Agent Payment Report Data Columns

The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Payment DatePayment Date
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by the system
Student NoStudent numbers linked to the agent
Student NameStudent names linked to the agent
Start DateEnrolment Start Date
End DateEnrolment End Date
ProgramProgram name under which the applicant/student is enrolled
AgentThis column will show you the agent names
Student Invoice NoInvoice number of the student
Student Invoice AmountInvoice amount of the student
Commission Invoice NoAgent invoice No will print under this column.
Commission Invoice AmountThe agent invoice amount will print under this column.
Commission Payment NoThis is the commission payment number for the agent.
Pre-Deducted Commission PaymentPre-Deducted Commission Payment
Commission Payment AmountCommission payment amount will print under this column.
Agent GSTGST on Commission amount will print under this column.
Commission Invoice BalanceThis is the total balance of the commission invoice.
UserUser Name
Payment Reference NoReference No of the payment
Bank AccountBank Account Name
Payment StatusPayment status such as Paid


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