How do I link commission templates to an agent?

When the “Pay Commission” is turned on but the commission template is not linked with the agent, it can cause issues. This means that the system has enabled the commission calculation but it is not properly set up to assign commissions to specific agents

To link the agent commission template and raise the agent invoices, you can follow the following steps:

  • The first step is to select the main menu icon for Marketing, followed by selecting the icon for Agent. This action will direct the user to the Agent Welcome List screen. From there, the user can search for a specific agent by using the search bar or by scrolling through the list of agents displayed.
  • Once the user has accessed the Agent Welcome List screen, the next step is to select the agent by entering their code or name and clicking the Apply button. The system will then search for the agent and display the relevant information on the screen.
  • To edit the agent’s information, the user needs to locate the Edit icon in the Actions column of the agent’s record and select it.
  • When accessing the agent entry screen, it is possible to see whether the pay commission tick box is selected or not. However, it is important to note that the commission templates must also be selected in order for the system to properly calculate and allocate commissions. This can be done by using the “Default Commission Template” dropdown menu.
  • In addition to the “Default Commission Template” dropdown, there is also another dropdown menu available on the agent entry screen that allows the user to select optional commission templates. These templates are typically used when an agent is eligible for commissions based on multiple sales.
  • After selecting the appropriate commission template/s for the agent and making any necessary changes to their information, the next step is to click on the save button to save the changes.


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