Commission Due Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent No generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled
IntakeIt will show you Intake linked to the enrolment.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
Student TypeThis is the student type (New Student and Returning Student) selected at the Enrolment level
Upsell / ExtensionThis column will print either Upsell or Extension.
Enrolment StatusThe Enrolment status such as Started, Finished and Not Yet Started.
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment’s outcome
Internal PackageThis will show Yes if the tick box is selected or No if the tick box is not selected
External PackageThis will show Yes if the tick box is selected or No if the tick box is not selected
External Package Start DateIt belongs to the external package type. If an external package is yes then the system will print the start date of the external package.
Study Period NoStudy period Number
Invoice Study Period StartInvoice Study period start date
Invoice Study Period EndInvoice Study period end date
Student Invoice NoThe invoice number will print under this column.
Invoice DateDate of the invoice
Invoice Due DateDue date of the invoice
Invoice Tuition AmountThe invoice tuition amount will print under this column
Invoice Tuition ReceiptThe invoice tuition receipt amount will print under this column
Tuition OutstandingThis column will print the tuition Outstanding amount.
Student Receipt DateThe invoice tuition receipt amount will be printed under this column
Agent CodeAgent’s Code will print under this column.
Agent NameAgent name linked with the enrolment
Agent Invoice NoAgent Invoice No will print under this column.
Actual Agent Invoice NoActual Agent Invoice No will print under this column.
Agent Net Invoice AmountAgent Net Invoice Amount
GST AmountGST Amount will print under this column
Agent Gross Invoice AmountThis column will print the Agent Gross Invoice Amount
Payment DateThe date of the payment will print under this column.
Payment NoThe payment Number will print under this column.
Commission Due to be paidThe Commission Due to be paid amount will print under this column.
Payment AmountPayment Amount will print under this column.
Balance Due to be paidThis is the total balance due to be paid for the enrolment commission.
BalanceThis is the total balance owing for the student’s enrolment.
Payable (Y/N)This will print the payable status such as Y, N

Commission Due Report Filters

The General and Advance Filters tab on the Commission Due Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report.

Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customise the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanations
Report Based OnYou will see three radio buttons under this section:

As on Date: The system will display agent commissions in the report if their due date is on or before the specified date, as long as all other selected parameters are met.

Transaction Date: The system will display invoices in the report if their date falls within the specified start date and end date, as long as all other selected parameters are met.

Due Date: The system will display invoices in the report if their due date falls within the specified date range (start date and end date), provided that all other selected parameters are met.
Enrolments to includeThis is a dropdown field select any one from the dropdown such as Current, Started/To Start, Finished/To Finish
Enrolment Start DateSelect the enrolment start date from the calendar icon.
Enrolment End DateSelect the enrolment end date from the calendar icon.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Show Parameter EntriesYou can select multiple payment entries type such as all entries, pending payments.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DesPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advanced FiltersExplanation
Include zero balance statementsThe system will display commissions with a zero balance.
Include cancelled enrolments
The system will only include cancelled enrolments with start dates within the specified report period and exclude those marked as cancelled outcomes.
AgentSelect multiple agent from the dropdown field

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Commission Due Report

Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Commission Due Report

history of changes

The Commission Due report is accessible through the Finance menu which provides a concise overview of commission-related information. This report offers comprehensive details about the commission due amount, the amount already paid, and the remaining balance yet to be paid. Additionally, it includes relevant financial information and student details within the report.

Commission Due Report Filters

Commission Due Report Data Columns

Receipt Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
First NameStudent First Name
Last NameStudent Last Name
Visa TypeThe student’s visa type will print under this column
CountryCountry of the student.
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment
Cricos CodeCricos Code
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
DurationThe system will show you the total number of the Enrolment’s week i.e. sum of study and academic holiday weeks
StartedIf the enrolment is started, the column will show you Yes and if the enrolment is not started, the column will show NO
StatusStatus of the enrolment such as started, Not Yet Started or Arrived
CoE NoCoE No
Enrolment TypeEnrolment type selected for the enrolment on the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Agent NameAgent name linked with the enrolment
Account ManagerAccount Manager name linked with the enrolment
TimetableTimetable name linked to the enrolment
Bank DateBank Date will print under this column
Receipt DateReceipt Date will print under this column
Receipt NoReceipt No will print under this column
Receipt CancelledReceipt Cancelled or not such as Yes or No
Fee DescriptionFee Description will print under this column.
Receipt AmountReceip Amount will print under this column.
Transfer Receipt AmountTransfer receipted amount
Bad Debt AmountBank Debt amount
GST on ReceiptGst amount on receipt
Over Paid AmountOver Paid Amount will print under this column.
Surcharge AmountSurcharge Amount will print under this column.
Bank ChargesBank Charges
Total Gross Receipt AmountTotal Gross receipt amount
GST on CommissionGst amount on Commission
Commission DeductedCommission Deducted
Total Net Receipt AmountTotal receipted amount of the enrolment
Total Tuition AmountTotal Tuition amount of the enrolment
Enrolment BalanceThis is the total balance for the student’s enrolment
NotesReceipt Notes
Invoice NoInvoice number of the receipt
Invoice DateDate of the invoice for the receipt
Due DateDue date of the invoice
Invoice Creation DateCreation date of the Invoice will print under this column
Payment TypePayment Type
Reference NoReference No of the receipt
Bank Account NameBank Account Name
UserUser Name
Created OnCreated On Receipt date

Receipt Report Filters

The General and Advance Filters tab on the Receipt Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report.

Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customise the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanation
Report Based onYou will see three radio buttons under this section:

Receipt – Receipt Date: When you select this button, the system will print receipts based on receipt dates

Receipt – Creation Date: When you select this button, the system will print receipts based on the receipt creation date

Receipt In Advance – Invoice Due Date: When you select this button, the system will print receipts based on the invoice due date
Include Fee Line ItemSelect the tick box if you want the report to print the fee line item. For example, if the particular invoice has multiple fees then the system will print those fees in this column
Report Start DateSelect the report start date from the calendar icon.
Report End DateSelect the report end date from the calendar icon.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Include EnrolmentsYou can select multiple types of enrolments such as Current, Started and Finished and you can select these options one at a time
Include Cancelled InvoicesCheck this tick box to include cancelled invoices in the report.
Include Cancelled EnrolmentsCheck this tick box to include cancelled enrolments in the report
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advanced FiltersExplanation
Visa TypeSelect visa type from the dropdown field.
Enrolment TypeSelect multiple Enrolment type from the dropdown field
Payment MethodSelect multiple payment method from the dropdown field

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Receipt Report

Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Receipt Report

The Receipt report is located under the Finance menu which provides you a concise summary of important receipt-related information. This report offers a comprehensive view of the receipts, including essential details such as the receipt number and receipt date.

Additionally, it presents crucial information about the transferred receipt amount, if applicable, along with the GST associated with the receipt. Furthermore, the report includes details regarding any bank charges incurred and any commissions deducted from the receipted amount.

Receipt Report Filters

Receipt Report Data Columns

Fee Overdue Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Enrol. #Enrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student #Student Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
Date of BirthDate of birth of the student.
Phone #Phone number of the student.
Agent NameAgent linked with the enrolment.
CampusThe system will show you the campus name linked to the enrolment
Cricos CodeCricos Code
Course CodeProgram Code under which the student/enrolment is enrolled
Course NameProgram Name under which the student/enrolment is enrolled
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created and selected for the Type of enrolment, it will appear under this column
Account ManagerAccount Manager linked with the enrolment
Academic ScheduleCurrent Timetable linked with Enrolment
Preferred Payment MethodPayment Method
Visa TypeStudent’s visa type.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
Duration WeeksThe system will show you the total number of the Enrolment’s week i.e. sum of study and academic holiday weeks
StartedThis column will show you Yes if the enrolment is started and No if the enrolment is not started
Local Address Line 1Student Local Address Line 1
Local Address Line 2Student Local Address Line 2
Local Address Line 3Student Local Address Line 3
Local Address SuburbStudent Local Address Suburb
Local Address StateStudent Local Address State
Local Address PostCodeStudent Local Address Postcode
Local Address CountryStudent Local Address Country
MobileStudent’s Mobile Number
EmailAddressStudent’s Email Address
Mailing Address Line 1Mailing Address Line 1 of the Student
Mailing Address Line 2Mailing Address Line 2 of the Student
Mailing Address Line 3Mailing Address Line 3 of the Student
Mailing Address SuburbMailing Address Suburb of the Student
Mailing Address StateMailing Address State of the Student
Mailing Address PostCodeMailing Address Postcode of the Student
Mailing Address CountryMailing Address Country of the Student
Invoice Noenrolment’s overdue Invoice numbers
Due DateDue date of the last invoice
Total Fees OverdueTotal overdue fee amount of the enrolment
CommissionOverdue Commission amount
Net Overdue – CommissionNet Overdue Commission Amount
Total OwingThis is the date of the last session attended by the student
Last Session Attended OnThe enrolment outcome will print under this column.
Payment TypePayment Type
Enrolment OutcomeThe enrolment outcome selected on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
NationalityNationality of the student.
Most Recent Receipt DateLast Receipted Date
Most Recent Receipt AmountLast Receipted Amount

Fee Overdue Report Filters

The General and Advance Filters tab on the Fee Overdue Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report. Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customize the report to show only the information that is relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanation
As atthe system will use this to find all invoices with a due date that is on or before a specified date, provided the enrolment meets other selected parameters.
Report Start DateSelect the report start date from the calendar icon.
Report End DateSelect the report end date from the calendar icon.
CampusSelect a specific campus or select multiple campuses for your RTO if you are submitting this report for multiple campuses.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Enrolments to IncludeYou can select multiple types of enrolments such as Not Started, Current and Finished or select All under this field.
Include Overdue invoices where receipt date is after as at dateYou can include invoices in the report even if they have a receipt entered with a date after the specified “As at” date. By selecting the tick box, the system will consider the invoices overdue as of the entered date, regardless of the receipt date.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DesPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advanced FiltersExplanation
Timetables and ClassesYou can select the timetables or classes from the magic search field
Enrolment TypeSelect multiple Enrolment type from the dropdown field
Enrolment OutcomeSelect multiple Enrolment outcome from the dropdown field
AgentYou can select the Agent from the magic search field

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report, and the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Invoices Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Invoice DateDate of the invoice
invoice No Invoice number will print under this column.
Student NoStudent No generated by TEAMS.
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled
AgentAgent name linked with the enrolment
CountryCountry of the student.
NationalityNationality of the student.
Account ManagerDisplays Account Manager’s name linked to enrolment
TimetableTimetable name linked to the enrolment.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
Enrolment TypeThe type of enrolment will print under this column
Duration in WeeksThe system will show you the total number of the Enrolment’s week i.e. sum of study and academic holiday weeks
Fee ChargeableName of the Fee (Ex – Tuition Fee, Material Fee etc)
Ex. AmountThe fee amount exclusive of GST amount
GST AmountThe GST amount will print under this column
DiscountThe discount amount made for the fee
Total AmountTotal of the particular Invoiced amount of the enrolment
Agent Comm.The invoiced commission amount of the agent
Balance owingThis is the total balance owing for the student’s enrolment.
Postal AddressStudent’s Postal address.
Email AddressStudent’s primary email address
Last session Attended DateThis is the date of the last session attended by student.
MobileStudent’s mobile number
Employer NameEmployer name linked to the enrolment
Employer CodeCode of the Employer
Invoice Creation DateThe creation date of the Invoice
Invoice Due DateThe Due date of the invoice
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment’s outcome
Study Period Start DateStudy period start date
Study period End Date Study period end date
Study Period NoStudy period Number
Payment TypePayment Type
Enrolment StatusThe Enrolment status such as Started, Finished and Not Yet Started.

Invoices Report

Main Dashboard > Finance Menu > Invoices Report

The Invoice report located in the Finance menu, provides a comprehensive overview of invoice-related information. This report displays essential details such as the invoice number and invoice date. Additionally, it includes comprehensive fee-related information, such as the fee amount, discount applied, GST, and commission details. The Invoice report serves as a valuable tool for tracking and analyzing invoicing data, enabling efficient financial management within the system.

Invoices Report Filters

Invoices Report Data Columns