Change – AGD – send emails with attachments

Agent Dashboard > Communications Tile > Communication log > Burger menu > Send an Email

From the Communication Log that you access from the Agent Dashboard (AGD) > Communication Tile, you now can send an email with attachments.

This works in the same way that you use the attachments when sending emails from the Student or Enrolment Dashboards.

How to send an email with attachment/s

Step 1: Open the Agent Dashboard and click on the count displayed in the Communications Tile, in the screen shot below this means click on the 0.

Step 2: when the Communication Log screen opens, from the Burger menu select the option for Send an Email, as shown below.

Step 3: when the Email Log screen opens either select an Email template to use or write you message in the Message section. You then have two options to attach documents to the email that include:

  • Attach documents linked to the Agent – this will show you a list of all the documents that have been uploaded to the Documents tab for the Agent. This will show both documents uploaded by a user or generated by the system.
  • Attach documents from your computer/network – this will allow you to navigate to your computer and network to find and select relevant documents to attach to your email.

Based on the button you select for the one of the options above, you will see a popup window with a list of documents.

The above is the list of all the documents present in the document log screen, as shown below) for the same agent.

Step 4: Once all the required documents are selected, click on Add to Email Attachment button. It will show the attached documents on the email log screen as shown below.

Step 5: After attaching the documents, click on the send button and the system will send the email with the attached documents to the agent.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

Send an Email

history of changes

TEAMS gives you the option to send out email/s to students, employers and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You can either send the emails in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can send individual emails by using the communication tile on different dashboards. No matter what screen you choose to send out the email/s, the steps to use that screen are the same everywhere.

How to send emails

  • Select the “Send an Email” option from the Burger Menu
  • The system will redirect you to the “Compose Email” screen. Use a comma between email addresses to CC the mail to them.
  • Select an email template if you’ve added any in your TEAMS. If you do not have an email template, you can leave this field blank.
  • If you have selected the email template, the subject field will be updated manually. However, if not, you can update the subject manually.
  • The sender address is automatically entered by the system (it is always the user’s email address). If you have linked a specific sender address with an Email Template, that email address will be listed in the dropdown menu, along with any email address you have linked as default at the organisation level. If there are no email addresses updated at the Email Template or Organisation Level, then you will only see the user’s email address in the Sender field, no other email addresses will be visible.
    Note – When you are using the Application or Enrolment Dashboard to send out emails and the agent is linked with the application/enrolment, you will see some more tick-boxes. If you select “Send email to the agent only”, then the system will send out the email to the linked agent only and if you tick “CC to Agent”, then it will be sent to the student and agent. And if you aren’t ticking any of the above tick-boxes, then the email will be sent to students only.
  • To attach a document from your computer or Network, select the Attach button

IMPORTANT: Do not change the fields that are in curly braces. Those are called merge fields to populate the data by TEAMS and if you remove anything from them, the system won’t print the data when you send out the email to the student or the agent.

Note – If you are sending emails individually from the student’s communication tile then the system will allow you to attach the documents generated from the student level only.

  • Select the “Send” button to send out the email and your email will be sent.

What’s New – New Application – Invoice Preview > Recalculating Invoices

We have introduced a new feature called Recalculate on the New Application – Invoice Preview screen. If the existing instalment plans do not apply to any special case. Then Yes now you can make those changes for such special cases in the application process itself.

You can edit the dates, add the number of instalments as you need and also can edit the amount of all the instalments. But make sure the total amount you selected/entered at the fee selection step is equal to the total of all the invoices amount at the invoice preview screen.

Note: if you have selected any instalment Plan while selecting the Fees on the Application Fee Selection screen and you wish to change the No. of invoices and Recalculate them on the Application – Invoice Preview screen then the Instalment settings initially chosen will be ignored. As part of the Recalculation, new invoices will be recreated and dates and amounts will be distributed proportionally.

Steps to follow while Recalculating Invoices:

Step 1 – After selecting all the applicable fees at the fee selection step, then on the Invoice Preview screen, the system will show you the label No. of Invoices with a box in which you can enter the number of invoices/instalments you want to create.

Step 2 – On selecting the Recalculate Button the system will create the number of invoices you entered in the box. If you had already selected any instalment plan at fee selection step but in this step, you wish to change that plan by entering the different number of invoices and clicking on the recalculate button. The system will show a prompt message on top of the screen where you can choose OK to continue with the changes you made or select Cancel if you want the existing instalment Plan.

Step 3 – The system will recreate the new invoices as per the numeric value entered. You can edit the Invoice dates and Invoice due dates of all the invoices accordingly. Also, you can edit the amount of all the invoices.

Note: The system will only split the tuition fee equally in all the invoices and all other fees will be linked to the first invoice/instalment only

IMPORTANT: When creating/editing application/s, then either use instalment plans or re-calculate your invoice/s based on above explanation, so that the system can work efficiently for you.

Change – End date editable while creating the Application

We have made a new change in the system for End Date for this Application field on the New Application screen.

While creating the application system calculates the end date of the application and the field (End Date for this Application field) used to appear as a read only field. Now a user can edit the End Date of the application as their requirements by selecting the dates from the calendar as shown below:

Note: End date editable settings is a system based settings and the user can only edit the end date of the application if this setting is turned on. If you want this setting to be turned on then you need to contact TEAMS Support.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

What are Preferences and how do I use the screen?


Preferences are linked to an Enquiry Type of student or employer. They are a way to record:

Student – what campus and programs they are interested in receiving information about.

Employer – what campus and programs they are interested in having their staff complete studies in.

You can only access Preferences through the Enquiry screen using the Fab Dial icon

A new screen will open and you follow these steps to enter preferences for an enquiry.

Step 1 – select the a Campus from the dropdown.

Step 2 – select the Program from the dropdown list.

Step 3 – select the + Add button and the system will add it to the grid below. You can enter as many preferences as you like for an enquiry.

Can’t see a SAVE button in the screen?

Unlike other screens in the system, this screen will auto save when you have selected a Campus and Program and selected the + Add button.

No SAVE button on the screen?

If you are entering data and you cannot see a SAVE button, this could be due to one of two reasons –

1. You do not have permissions to add or edit data. You should talk to your manager to confirm if you have permissions in the system to do this.
2. There is a small number of screens in the system where it will auto save what you enter or edit. These screens include:

New Enquiry (Student & Employer types) > Preferences screen

Questions & Answers

Common Questions that you may be looking for an answer to can be found here. Please go through the list and review items that may be of relevance to your situation. You can also use your browser and do a text search for some of the keywords that you would like to read some information about. We have tried to arrange them in the order of frequency of questions asked. As this page grows, we will further break this down into various categories for ease of reading and search.