The Below table will show you the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.
Columns | Explanation |
Payment Date | Payment Date |
Enrolment No | Enrolment number generated by the system |
Student No | Student numbers linked to the agent |
Student Name | Student names linked to the agent |
Start Date | Enrolment Start Date |
End Date | Enrolment End Date |
Program | Program name under which the applicant/student is enrolled |
Agent | This column will show you the agent names |
Student Invoice No | Invoice number of the student |
Student Invoice Amount | Invoice amount of the student |
Commission Invoice No | Agent invoice No will print under this column. |
Commission Invoice Amount | The agent invoice amount will print under this column. |
Commission Payment No | This is the commission payment number for the agent. |
Pre-Deducted Commission Payment | Pre-Deducted Commission Payment |
Commission Payment Amount | Commission payment amount will print under this column. |
Agent GST | GST on Commission amount will print under this column. |
Commission Invoice Balance | This is the total balance of the commission invoice. |
User | User Name |
Payment Reference No | Reference No of the payment |
Bank Account | Bank Account Name |
Payment Status | Payment status such as Paid |
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on