Main Dashboard > Marketing Menu > Applications Processed Report
The Applications Processed Report will show you the current status of all the applications in the selected date range whether the application is converted or not.
To know more about the Filter and columns and their explanations, please select the below links.
Agent Performance parameters/filters screen will show you two different tabs General and Advance. Below is the table that will show the filters and their explanation.
General Filters
Report Dates
This field has two different radio buttons: Enrolment Start / End Dates – when you select this radio button, the system will print the enrolment SD and ED in the columns Enrolment Date – By selecting this radio button, the system will print the enrolment processed date in the enrolment date column.
Report Start Date
Select the start date of the enrolment from the calendar.
Report End Date
Select the end date of the enrolment from the calendar.
You can select multiple campuses from the dropdown.
Enrolments to Include
This dropdown will show you two different tick boxes (Current and Finished) and you can select them as you required.
Include Enrolments/Applications
It will show you two different tick boxes (show applications and show enrolments) and you can select them as you required.
Include cancelled enrolments
The system considers only cancelled enrolments with start dates within the specified report period, excluding enrolment outcomes marked as cancelled for this option.
Include Declined Applications
Select this tick box if you wish to print the declined applications in the report
Select the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.
This is the Agent Welcome screen which will show you the list of Agents in the grid that are Active in your system. This screen is divided into two sections:
Listing Grid
The filters will show you different fields where you can select the data as per your need then select the Apply Button and based on your selection the system will load the list of agents in the grid. You can also see the Total count and the Active count of the Agents.
Listing Grid
In this grid, you can see the list of all Agents. You will see columns such as Agent Code, Agent Name, Type, Region, Account manager, and other Agent contact details in this grid. All of the columns are self-explanatory.
You can select the +Agentbutton to add a new Agent to the system.
Send SMS icon is not appearing! No need to worry if send SMS icon is not appearing under the Actions column. It means Mobile No is missing for that particular agent.
English Language Proficiency is the ability of Students to use the English language to make and communicate meaning in spoken and written contexts while completing their program of study.
This screen will allow you to update the English Proficiency level of the Applicants/students. You can add English Proficiency from the Applicant Profile Tile and Student Profile Tile.
Note: You cannot edit the English proficiency at the applicant level once it is converted to a student. However, you can edit the English proficiency details at the student level.
Explanation of Fields
Is English your first Language
If the English language is the birth language of the student, then select this tick box
Have you completed a formal English language test such as IELTS in the last two years
By selecting this tick box the system will show 3 different fields related to the IELTS. You can enter the location where the IELTS test is conducted, enter the bands of the IELTS and enter the IELTS result date here.
Have you studied an accredited English language course in Australia
If the student has studied the English course in Australia, kindly select this tick box and the system will ask for the name of the provider and the course name.
Have you completed English Language Assessment Test
If the student has completed the English Language Assessment Test, then select this tick box and the system will ask for the type of the test. If the test was conducted online, select the online option otherwise select paper based. Also, the system will show two fields that ask for the score of the test and the date of the test conducted.
This tile will show you all the application’s financial details under the Student and Agent tabs. You can edit the invoice from the edit icon and you can also print the invoices.
IMPORTANT – You are only allowed to make the changes from this tile if the application is not converted otherwise you can make changes from the Enrolment Dashboard.
Student Tab
On the Student tab, only student-related financials will be visible and you will be able to see the Invoice date, description of the invoice, Total amount and Balanceamount also there will be an action column that includes edit, online payment, and print the invoice.
Invoice Date
This column will show you the invoice dates.
This column will show you the number of instalments for the application. You can also select more… to view the invoice details.
This column displays the total amount of a particular invoice.
It will show you the balance amount if any deposit due is updated while creating the application after subtracting the deposit due.
Under the action column, there are 2 actions listed for each invoice the Edit icon and the print icon.
Agent tab
The agent tab will show you the invoice amount related to the agent.
On the agent tab, the system will show you the agent invoice date, description, invoice amount and balance amount.
This icon will allow you to edit the invoice
This icon will allow you to print application invoice
We have introduced a new column ‘Enrolment Status’ in the Application Processed Report. This column will show you the status of the enrolment if it is current, not yet started or finished.
IMPORTANT – In this report, you will see the records of applications and enrolments as well but it will only show the data for the enrolments in the enrolment status column.
This screen allows you to add/edit the Next of Kin details of an applicant and a student. All the fields on this screen are very basic and explanatory.
IMPORTANT – Once the Applicant is converted to a student then you won’t be able to add/edit any details at the applicant level. However, you can make the changes from the Edit Student screen.
The orientation date is a period before the start of an academic year for your college students.
You can add the orientation date while creating an application or you can add the orientation date at the enrolment level on the edit enrolment screen. You need to select the “Does this Enrolment require Orientation?” tick box and it will show you the Induction/Orientation field to add the orientation date from the calendar.
Note: Once you added the orientation date, it will show you a star icon as yellow with a tooltip showing the orientation date on the Application Dashboard and Enrolment Dashboard.