Student Holidays Report Data Columns

Student Holiday Report screen has General tab and the below table will show you filters with their explanation.

Enrolment #Enrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student #Student Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent’s (First name)(Middle name)(Last name
Visa TypeIt will show the Visa type selected at the Student and Enrolment level
Holiday TypeThe system will show the holiday type updated at the Student level on the student holiday screen
CampusThis will show the number of enrolments linked with the campuses
Start DateStart Date of the holidays
End DateEnd Date of the holidays
No Of WeeksTotal number of holiday weeks
TimetableTimetable linked to enrolments
AgentAgent name linked to enrolments
StatusStatus of the enrolment (Started, Not Started)


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on