Results Achieved Report Filters

Dashboard > Student Management > Results Achieved

The results achieved report filters screen has General tab and Advanced tab. The below table will show you filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanations
Report Based onThis field has two radio buttons (Result Date and Subject End Date). Upon selecting any of these radio button the system will print the report for you.
Report Start DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the start date the system will print the results lying under the start date selected.
Report End DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the end date the system will print the results lying under the end date selected.
CampusYou can select the campus from the dropdown.
ProgramsThis is a magic search field and you cam search multiple programs in this filed.
SubjectsThis is a magic search field and you cam search multiple subjects in this filed.
Show inactive subjects and unit of studiesIf you wish to print the inactive subjects and UoS, you can select this tick box.
TrainerThis is a dropdown and it will allow you select the trainers which will get printed in the report.
Timetable SelectionYou can select the timetables from the dropdown.
Show TypesThis dropdown will allow you to select the results such as All, Successful and Unsuccessful.
Include Finished EnrolmentsSelect this tick box if you wish to print the finished enrolments in the report.
Enrolment with Selected Module/s but No resultsif you select this tick box, the report will show you enrolments that has subjects linked to them but the results are not updated for those subjects.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics


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