Agent Details Report Filters

Below are the filters and their explanation for the Attendance Hours Report.

General FiltersExplanations
PrintThis label has three Radio Buttons:

Show All – if you select this radio button the system will show you all the active and inactive agents in the system.

Show Active only – This will show you only the Active agents.

Show Inactive Only – This will show you only the inactive agents.
Print Based onThis label has two radio buttons:

Agent – By default, the Agent radio button is selected and if you want to print the report based on the agent name then you can select the agent name in the magic search field.

Agent Type – If you wish to print the report based on the Agent Type then you can select the agent type from the drop-down. (Agent Type is a user code and you can create the agent type from the User Code screen.
Account Manager NameThis is a magic search field and you can select multiple account managers in this field.
CampusYou can select multiple campuses from the dropdown.
CountryIf you select any country or countries from the dropdown then the system will pull out the agents that are linked to the selected country or countries
Exclude UnsubscribeThis filter will exclude all the agents that have unsubscribed tick box selected on the agent entry screen > Contact Information Tab.
Only Display Default ContactsThe system will display all the agents with their primary contacts only. It will exclude all the contacts who are not selected as primary contacts for those agents.
Group ByGroup by is used to group the report according to Group by selected for example Country, Agent Type, Commission Paid etc.
Sort BySort by is used to sort the report according to Sort by selected for example County, Agent Name, Agent Type etc.
Asc/DscSelect the Ascending or Descending radio button.

Select the “Print” Icon  to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on