Change – Application Listing Screen – CSV download

We have added a new CSV icon on the Application Listing Screen. This icon will allow you to download the list of Applications displayed in the grid in a CSV format. To do this, select the CSV icon in the top right hand corner of the grid and you will be able to browse to your network/computer to save the file. You will also be able to change the file format from CSV to xlsx (Excel format) if you wish to.

Change – New application new settings Requires Homestay & Requires Pickup

We have added two new tick boxes Requires Homestay and Requires Airport Pickup/Drop off on the New Application – Student selection screen.

Once you have created the application using these tick boxes, the icons below will appear on the Applicant Profile and Student Profile tiles.

You can also see these tick boxes on the below screens:

Applicant Dashboard – History

Below is a list of all the changes or new items we have added to this screen.

Change – Added BCC in the compose email screen

Enrolment Dashboard > Communication Tile > Communication Log Burger Menu > Email Log

We have added a new field in the compose email screen i.e. BCC. Now you can BCC the email to the preferred email address while sending an email to any agent, applicant, student and enrolment.

Important Links

Enquiry – New Application option in Burger menu

Enquiry > Burger Menu > New Application

We have introduced a new option on the enquiry screen i.e New Application. Initially, you have to go to the enquiry listing screen from the marketing dashboard to create an application for the enquiry but now you can simply search for the enquiry from the main search bar. Once the enquiry screen will get open, you can select the new application option from the burger menu at the top right corner of the screen. TADA! and this will open the new application step 1 screen.


This table will show you icons that are available under the Details column, Actions column, and Applicant/Student/Enrolment profile tiles.

Details Column Icons – When you move your mouse on any icon under the details column, it will show a tooltip with the icon showing its information.

Actions Column Icons – These icons will allow you to make an entry for any student data on your TEAMS site and will take you to the relevant screens and you will find these icons on many screens within TEAMS.

Applicant/Student/Enrolment Icons – Icons under these sections will allow you to add/edit the student data from each object’s profile tile. Also, you will be able to view the information by moving your cursor to any icon which will show a tooltip on the enrolment profile tile.

Details Column IconTheir Use
This icon indicates that the enrolment is a New Student
This icon shows that the enrolment is a Returning Student
This icon will show you the name of the Account Manager
This icon will show you the overseas information of the student
This will show you the Agent Name
This icon will show you the overdue amount for the Students/Enrolments
This icon will show you the tooltip as orientation required
Actions Column IconsTheir Use
To edit the data. You will see this icon on many screens for editing.
To approve/convert a pending application to enrolment.
To decline a pending application.
To reverse the declined application.
To send out emails
To send out SMS.
To create contact logs.
To delete an entry.
To print reports.
To cancel reports.
To create New Invoice.
To create Invoice Recreation.
To Edit the receipt.
To Transfer receipted money.
To refund the receipted money.
To send a pay request email for invoices.
Subject Mapping
To start an enrolment.
To finish an enrolment.
To Submission Review.
To download the document.
To Commence Subject.
To Uncommence Subject.
Subject Mark as inactive.
Main Menu’sand Sub Menu’sTheir Use
Complicance main menu.
Finance main menu.
Navigate to Student Search sub menu.
Navigate to Class Allocation sub menu.
Navigate to Attendance sub menu.
Navigate to Results sub menu.
To generate CSV report
To generate report in Excel.
To generate report in word.
Navigate to New Enquiry sub menu.
Navigate to New Application sub menu.
Navigate to Marketing Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Agent sub menu.
Navigate to Agent Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Commission Templates sub menu.
Navigate to Campus sub menu.
Navigate to Programs sub menu.
Navigate to Unit of Studies sub menu.
Navigate to Subjects sub menu.
Navigate to Academic Template sub menu.
Navigate to Group Training Plans sub menu.
Navigate to Timetable sub menu.
Navigate to Allocate Subjects/UoS sub menu.
Navigate to GTP Allocation sub menu.
Navigate to Intakes sub menu.
Navigate to Submission Review sub menu.
Navigate to Assessments sub menu.
Navigate to Subject Dates sub menu.
Navigate to USI Request sub menu.
Navigate to Compliance Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Avetmiss Export sub menu.
Navigate to Avetmiss Export History sub menu.
Navigate to Student Progress sub menu.
Navigate to Attendance Monitoring. sub menu.
Navigate to Training Location sub menu.
Navigate to TPS History sub menu
Navigate to Financial Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Agent Transactions sub menu.
Navigate to Instalment Plans sub menu.
Navigate to Fee sub menu.
Navigate to Site Setting sub menu.
Navigate to Report Dashboard sub menu.
Navigate to Organisation sub menu.
Navigate to Report Settings sub menu.
Navigate to User sub menu.
Navigate to Audit Logs sub menu.
Navigate to Employer sub menu.
Navigate to School sub menu.
Navigate to Classrom sub menu.
Navigate to Trainers sub menu.
Navigate  to Account Manager sub menu.
Navigate to Report Template sub menu.
Navigate to Email Template sub menu.
Navigate to SMS Template sub menu.
Navigate to User Codes sub menu.
Navigate to Notes Template sub menu.
Navigate to Notification Template sub menu.
Navigate to WebForms sub menu.
Navigate to Public Holidays sub menu.
Navigate to Term Breaks sub menu.
Navigate to Quiz sub menu.
Navigate to Question Bank sub menu.
Navigate to Alert System Configuration
Navigate to Automated Action sub menu.
Navigate to Automated System Actions sub menu.
Student/Enrolment Dashboard IconsTheir Use
To update student’s AVETMISS, Local and Mailing Addresses.
To update student’s next of kin/emergency contact details.
To show you that it’s an AVETMISS student and has a VET enrolment.
To show you that the student has a VET enrolment but you haven’t set the it as AVETMISS student.
To create/update the USI for a student when it is not updated.
To show you that the USI is there in TEAMS for the student but it is not verified
To show you that the USI is verified.
For you to add student’s holidays.
To show you that there are student’s holidays updated.
To add or edit student’s conditions.
To show that the conditions are updated for the student.
To link/edit the account manager.
To update/view student’s english proficiency.
To update/view student’s visa details or CoE details.
To show you that the visa has been expired for the student.
Application DashboardTheir Use
This icon navigate to edit Avetmiss Settings.
This icon navigate to Training Plan and Results.
This icon navigate to Fee Help Setting.
This icon navigate to Employer Tracking.
This icon navigate to Edit Applicant Visa Details.
This icon will show local address of student when you hover mouse on that icon.

Change in the Character Limit for SMS

SMS clients are an integral part of the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) network technology. SMS uses standardised communications protocols to allow fixed lines to exchange short text messages. SMS messages can be used to transport almost any kind of data (within the character limit). One of the defining characteristics of SMS messages is the maximum length of 160 characters.

In TEAMS also, we have a limit of just 160 characters for an SMS. A user cannot send out a message which has more than 160 characters. However, we now have changed this. The character limit for a single message still remains 160 characters, but now a user will be able to type in more characters than 160 while sending SMS/s.

One message can contain just 160 characters, so the more characters, you start to type in, the more SMS count will be used. For instance, if for your RTO, the free SMS count per month is 100, and now you are going to send out a message to 2 students that have 170 characters. Your 4 SMS count will be used to send out that message to 2 students. So you will be left with a 96 SMS count for that month.

You can also buy the SMS packages that we have if you have consumed all of the free SMS quota. Kindly contact support to know more about our SMS packages.

Note: This hasn’t been introduced for SMS template screen where you can create templates for the messages. This will be done in the next few updates.

Change – New Application > AVETMISS Address tab

While creating a new applicant, if you are not selecting the AVETMISS tick-box on the New Application > Details tab then the system will not allow you to add the AVETMISS address on the address tab.

As the AVETMISS address fields are read-only fields and you will only be able to add an AVETMISS address under the address tab if you select the AVETMISS tickbox.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

Visa Information – Applicant Dashboard

Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Visa Information Icon

history of changes

This screen will allow you to add/edit the visa details of an applicant at the application dashboard > Visa Information Screen

IMPORTANT – Once the application is converted to a student, you won’t be able to add/edit any details at the applicant level. However, you can make the changes from the Student level.

Below are the steps to add the visa details for an applicant.

  • When you select the icon on the Applicant Dashboard, it will take you to the edit visa details screen where you can select the  button to add the visa details of an applicant.
  • Upon selecting the add button, a popup window will open where you can add the visa information for the applicant and select the +ADD button.
  • Once you select the Add button, it will appear in the grid.