022 or in say 2023. As long as the enrolment is flagged as started then it should be in the submission and you need to confirm the student level data in this step is correct.

Whereas, let’s say a student’s enrolment start date was in 2020 but their enrolment end date was in 2021, then they would not be a continuing/current student studying in 2022 and should not be in the export for 2022. Once the report has generated you need to open it and focus on the following columns to answer specific questions.

Recommended Report Parameters to use

Using the example that you are preparing for a student data submission for 2022, the below recommended parameters should be used for this report.

In the report parameter image above we have selected only one campus for the Gold Coast. Where you have multiple campuses, you will have to select all the campuses where you have VET enrolments for this report. You must also select the option for the parameter of Include Enrolments to Current as this will show you all enrolments that are flagged as started and considered a current/continuing enrolment in the calendar year and then you can review in future steps, if the enrolment data is correct or not.

  • Student Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in both the First Name and Last name fields in the Student Entry screen. This report does not have columns to show the break down of the student’s name such as a column for First Name and another for Last Name. However, where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in both the First Name and Last Name fields in the Student Entry screen. Where you have done this then you should see in this column something like Ramneet Kaur Ramneet Kaur or RAMNEET KAUR, Ramneet Kaur. Note: this is column B in the report.
  • DOB – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Date of birth (DOB) for a student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column C.
  • AVETMISS Student – it is important to set a student as an AVETMISS student where they have an enrolment in a VET qualification and/or competency in the system. If you do not do this, the system will ignore that student and their enrolments in the export. Note: this is in column Y.
  • Gender – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Gender for the student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column AD and is labelled as Sex.
  • USI No – you need to confirm if each of your starting students in this report have a USI Number or not, where they are enrolled in a VET qualification/competency. If they are and you do not have a USI Number for them, then you must start contacting student’s and have them supply you with this number. Important: there is a maximum number of students that you can have without a USI No, however it is based on a percentage that NCVER do not give out. We also do not know this percentage, so it is best that you have a USI entered for all your students. If you do not meet the maximum percentage of students without a USI then you will NOT have a successful submission. Note: this is in column BJ.

Important: all of the above fields are in the Student Entry screen in Class TEAMS. Once you have a list of student’s with missing data or incorrect data from the report you will need to open each one in this screen and update the information. You can update the AVETMISS Student setting in bulk by using the Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen in Classic TEAMS. Also, one very important field that is not in the report but mandatory is the Student Survey Status. You can also update this in bulk using the same Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen.

REMEMBER: keep this report for future steps of the Student Data submission process.

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – RTO TEAMS Step 2

Compliance Menu > Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS – Students

Student Data

Your student information is exported into a number of different NAT files that include:

  • NAT00080 – this is the primary student data file that includes name, date of birth, contact details, address information etc.
  • NAT00085 – this is the full address file for each of the students listed in the NAT00080

IMPORTANT: for every student listed in the NAT00080, there should be one entry for them in the NAT00085 and where required the NAT00130. For the NAT00120, there should be at least one entry, however, there can be multiple entries. To review and clean up any data for students you need to follow the steps below. To review and clean up any data for students you need to go to the new Compliance Dashboard.

To Know more about the AVETMISS Student data, select the below links.

AVETMISS Flag Missing

Survey Status Missing

Incomplete AVETMISS Address

With No USIs

With USIs Not Verified

Missing DOB

Missing Gender

Missing Family Name

NCVER Annual Student Data Submission

Based on what version of TEAMS you are using, will determine how you review your student data to identify missing or messy data that needs to be cleaned up. We have broken the data and steps to be completed in the same fashion for both versions, however the screens and/or reports you will use are different.

Please select the link below for the version of TEAMS you are using to follow the steps to review your student data.

(New Version)

Classic TEAMS
(Old Version)

We have grouped the data for your submissions as follows:

Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Relates to the NAT00010 and NAT00020

Step 2

Student Data

Relates to the NAT00080 and NAT00085

Step 3

Enrolment Training Plan Data

Relates to the NAT00120

Step 4

Qualifications Issued

Relates to the NAT00130

Step 5

Subject Data

Relates to the NAT00060

Step 6

Program Data

Relates to the NAT0030

Step 7

Student Disabilities

Relates to the NAT00090

Step 8

Student Prior Educational Achievement

Relates to the NAT00100

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – RTO TEAMS Steps

RTO TEAMS is the new version of the system that was released in 2020. If you are still using this version then you need to follow the steps below to manage your annual student data submission to NCVER.

IMPORTANT: the deadline for the national student data submission to NCVER is not until the last business day in February of any given calendar year. It is critical that you work through these steps well before February to make sure you have a successful submission by the deadline. It is recommended that you put a process in place so that on a monthly or quarterly basis throughout the year, that you follow these steps and then do a submission to NCVER to test your data.

Before you even do an AVETMISS export from TEAMS, do all of these steps below

Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Relates to the NAT00010 and NAT00020

Step 2

Student Data

Relates to the NAT00080 and NAT00085

Step 3

Enrolment Training Plan Data

Relates to the NAT00120

Step 4

Qualifications Issued

Relates to the NAT00130

Step 5

Subject Data

Relates to the NAT00060

Step 6

Program Data

Relates to the NAT0030

Step 7

Student Disabilities

Relates to the NAT00090
coming soon

Step 8

Student Prior Educational Achievement

Relates to the NAT00100
coming soon