Attendance Report Filters

The Attendance Report filters have two tabs General and Advance and the below table will show you the general and advance filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
As on DateThis is today’s current date and you can select it from the calendar.
Enrolments to includeCurrent– Selected: ongoing enrolments flagged as started but not finished. Optional dates optimize calculations.
Empty with today’s date: Retrieves all started enrolments, even with past end dates, for attendance calculations. Specify a date range: Limits search to enrolments within that range, regardless of individual start or end dates.
Finished – Selecting this option filters for finished enrolments only. Mandatory dates for the Report Start and End fields define the search period for enrolment end dates. The “Date based on” value must be within the specified date range.
CampusSelect a specific campus from the dropdown.
ProgramThis is a magic search field and you can search for multiple Programs by typing the Program Code.
Study Period No of WeeksThe field will display study period weeks based on the system setting for your RTO by default.
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetable and ClassesThis is a magic search field and you can search and select multiple timetables.
Enrolment TypeThis is a user code and one can create the user code in TEAMS as you required. Based on the user code selected, you can select multiple enrolment types from the dropdown.
Visa TypesSelect the Visa type from the dropdown.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on