Add/Edit Agent

These screens will allow you to add/edit the information about the Agent. You can find these screens under:

Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile > Edit Agent Details Icon

Marketing Menu > Agent Listing screen > +Agent Button

Note – When you select the Offshore Agent tick box, the Overseas address tab will get visible and you won’t be able to select the Local Address tab.

Note – Below tables will give you an explanation of details tab and other tabs(contact information, local address and overseas) are self explanatory tab where you add contact information and agent’s address

Details Tab

Agent IDIt is a read-only system-generated field that will automatically populate Agent’s ID.
Agent CodeAgent Code (usually an abbreviation for reports). Cannot be left blank.
Agent NameName of the Agent (generally the name of the Agent’s Organisation). Cannot be left blank.
Legal NameThe legal name of the Agent (if different from their organisation or brand name).
ABNYou can enter the Australian Business Number in this field.
ACNYou can enter the Australian Company Number in this field.
Offshore AgentSelect this tick box if the agent is offshore (overseas).
Agent TypeThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the agent type from dropdown.
Agent Links to all CampusesIf your RTO has multiple campuses then you can select this tick box.
CampusYou can select the specific campus from the dropdown field. This field will be visible if the Agent Links to all campuses check box is un-tick.
Agent is Active?If you do not select this tick then the agent will not appear on the required screens.
No Longer accepting new ApplicationsBy select this tick box, the agent will not appear for the new applications.
Account ManagerThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the account manager from dropdown.
Marketing SourceThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the marketing source from dropdown.
RegionThis is user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the region from dropdown.
Contract Expiry DateAgent’s contract expiry date.
Charge GSTSelect this tick box to charge GST on the agent’s commission.
Pre-deducted commissionSelect this tick box if you wish to pre deduct the commission while creating the receipts for the students.
Pay CommissionIf you select this tick box, the system will show different fields related to pay the commission
Commission Template – This will be the default commission set for the agent
Optional Commission templates – This will show you commission’s list from which you can select any optional commission.
Optional Commission TemplateYou can select optional commission template from the dropdown field
Vendor CodeEnter the Vendor code of the agent in this field
Purchase Order NoEnter the Purchase order number of the agent in this field
Purchase Order AmountYou can enter the Purchase order amount in this field
Agent LoginYou can enter the Agent Login ID in this field
Agent Admin PasswordYou can enter the Agent Admin password in this field

AGD – Applications Tile

Main Dashboard > Marketing Menu > Agent Dashboard > Applications Tile


In the Applications Tile, we show all the pending applications linked to the Agent. You can convert, decline and perform other actions to the applications from this listing screen.

This screen is divided into two sections.
1) Filters/Parameters
2) Listing Grids


To open this screen, you would have selected the Applications Tile link from the Agent Dashboard. Based on the date range you have selected on the Application Tile, the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. For example, it will show you the start and end dates that were used in the tile. You can add a New Application with this agent by selecting the +Application button.

Select here to know more about the filters/parameters.

Listing Grid

In this grid, we are displaying the list of all pending applications. We are showing the Applications Processed Date, App No, Student Name, Campus, Program, Start Date, End Date, Intake, Application Type, Marketing Source, Agent, Account Manager, Status, and Actions columns. All of these columns are self-explanatory.

Select here to know about the Icons under the Actions column and Burger Menu

How to select Applications?

Use tick boxes to select applications if you wish to send email/SMS, create a contact log, print letters and start enrolments in bulk. After selecting the students, pick the option from the burger menu and you are one step away to finish your heap of work in one go.

Or if you wish to select all students at once, use the tick box present right beside the Processed Date column.

AGD – Enrolments Tile

Main Dashboard > Marketing Menu > Agent Dashboard > Enrolments Tile


In the Applications Tile, we show all the enrolments that are linked to the Agent.

This screen is divided into two sections.
1) Filters/Parameters
2) Listing Grids


To open this screen, you would have selected the Enrolments Tile link from the Agent Dashboard. Based on the date range you have selected on the Enrolments Tile, the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. For example, it will show you the start and end dates that were used in the tile.

Select here to know more about the filters/parameters.

Listing Grid

In this grid, we are displaying the list of all enrolments. We are showing the Student No, Enrolment No, Student Name, Campus, Program, Intake, Enrol. Start-End Date, Enrolment Status, Previous/Future Program, and Overdue Amt columns. All of these columns are self-explanatory.

Select here to know about the Icons under the Actions column and Burger Menu

How to select Enrolments?

Use tick boxes to select enrolments if you wish to send email/SMS, create a contact log, print letters and start enrolments in bulk. After selecting the students, pick the option from the burger menu and you are one step away to finish your heap of work in one go.

Or if you wish to select all students at once, use the tick box present right beside the Student No column.

AGD – Agent Performance Bar Graph

Main Dashboard > Marketing > Agent Dashboard > Agent Performance Tile

Each CRICOS RTO that has collaboration with agents, needs to monitor the agent performance in order to make up their mind in taking certain decisions. On the Agent Dashboard, we have a bar graph that can give you a vast amount of information to keep a check on the agent performance.

This bar graph will display the agent performance for the current financial year. On the right top side of the bar graph, you can see the calendar option. From there, you can change the date range as per your requirement.

Click here to learn about the calendar option

Bar Graph

The horizontal line of the bar graph will display the months based on what calendar option you select. The vertical line of the bar graph will display the count and that count again varies depending upon the calendar option. The vertical colourful bars in the bar graph will present the data with a tooltip. Once you will move your cursor over the bar, you can see a tooltip based on which colour bar you have moved your cursor to. Each colour represents a different purpose. You can see the colour classification on the right side of the bar graph.

As you can below, the tooltip says Converted Applications 17 for the month of Oct 2022. It means for October month, there are just 12 applications to process for that agent, hence the height of the bar is till count 17.0. So from these colourful bars, you can easily read how many total applications linked with the agent, how many converted, commenced, completed, and did not commence & canceled.


Just below the bar graph, we have the financials area for that agent. This is easily readable from the labels just below the figures. This gives you the Tuition Fee’s data based on the calendar option you select.

Moreover, there is a more button in this section that will directs you toward the Agent Financial Transaction screen.

Agent Profile Tile

Main Dashboard > Marketing > Agent Dashboard > Agent Profile Tile

This tile provides you with basic information about an Agent and allows you to perform various actions related to the Agent’s account. Users can upload a profile picture for the Agent and edit their details as needed. Additionally, the tile displays any pending payments for the Agent, providing users with an overview of their financial status. Users can also create bonus invoices for the Agent through this tile, allowing them to reward the Agent for exceptional performance. The tile features different icons that allow you to update the data and perform different actions related to the Agent’s account.

You can upload an agent’s profile picture from here and edit the details as well for an agent.

Vertical Icons


This is a tooltip and you can move your cursor on the
icon to view contacts for this agent

Commission Templates

This is a tooltip and you can move your cursor on the
icon to view Commission Template for this agent

Horizontal Icons

Account Manager

This is a tooltip and you can move your cursor on the
icon to view the Account Manager of this agent


The Overseas Icon will be visible on the agent profile tile
if the agent is set as an offshore Agent.

Agent Performance Report Data Columns

The below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the report.

Agent NameThis column will show you the agent names
Account Managerit will show you Account managers linked to the agent
Student NoStudent numbers linked to the agent
Student NameStudent names linked to the agent
NationalityNationality of the student
Student StatusThis column will display the status of the student whether the enrolment is started, pending, finished or not yet started
CampusCampus name under which the student is enrolled
Enrolment DateThis column will display the processed date of the enrolment
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by the system
Application NoThe application number generated by the system 
CRICOS CodeCRICOS code entered updated on the program entry screen
ProgramProgram name under which the applicant/student is enrolled
WeeksThe total number of study weeks of the program
Start DateEnrolment Start Date
End DateEnrolment End Date
Tuition ReceiptedThe total receipted tuition fee will display under this column
Gross TuitionGross tuition amount of the student/applicant under this column
Agent CommissionThe total Agent commission amount will display under this column
Total Commission PaidThe total commission that has been already paid to the agent
Total Commission BalanceThe total balance of the Agent commission
Commission DueThe total due amount of the Agent commission
Discount notesDiscount notes for the agent
CountryThe country of the agent updated on the Agent screen
Agent RegionThe region of the agent
Agent IDThe agent ID generated by the system
Phone NoAgent’s phone number
Mobile NoAgent’s mobile number
Fax NoAgent’s fax number
Email AddressAgent’s email address
Web AddressAgent’s web address
Local AddressAgent’s local address
Mailing AddressAgent’s mailing address


Main Dashboard > Marketing > Agent


This is the Agent Welcome screen which will show you the list of Agents in the grid that are Active in your system. This screen is divided into two sections:

  • Filters/Parameters
  • Listing Grid


The filters will show you different fields where you can select the data as per your need then select the Apply Button and based on your selection the system will load the list of agents in the grid. You can also see the Total count and the Active count of the Agents.

Listing Grid

In this grid, you can see the list of all Agents. You will see columns such as Agent Code, Agent Name, Type, Region, Account manager, and other Agent contact details in this grid. All of the columns are self-explanatory.

You can select the +Agent button to add a new Agent to the system.

Select here to know more about the Burger Menu

Select here to know more about the Action Column

Send SMS icon is not appearing!
No need to worry if send SMS icon is not appearing under the Actions column. It means Mobile No is missing for that particular agent.

New Invoice

There are two different screens from which you can create invoices. The first option is to navigate to the Enrolment dashboard > Financial tile. From there, you can select the New Invoice icon, which will open the Enrolment Dashboard > Invoice screen.

The second option is to go to the Enrolment dashboard and access the Enrolment Financial details screen. Once there, select the Financial tile and choose the New Invoice icon to open the same Enrolment Dashboard > Invoice screen. These two pathways provide convenient ways to generate invoices within the system, allowing for efficient management of financial transactions.

Below are the steps that you can do to create a new invoice against the enrolment.

  • To fill in the necessary details in the Invoice summary tile, begin by selecting the Date of the Invoice. This is the date when the invoice is issued or generated. Choose the appropriate date from the available options.
  • Next, enter the Invoice Reference. The Invoice Reference is a unique identifier or number assigned to the invoice for tracking and reference purposes. Additionally, if an instalment plan applies to the invoice, you have the option to select it from a drop-down menu. The instalment plan allows for the payment of the invoice amount to be divided into multiple instalments over a specified period. This can be useful for situations where the recipient of the invoice prefers to pay in increments rather than the full amount upfront.
  • Moving on to the Fee Selection tile, you will find dropdown fields to select the Fee Type and Fee Name. These fields are used to identify the specific fee associated with the invoice. Choose the appropriate Fee Type and Fee Name from the available options in the respective dropdown menus.
  • If there is any discount applicable to the invoice, you have the option to include the discount-related information. To do so, locate the section designated for discount details, which may be found on the Invoice screen.


This tile will show you the basic details of the enrolment and all the icons in this tile are read-only. Please note – This screen will not allow you to make any changes in the profile tile

You can enter the Invoice Date, Invoice Reference, and Instalment Plan for the fee that you have selected. This tile also gives you a preview of the total invoice amount, Discount amount, and Commission due amount.

Under the Fee Selection Tile, you can select the fee type, fee name, and fee amount along with discount with other discount-related details.

The Fee Items tile will show you the overview of the fee items that you have selected under the respective invoice. You can also Edit or Delete any fee item under this tile.

Fields under the Fee Selection tile are explained below:

Fee Selection fieldsExplanation
Fee TypeFee type is a dropdown and one can create a fee type in TEAMS from the User Code Screen, where you can select the type of fees (Tuition fee, Material fee, Application fee)
Fee NameThe fee name is also a dropdown and one can create a fee type in TEAMS from the User Code Screen that will show you the list of the fees and the list of the fees will depend on the fee type that you have selected.
Fee AmountOnce you will select the fees from the fee drop own the system will automatically populate the fee amount in the fee amount field, if you want then you can edit the amount also.
DiscountIf you want to give a discount to the student you can enter the amount in the Discount field.
Discount NotesYou can update the Discount note by clicking on the clipboard icon and after entering the notes again you have to click on the clipboard icon to save the notes.
Discount ReasonThe discount reason is also a dropdown value if you are entering the amount in the discount then the discount reason is mandatory to be updated.
TotalThe total field will show the total amount of the invoice after subtracting the discount and after including the GST.
+ADDAfter selecting the details you need to select the add button to add the fee to the fee item grid.

Fields under the Invoices Summary tile are explained below:

Invoice Summary FieldsExplanation
Invoice dateThe invoice date will be the date of the invoice and it should be between the enrolment start and end date.
Installment planFrom the instalment plan dropdown, you can select the instalment plan, only those instalment plans will be visible under this dropdown that is linked to programs

ED – Financials tile – Agent

Enrolment Dashboard > Financials tile > Agent tab

history of changes

In the Agent tab, the system will show you a summary of the agent commission invoices and any payments made with a balance. To see the in-depth information for the commission you can select the more… option.

Below are the steps that you can do by selecting the more option

  • By selecting the more option the system will open the Agent Financial Details screen for the enrolment. It will show you each commission invoice linked to the enrolment and any payments that have been made or deleted for the agent.
  • You can edit an Agent Commission invoice using the Edit icon at the top of the grid. This new screen will allow you to edit a particular invoice by selecting the + button before the invoice number.
  • After selecting the + button, you can change the commission and GST amount, also you can add your desired notes for the invoice by selecting the notes icon under the action column.
  • After adding your desired notes for the invoice, select the Save button at the top right corner of the ED > Agent Financial Detail screen. After selecting the save button, you will see that the notes icon under the action column turn green which shows that this invoice contains notes.

Note: The system will not allow you to update the commission amount less than what you have paid to the agent for that invoice. However, you can edit the commission amount to more than what you have already paid to the agent for that invoice.