Enrolment Dashboard Reports

Different reports are available on different tiles under the Enrolment Dashboard. You can see these reports under the print icon

Reports on Student profile tile:

Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report and its parameters and view an example of the report.

Reports on result and progress tile:

Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report and its parameters and view an example of the report.

Reports on classes and attendance tile:

Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report and its parameters and view an example of the report.

Program – FEE HELP

Program > Program Entry Burger Menu > FEE HELP Setting

When you select the FEE-HELP option, the program FEE-HELP popup screen will open, where you can add FEE-HELP details for a program. In the Settings tab, there will be a field for FEE HELP Availability and there are radio buttons for:

  • VET Student loan (VSL)
  • Higher Ed FEE HELP
  • Neither

IMPORTANT – The FEE HELP option will show you the settings as per the Fee HELP availability radio buttons (VSL or Hed) selected on the program entry screen. A program can only be one of the FEE HELP options it cannot be both.

By default, the option of neither will be selected, select the option that you want and then SAVE the change.

When any of the FEE HELP availability radio buttons is selected then you can update the FEE HELP for a Program accordingly. Once you select the FEE HELP option, the popup window will open on the screen.

Explanation of the Fields below:

Course of Study TypeSelect an appropriate Course of Study type.
Field of Education CodeSelect an appropriate Field of Education code.
Field of Education Effective From DateFrom the calendar, you can select the date from when the field of education is effective.
Field of Education Effective To DateFrom the calendar, you can select the date when the field of education should be effective.
Special Course TypeFrom the dropdown, you can select the special course type.
Special Interest Program Effective From DateFrom the calendar, you can select the date from when the special interest program is effective.
Special Interest Program Effective To DateFrom the calendar, you can select the date when the special interest program should be effective.
Offshore Delivery CodeFrom the dropdown, you can select whether the course is partially delivered offshore or fully offshore.
Principal Interest of Offshore Delivery CodeFrom the dropdown, you can select the principal delivery mode of the course.
Program Fees CodeFrom the dropdown, you can select the program fee code.
Combined Program of Study IndicatorTick this box if FEE-HELP is for the combined program and then select the supplementary education code from the magic search field.
Indicative Student Contribution CSPHere you can add indicative student contributions.

Email Template Screen – New Merge Fields

We have added new merge fields for Campus Program CRICOS code and Program CRICOS Name for customising the enrolments Email Template.

When you’re creating an email template for enrolments, you can now use these merge fields to automatically fill in the Program CRICOS code and campus program CRICOS code into the email.

Note – If the CRICOS code for the campus program is not updated on the “Campus > Linked Program” screen and the CRICOS name for the program is not updated on the “Program Entry” screen, then the information will not be printed in the merge fields when sending emails.

Intake Allocate Program

Intakes > Intake Entry Burger Menu > Allocate Program

history of changes

When you select the Allocate Program option from the burger menu, you will be taken to the Intake Allocate Program screen. You will see the programs in the grid that are already linked with the Intake. If you want to link a new program with the intake, you need to select the Program from the dropdown and then select the +Program button.

Agent Pending payment

Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile > Pending payment Icon

Business Rules

1. If you are not seeing the pending payment welcome screen and instead are seeing the Commission payment screen, it could be because the system setting is not enabled for your site. The pending payment welcome screen is a feature that displays pending payment batches that have not been paid or approved yet.

2. To enable this feature, you will need to contact support to turn on the system setting for your site. Once the setting is turned on, you should be able to access the pending payment welcome screen and view all pending payment batches that require processing or approval.

3. The pending payment welcome screen is a system feature that displays all pending payment batches that have not yet been paid or approved. Once a payment batch has been marked as paid or approved, it will no longer appear on the pending payment welcome screen.

In TEAMS, when a commission invoice is generated, an agent commission invoice number is also generated, and the invoice date is set to match the student invoice date linked to the enrolment. However, it’s important to note that the actual agent invoice number and invoice date may differ from the ones generated by TEAMS. This is because some agents may choose to assign their own invoice numbers and dates to the commission they receive from TEAMS.

Additionally, not all agent commissions are pre-deducted by agents. In some cases, commissions may be post-deducted, which means that the commission amount is deducted from the payment made to the agent after the payment has been received by TEAMS. This may impact the timing of the commission payment and the amount of funds that are received by the agent.

This screen will show all the pending outstanding payments which are not paid to the agents.

To open the pending payments screen, kindly follow the below-given steps:

  • Enter the name of the agent you wish to view and select the appropriate agent from the list of options provided. Once you have selected the agent, the system will open the Agent Dashboard.
  • Select the commission payment icon
  • It will open the commission pending payment screen. This will open the commission pending payment screen. The screen displays all the pending outstanding payments that have not been paid to the agents.
  • You can edit a payment batch if necessary. However, if the payment batch is already paid or approved, you can only mark it as paid by selecting the icon under the actions column.
  • If you wish to delete a batch, you can click on the delete icon located under the action column.

Note: When deleting a payment batch in the system, it’s important to note that all payments included in that batch will be deleted. This includes both partial and full payments that were associated with the batch. Therefore, it’s essential to review the payment batch carefully before proceeding with the deletion process to avoid accidentally deleting any necessary payment information. Once the payment batch has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved or recovered, so it’s crucial to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the deletion is intentional and necessary.

What’s New – 23rd Feb 2023 – Q and A

Here are some recent questions that have been asked and the answers to them.

How do I see the primary contacts for an agent in the Agent Welcome list?Please select the read more link to know the answer.
In my web application form, one of our programs is not showing, why?If you have an existing web application form for TEAMS and there are issues with it, please contact our support staff.
If you would like to set up a web application or enquiry form for your TEAMS site, please also contact support.

Agent Welcome Screen – How to List Primary Contacts?

Primary Contacts are those contacts that are linked to the agents with their contact information. Please see the below steps to list the primary contact on the Agent Welcome Screen.

  • The very first step is, you need to update the primary contact information of the person on the Agent Entry Screen > Burger Menu > Contacts Screen.
  • Select the +Add button to link the contact information and once you select it, the system will show you a pop window on the screen.
  • In the pop window, update the contact information as you required and Save.

IMPORTANT – Before saving the contact information on the pop window, If you wish to show the contact as a primary contact then you need to select the Primary Contact tick box for the contact.

  • When you are on the Agent Welcome Screen, you need to do the following steps:
  • Select the parameters as you required (including by selecting the List primary Contact tick box) and then select Apply Button.
  • The system will show the agents in the grid with their primary contact details.

Note – if the agent has a contact and they have a primary contact tick box is ticked for them then that agent entry will have the expand (+) icon against the agent code to see the primary contact.

Applicant Dashboard – Edit Application/s dates

Applicant Dashboard > Applications Tile > Burger Menu

This screen allows you to modify the intake date for an applicant’s application at the applicant level when the application is not converted. This can be helpful in cases where the student needs to defer their application due to a visa delay or personal reasons. To simplify the process and save time, you can now modify the intake dates for multiple applications of the same applicant at once.

Note: When using this screen, ensure that all necessary changes to application dates are made before converting the application. If changes need to be made after the application is converted then you can make the changes from the Student Dashboard – Edit Enrolment/s Dates screen.

The below steps will explain to you how you can change the intake date:

  • To utilise this option, you need to select the specific application number for which you want to modify the intake dates.
  • Select the Burger menu icon on the Applications Tile where you manage the applicant’s application information. The Burger menu icon typically looks like three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
  • Look for the option titled “Edit Application/s Dates” and select.
  • The screen will then take you to the Edit Application/s Dates screen where you can modify the intake dates for one or more applications.
  • By default, the system will show the section for 1st application and you can expand other application sections by selecting the expand (+) button.
  • To enrol the applicant in a new intake, you must select the desired intake from a dropdown menu. Once an intake is selected, the system will automatically populate other fields such as the start date, study weeks, holiday weeks, and end date.

IMPORTANT – When changing the intake for an application, it may be necessary to update various dates associated with that application, including invoice dates, invoice due dates, and subject dates.

To make this process easier and more efficient, the system appears to have a checkbox labeled “Update subject dates and Generate New Invoices“. By selecting this checkbox, the system will automatically update the relevant dates and new invoices associated with the application to match the new intake. It is recommended that users always check this box to avoid the need for manual updates on a case-by-case basis.

Once all the above steps are done, select the save button, and the system should update the application dates as per the changes you have made. It is recommended that you double-check all dates and information to ensure that everything is correct before proceeding.

Program Entry Screen

Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Programs icon > Program Button

history of changes

The Program Entry Screen in the system features two distinct tabs: Details and Settings. The Details tab serves as the primary section for creating a new program, encompassing all the mandatory fields required for program setup. Here, administrators can input essential information and specifications to define the program’s structure and offerings.

On the other hand, the Settings tab is dedicated to program customisation and updates. It provides a platform for you to modify and fine-tune various settings related to the program, ensuring it aligns with specific requirements and preferences. The clear separation of these two tabs streamlines the process of both initial program creation and subsequent adjustments, enhancing efficiency and user experience within the program entry screen.

Explanations of the fields on the Details Tab are below:

Program Code*This is a mandatory field.
Program Name*This is a mandatory field.
Descriptive CodeYou can add the program code in this field but make sure the code that you are adding should be the same as the code on the training.gov.au site.
Descriptive NameYou can add the program name in this field but make sure the name that you are adding should be the same as the name on the training.gov.au site.
Agent Commission TypeYou can select from the dropdown if the course is ELICOS or VET. 
Cricos Program CodeCRICOS code of the program. You can find the correct CRICOS program Code on cricos.education.gov.au
Cricos Program NameCRICOS name of the program. You can find the correct CRICOS program Code on cricos.education.gov.au
Delivered via Unit of StudiesSelect this tickbox if you wish to deliver the program is delivered via a unit of studies criteria.
ActiveSelect this tick box to make the program active.
No Longer Accepting ApplicationsIf you select this tick box, you will not be able to see the program while creating many new applications.

Explanations of the fields on the Settings Tab are below:

VETSelect this tick box if the program is active.
User ChoiceSelect this box if the program is a User Choice program. 
Is this a Short Course?Select this box if it is a short program.
Do Not Include in AVETMISS SubmissionSelect this tick box if you do not want to include the program in the AVETMISS submission.
Total Study WeeksTotal study weeks of the program.
Total Holiday WeeksTotal holiday weeks of the program. 
Hours Per WeekTotal hours per week of the program. It is recommended to always add hours per week as 20.
Total Core Credit Points RequiredYou can write the minimum core credit points required
Total Elective Credit Points RequiredYou can write the minimum elective credit points required.
FEE-HELP AvailabilityYou can select FEE-HELP availability from three radio buttons as per the program.
VET Student Loans (VSL)
Higher ed FEE HELP
Expiry DateFrom the calendar, you can select the expiry date of the program.
Program NotesYou can write notes for the program by selecting this icon.
Study Sequence for this ProgramThere are two radio buttons”Fixed”, and “Rolling” to select the study sequence for the program.

Fixed – Fixed intakes have specific, predetermined periods during the year when new students can enrol in their programs. It provides a structured and organised approach to student admissions, making it easier for you to plan your resources and academic schedules.

Rolling – Rolling intakes have more flexible admission processes. Instead of having specific intake periods, you can accept applications and admit students continuously throughout the year. This means that prospective students can apply and start their programs at various times, not just at the beginning of a semester.
Course Progress Study Period lengthWhen you select the Fixed Structure, the system will present you with the Course Progress Study Period Length field. This field will let you add the length of the study period in weeks when you want to monitor the student’s progress which will show you on the Enrolment Dashboard > Result and Progress Tile > Dials. For example – If you want to monitor the student after 1 month then you need to select 4 from the dropdown. Whatever the subjects are lying in that period of time, it will show those subjects in the dials.
Attendance Study Period lengthWhen you select the Fixed Structure, the system will present you with the Attendance Study Period length field. This field will let you add the length of the attendance study period in weeks when you want to monitor the student’s progress attendance which will show you on the Enrolment Dashboard > Classes and Attendance Tile. For example – If you want to monitor the student after 1 month then you need to select 4 from the dropdown. Whatever the subjects are lying in that period of time, it will show the attendance in the dials.
What do you report students in PRISMS on?This is a user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the required option (recommended – Course Progress) from the dropdown
Last reset onIf you have selected the Rolling Structure, the system will show you the Last reset field as a dropdown. This dropdown will show you years and you can select the year you required when you want the system to reset the year for you. Once you update the last reset, you need to select the Course Progress Study Period Length, Attendance Study Period length and What do you report students in PRISMS on? (recommended to select Attendance).

Subject – Funding Fee Setup

Subjects > Subject Entry Burger Menu > Funding Fee Setup

The funding of subjects or courses is primarily handled through government funding for the students. To update the FEE HELP settings of the subjects, navigate to the Funding Fee Setup option in the menu and select the burger menu, then choose the Funding Fee Setup option.

On the Funding Fee Setup screen, locate the +Add button and click on it. This action will open a funding fee setup pop-up window on your screen. In this window, carefully select the required fields as per your preferences and requirements.

Explanation of the fields below:

Enrolment TypeThis is User Code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the enrolment type from the dropdown.
Funding Source NationalSelect the funding source national from the dropdown.
StateSelect the state from the dropdown.
Delivery TypeHere you can select the delivery type of the subject from the dropdown.
Nominal HoursHere you can add the nationally agreed nominal hours of the subject.
Hourly RateHere you can add the hourly rate of the subject and just below the nominal hour field, the total amount of the subject will be populated as it is a multiply of nominal hours with an hourly rate.
ActiveSelect this box to make the funding fee setup active.