How to Start Enrolments in Bulk using Starters Listing Screen

In TEAMS, It’s important that you start enrolments when the students are going to start studying their program. And in TEAMS, you do not have to manually open each enrolment and start it, instead, we have starters tile > starters listing screen that you can use to start the enrolments in bulk. This post will explain to you how to use the starters listing screen to start the enrolments all at once.

  • Once you are on the starters listing screen, select the enrolments which you wish to start in bulk.
  • Go to the Burger menu and select the Start Enrolment option.
  • The system will mark those selected enrolments as started.

Visa/CoE Information – Enrolment Dashboard

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile > Visa and/or CoE Information Icon

history of changes

This Screen will allow you to view the Visa/CoE information of the student and enrolment. If you wish to link the enrolment to the student visa information then you need to go to the Student Dashboard > Visa/CoE information screen.

Note: You won’t be able to edit/add Visa/CoE at the enrolment level.

When you select this icon on the Enrolment Dashboard, it will take you to the View Visa/CoE details screen where you can view the Visa and/or CoE information for the enrolment.

How to Re-Instate an Enrolment in TL?

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile > Re-Instate Icon

Follow the Below Steps to Re-Instate an enrolment:

  • To Re-Instate an enrolment mean to un-cancel the enrolment. You can do this by clicking on the Re-Instate icon.
  • After clicking on this, a pop-up message will appear on your screen asking you about un-canceling the linked invoices to the enrolment.
  • If you want that all the linked invoices with this enrolment are also re-instated then click on OK, otherwise click on Cancel. A message will appear on your screen confirming the re-instate of an enrolment.

IMPORTANT: If you click OK, then the system will reinstate all the canceled invoices linked to that enrolment not only those canceled during canceling enrolment.

How to start an enrolment

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile > Start Icon

On the Enrolment Dashboard, Under the Student Profile Tile 2nd vertical icon allows you to start the enrolment. It has three different colors – white, red and green- indicating whether enrolment is yet to start, not yet started or started. You can start the enrolment by clicking on this icon.

  • The white icon indicates the enrolment is yet to start i.e. enrolment start date is in the future.
  • The red icon indicates that the enrolment’s start date was in the past and it is not yet started.
  • The green icon indicates that the enrolment is started.

How to finish an Enrolment

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile > Finish Icon

On the Enrolment Dashboard, Under the Student Profile Tile, 3rd vertical icon allows you to finish the enrolment. It has three different colors – white, red and green. You can finish/ unfinish the enrolment by clicking the finish icon.

  • The white icon indicates the enrolment is yet to finish i.e. enrolment end date is in the future.
  • The red icon indicates that the enrolment’s end date was in the past and is not yet finished.
  • The green icon indicates that the enrolment is finished.

Enrolment Dashboard

history of changes

This will give you an overview of a student’s study for a particular program that they are currently or have previously studied with you. Like all dashboards, it is comprised of a number of different tiles that will allow you to navigate to different screens and information linked to the enrolment.


Here are all the tiles present on the enrolment dashboard. You can learn more about each tile by clicking on the image of the tile.

These tiles are common tiles in all the dashboards.

Communication Tile

TEAMS has a communication tile on every dashboard that we have be it an Applicant Dashboard, Application Dashboard, Student Dashboard, Enrolment Dashboard or Agent Dashboard. The communication tile works the same way on every dashboard.

Note: It will give you the count of all the communication you have done so far with the student, agent or employer (depending upon the screen you are using the communication tile for). If you have sent new emails or SMS or have created any contact logs today and anyone who is viewing the dashboard today, then the system will show a red bubble with a count for the new log/s.

How to use Communication Tile

  • Select the communication.
  • It will open the communication log screen for you. You can see all the communications via emails or SMS that you have with the student from TEAMS. If you have entered any contact logs, it will show you those logs as well in this tile.
  • If you wish to send an Email, SMS or create a contact log, click on the Burger menu.
  • You will see three options:

Click on the below links to learn more about the options and how to use them:

  1. Send an Email
  2. Send an SMS
  3. Create Contact Log

See below the explanation:

To view the email, SMS or contact log.
It is available for all the log types

It is only available for contact logs.
You can edit your logs by using this icon

It is only available for contact logs.
You can delete your contact log by using this icon

Progress Dials on Enrolment Dashboard

Each RTO has to monitor their students be it based on attendance or course progress. To make it easy for you to read and understand a student’s progress, we have dials on the Enrolment Dashboard to provide you with information about a student’s progress in a program. These dials are called Progress Dials.

You will see Progress Dials under the below tiles on Enrolment Dashboard:

  • Result and Progress
  • Classes and Attendance

Result and Progress Dial

For the subjects which lie within the current study period week and have results marked, the system will do a calculation and provide you with the progress percentage for the current study period. For instance, there are 5 subjects that have start and end dates within the current study period week, and out of those 5 subjects, 3 subjects have final results marked be it Competent, Not Yet Competent or Credit Transfer. The system will divide the successful results with the total number of subjects for that specific study period i.e. Successful Results/Total Subjects * 100. So if there are three successful results out of 5, the system will show the progress percentage as 60% (3/5*100). This progress dial gives you a tooltip too to see the results for subjects that belong to the current study period. Click on the dial and you will see a tooltip.

Classes and Attendance Progress Dials

If you have marked the attendance for the student, the system will display the attendance percentages in the dials. One dial represents the current attendance percentage and another dial represents the overall attendance percentage. The current dial will calculate the attendance as of today’s date i.e. from the start date of the current study period till today’s date and the Overall dial will calculate the attendance for the whole current study period i.e. from the start date of the current study period till the end date of the current study period.

Important points to note about Progress Dials

  • You will not see any attendance calculation in the dials under the Classes and Attendance tile if the enrolment is not started, even if you have marked attendance for the student. Moreover, If the timetable is not allocated to the enrolment, then also, you will not see any attendance calculation. The dials will show you 0% by default.
  • For the enrolment with a future start date, you will not see these dials at all.
  • You will only see the progress percentage in the Results and Progress dial if the results are marked for the subjects for the current study period.
  • For the progress percentage in the Results and Progress dial, the system will only count Competent as a successful result. Other results such as Credit Transfer, Recognition of Prior Learning granted, and Recognition of Current Competency granted will not be counted as successful results.
  • You will only see the attendance percentages in the Classes and Attendance dials if there is attendance marked for the current study period. Otherwise, the system will display 100% as attendance in both dials.

Documents Tile

Dashboards > Documents Tile

history of changes

TEAMS has a documents tile on every dashboard/setup screen that we have, be it an Applicant Dashboard, Application Dashboard, Student Dashboard, Enrolment Dashboard or Agent Dashboard. The documents tile works the same way on every dashboard. This tile allows you to manage your documents for students, agents, employers, trainers and even for programs and campuses as well. This post will help you to understand the documents tile.

How it looks on the setup screens

Setup screens such as the campus entry screen, program entry screen, and trainers entry screen will show it under the Burger Menu. However, the process to upload documents is the same everywhere.

How to upload documents

  • Select the documents tile and It will open the documents log screen for you.
  • You can see all the documents that are already there. (Please note, some of the documents that are already there are system generated documents such as certificates, offer letters etc).
  • Select the Add button to upload document/s.
  • Select one or multiple documents from your system to upload.
  • You can enter notes for the document/s that you are going to upload by selecting the Notes icon.
  • Select your document type from the dropdown. This will help you to identify the types of documents you upload.

IMPORTANT: The document type is a user code and if you cannot see a specific document type then you can create one from the User Code screen

  • Select the tick box for Public Document if you wish to show this on the student portal.
  • Select the Upload button to upload your document/s.

Application Profile Tile

Application Dashboard > Application Profile Tile

This tile will show you the basic information about the applicant. You can update and edit the AVETMISS settings, Group Training Plans, FEE-HELP, and Employer Tracking, and many more fields related to the application.

Note – In the horizontal icons, Some of them Address, Overseas information, AVETMISS Student, etc. have tooltips and once you move the cursor on the icon, it will show you the information about the icon. To know more about the tooltip icons you can see the information on the Applicant Profile Tile and Student Profile Tiles.

Also, once the application is converted to enrolment, you cannot make any changes from the application dashboard. However, you can make changes from the Enrolment Dashboard.

Vertical Icons

Horizontal Icons


Overseas Information