Commission Due Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent No generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled
IntakeIt will show you Intake linked to the enrolment.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
Student TypeThis is the student type (New Student and Returning Student) selected at the Enrolment level
Upsell / ExtensionThis column will print either Upsell or Extension.
Enrolment StatusThe Enrolment status such as Started, Finished and Not Yet Started.
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment’s outcome
Internal PackageThis will show Yes if the tick box is selected or No if the tick box is not selected
External PackageThis will show Yes if the tick box is selected or No if the tick box is not selected
External Package Start DateIt belongs to the external package type. If an external package is yes then the system will print the start date of the external package.
Study Period NoStudy period Number
Invoice Study Period StartInvoice Study period start date
Invoice Study Period EndInvoice Study period end date
Student Invoice NoThe invoice number will print under this column.
Invoice DateDate of the invoice
Invoice Due DateDue date of the invoice
Invoice Tuition AmountThe invoice tuition amount will print under this column
Invoice Tuition ReceiptThe invoice tuition receipt amount will print under this column
Tuition OutstandingThis column will print the tuition Outstanding amount.
Student Receipt DateThe invoice tuition receipt amount will be printed under this column
Agent CodeAgent’s Code will print under this column.
Agent NameAgent name linked with the enrolment
Agent Invoice NoAgent Invoice No will print under this column.
Actual Agent Invoice NoActual Agent Invoice No will print under this column.
Agent Net Invoice AmountAgent Net Invoice Amount
GST AmountGST Amount will print under this column
Agent Gross Invoice AmountThis column will print the Agent Gross Invoice Amount
Payment DateThe date of the payment will print under this column.
Payment NoThe payment Number will print under this column.
Commission Due to be paidThe Commission Due to be paid amount will print under this column.
Payment AmountPayment Amount will print under this column.
Balance Due to be paidThis is the total balance due to be paid for the enrolment commission.
BalanceThis is the total balance owing for the student’s enrolment.
Payable (Y/N)This will print the payable status such as Y, N


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on