Intake Entry Screen

Academics menu > Intakes > Intake Button

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Once you select the + Intake button, you will be taken to the Intake Entry Screen. You will see three tabs and different fields.

Details tab – On this tab, you will be able to add new intake in the system or if you already have an intake then you make changes from this screen.

IMPORTANT – You will only be able to select the Public holidays and Term Breaks tab once you have created and saved the Intake.

Public Holidays Tab – This tab will allow you to link the public holidays with the Intake and to link the holidays you need to select the holidays from the drop-down and then select the +Add button. Please note – if the holidays are not appearing in the dropdown then it means the holiday is not active or it is not in the system. You can create or make the holiday active from the Main Dashboard > System Admin > Public Holidays.

Term Break Tab – This tab will allow you to link the Term Breaks to the Intakes. From the dropdown, you can select the term breaks and then select the +Add button to link the selected term break with intake. Please note – if the term breaks are not appearing in the dropdown then it means the term breaks are not active or it is not in the system. You can create or make the term breaks active from the Main Dashboard > System Admin > Term Breaks.

Explanation of the fields on the Intake Entry Screen – Details Tab is below:

Intake CodeThis is a mandatory field
Intake NameThis is a mandatory field
Allow Continuous rolling intakesSelect this tick box if you want the use this intake as Continuous rolling intakes
Intake Starting FromThis is a mandatory field
Intake Finishing OnThis is a mandatory field
ActiveSelect this box to show the Intake as active
Intakes links to all Campuses?Select this box to link this intake to all the campuses
CampusesYou can select a particular campus from the dropdown to link the intake
No Longer Accepting ApplicationsIf you select this tick box then the will not show while creating applications

Subject – AVETMISS Settings

Subjects > Subjects Entry Burger Menu > AVETMISS Settings

Colleges set up AVETMISS (Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard) settings for subjects to ensure compliance with the national data reporting requirements for vocational education and training in Australia. AVETMISS is a standard framework that governs the collection, reporting, and analysis of data related to vocational education and training activities.

By setting up AVETMISS settings for subjects, you can accurately capture and report data on student enrolments, completions, qualifications, and other relevant information.

When you access the AVETMISS Settings option, it will open the Subject AVETMISS screen. This screen allows you to input and manage the AVETMISS details for the subjects. Within the Subject AVETMISS screen, you can add the necessary AVETMISS information for each subject individually.

IMPORTANT – It is crucial to update the AVETMISS settings for subjects before conducting an AVETMISS export. Failure to update these settings in the system can result in errors during the AVETMISS submission process. The AVETMISS data, including subject details, is exported into the NAT00060 file format, which is used for reporting vocational education and training data.

Explanation of the fields below:

InternalWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught onshore only. The other two fields automatically have a 0 value.
ExternalWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught offshore only. Then the internal and workplace field automatically have a 0 value.
WorkplaceWrite the value as 100 if the subject is taught at the workplace level only. Then the internal and external fields automatically have a 0 value.
Pre-Dominant Delivery ModeIt is a read-only auto-populated field that changes according to the delivery type method selected.
Nominal HoursHere you can add the nationally agreed nominal hours of the subject.
Field of EducationYou can select the field of education from the dropdown.
Funding Source NationalIf you are 100% CRICOS for your VET subject you would select the funding source national as overseas 31 (International onshore client – other revenue). However, if you deliver offshore for student then you would change it from an Enrolment subject AVETMISS level.
VET Recognised SubjectSelect this box to make the subject VET recognised.
Do not include in AVETMISS SubmissionSelect this tick box if you do not want to include the subject in the AVETMISS submission.

Agent Search

Marketing > Agent Dashboard > Search Agent

This screen will allow you to search for an agent. You can simply type the agent name or agent code in the search field and it will show the relevant suggestions where you can select the appropriate agent. Once you have searched and selected the agent then the system will open Agent Dashboard for you.

Assessment Entry Screen

Assessments > Add Button > Assessment Entry

When you select the +Add Button, the system will open the Assessment Entry screen for you. On the Assessment Entry screen, you will see different fields on the Details tab. Enter the details in all the fields and save.

Explanation of the Assessment Entry Screen is below:

Object Type*This is a mandatory field and you need to select the object type such as Subject, UoS, etc from the dropdown.
Based on the object type selected, the system will show you another field as a select a subject or select UoS.
The field will be a magic search field and you can search and select the required field accordingly.
Assessment CodeEnter the Assessment Code
Assessment NameEnter the Assessment Name
Assessment DescriptionEnter the Assessment Description in this field.
Sequence NoEnter the Sequence no in this field.
Parent AssessmentSelect this tick box if you want this Assessment as a Parent Assessment.
ActiveSelect this tick box to make the assessment Active.
Allow Multiple document?Select this tick box to Allow Multiple document for the specific assessment
Allow Grading?Select this tick box to Allow Grading for the specific assessment
Allow ResubmissionSelect this tick box to Allow Resubmission for the specific assessment

Send an SMS

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TEAMS gives you the functionality to send out SMS/s to students, employers, and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You either can send the SMS/s in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can send individual SMS by using the communication tile on different dashboards that we have such Applicant Dashboard, Student Dashboard, Application Dashboard, Enrolment Dashboard, Agent Dashboard, etc. No matter what screen you choose to send out the SMS/s, the steps to use this functionality are the same everywhere. This post will explain to you how you can use the “Send an SMS” option.

  • Select the “Send an SMS” option.
  • This will open a popup window.
  • Select your SMS template if you already have added to TEAMS, so that you do not have to manually type in your message. However, this is not a mandatory field to select, if you do not have an SMS template, you can leave it blank.
  • If you have selected the SMS template, the text message will be automatically updated in the message area. However, if you haven’t selected any SMS template, you can type in your text message manually.
  • Select the “Send” button to send out the SMS.

Add/Edit Agent

These screens will allow you to add/edit the information about the Agent. You can find these screens under:

Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile > Edit Agent Details Icon

Marketing Menu > Agent Listing screen > +Agent Button

Note – When you select the Offshore Agent tick box, the Overseas address tab will get visible and you won’t be able to select the Local Address tab.

Note – Below tables will give you an explanation of details tab and other tabs(contact information, local address and overseas) are self explanatory tab where you add contact information and agent’s address

Details Tab

Agent IDIt is a read-only system-generated field that will automatically populate Agent’s ID.
Agent CodeAgent Code (usually an abbreviation for reports). Cannot be left blank.
Agent NameName of the Agent (generally the name of the Agent’s Organisation). Cannot be left blank.
Legal NameThe legal name of the Agent (if different from their organisation or brand name).
ABNYou can enter the Australian Business Number in this field.
ACNYou can enter the Australian Company Number in this field.
Offshore AgentSelect this tick box if the agent is offshore (overseas).
Agent TypeThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the agent type from dropdown.
Agent Links to all CampusesIf your RTO has multiple campuses then you can select this tick box.
CampusYou can select the specific campus from the dropdown field. This field will be visible if the Agent Links to all campuses check box is un-tick.
Agent is Active?If you do not select this tick then the agent will not appear on the required screens.
No Longer accepting new ApplicationsBy select this tick box, the agent will not appear for the new applications.
Account ManagerThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the account manager from dropdown.
Marketing SourceThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the marketing source from dropdown.
RegionThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the region from dropdown.
Contract Expiry DateAgent’s contract expiry date.
Charge GSTSelect this tick box to charge GST on the agent’s commission.
Pre-deducted commissionSelect this tick box if you wish to pre deduct the commission while creating the receipts for the students.
Pay CommissionIf you select this tick box, the system will show different fields related to pay the commission
Commission Template – This will be the default commission set for the agent
Optional Commission templates – This will show you commission’s list from which you can select any optional commission.
Optional Commission TemplateYou can select optional commission template from the dropdown field
Vendor CodeEnter the Vendor code of the agent in this field
Purchase Order NoEnter the Purchase order number of the agent in this field
Purchase Order AmountYou can enter the Purchase order amount in this field
Agent LoginYou can enter the Agent Login ID in this field
Agent Admin PasswordYou can enter the Agent Admin password in this field

Student Results Listing Report Filters

Dashboard > Student Management > Student Results Listing

The Students Results Listing report filters screen has General tab and Advanced tab. The below table will show you filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanations
Report based onThis field has three radio buttons (Result Dates, Enrolment Dates, Result Entry Dates).
Upon selecting any of these radio button the system will print the report for you accordingly.
Report Start DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the start date the system will print the results within the start date selected.
Report End DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the end date the system will print the results within the end date selected.
Enrolment No.This is magic search field and you select the specific enrolments to generate the report
Campus NameSelect the campus from the dropdown.
SubjectsThis is a magic search field and you cam search multiple subjects in this filed.
TimetableYou can select the timetables
ClassesYou can select the time of class from this button.
EmployerThis is magic search field and you select the specific employer to generate the report
Print modules based onThis field has four radio buttons(All, With Results, With Unsuccessful results, With no Results). You can only select one radio at once to run the report
Show Inactive Subjects and UoSSelect this tick box to show inactive subjects and UoS in the report
Print Attempt RecordsSelect this tick box to Print Attempt Records in the report
Include Enrolments You can select (All, Not Yet Started, current or Finished) and based on the enrolment status selected, it will show in the report
Group byPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort byPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Show Enrolment Type ofThis field has three radio buttons(Active, Inactive, both) from which you can select one option and the system will print them accordingly
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the user code created for enrolment type, you can select it from the dropdown

Students Results Listing Report Data Columns

Report ColumnsExplanations
Student No.Student Number
Enrolment No.Enrolment Number
Student NameThis column will show student’s first name, middle name and last name
AddressThere are three columns (Address Line1, Address Line 2 and Address Line 3) and it will show you the student’s address here
SuburbSuburb updated on the on the Student’s address screen
StateAVETMISS Export – State Format
Post CodePost code updated on the on the Student’s address screen
Campusit will show you campuses name if you have selected multiple campuses on the filters screen
ProgramProgram Name
Enrolment typeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created, you can select the enrolment type.
EmployerEmployer name
TimetableIt will show you timetables name selected on the filters screen
Start DateStart Date of the enrolment
End DateEnd Date of the enrolment
Date of birthDate of Birth of the student
Residential Post dateCurrent residential post code of the student
Total SubjectsTotal number of subjects linked to the enroments
Date of Certificate IssuedThis will show you the certificates issued date
Date statement of AttainmentThis will you the date of the statement of attainment issued
Enrolment StatusEnrolment Status (Started, not started, finished, cancelled)
Enrolment Outcomeenrolment outcome updated on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
Trainer NameTrainer name
Unit of studyIt will show you unit code (Unit of study means subject that a student undertakes as a part of a course of study)
Subject CodeSubject Code Field shows you the Unique Code of Subject.
Subject NameSubject Name field shows you the particular name of Subject.
Scheduled HoursHours scheduled for the subject
ResultThis will show you final result of the subjects
Result DateFinal result date
Subject Start DateSubject Start Date
Subject End DateSubject End Date
PointsPoints Achieved
Fee for ServiceIt will show you Yes if the enrolment is FFS and No if its not
Entry DateProcessed date
Attempt No.

Student Result Listing Report

Dashboard > Student Management >Student Results Listings

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This report allows you to print the results of the subjects linked to the enrolments including the Subjects dates and result dates. There are number of filters which will allow you to print the report accordingly.

Student Result Listing Report Filters

Student Result Listing Report Data Columns