Edit Enrolment AVETMISS Settings

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile > AVETMISS Icon

history of changes

IMPORTANT – We believe that staying informed about the latest developments in our software is vital for optimising your experience and maximising the benefits of using our system. To view the latest updates and modifications on the Edit Enrolment AVETMISS Settings screen, we kindly request you to navigate to the History icon history of changes showing above in the top left corner of the screen. By selecting this icon, you will gain access to a detailed log of all the recent changes made to TEAMS.


The first thing to know is that AVETMISS stands for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard. It is the national data standard that ensures consistent and accurate capture and reporting of Vocational Education and Training (VET) information about students.

The screen will show you two tabs namely Enrolment AVETMISS Settings and Subject AVETMISS Settings.

The Enrolment AVETMISS Settings tab will allow you to update the AVETMISS settings for the enrolment whereas the Subject AVETMISS Settings will show you subject level AVETMISS settings.

Enrolment AVETMISS Settings Tab

The below table will explain each and every field of Enrolment AVETMISS Settings:

Include in National ExportTick the box if you want to include enrolment in national export.
Purchasing ContractYou can select the purchasing contract from the dropdown.
State Training AuthorityFrom the dropdown menu you can select State Training Authority.
Fee ExemptionFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the fee exemption.
Any DisabilityBy marking this option you can select the disability of the student.
At SchoolBy marking this option you can select the school type and enter the school name.
Proficiency in EnglishFrom the dropdown menu you can select the english proficiency of the student.
Study ReasonYou can select the study reason from the dropdown menu.
Funding Source NationalFrom the drop down you can select funding source national.
Funding Source – State Training Authority NoYou can enter the funding source – state training authority no in this field.
Current Labour StatusYou can select the current labour status from the dropdown.
Prior Educational achievementsBy marking this option, you can select the educational achievements of the students. When you select the level of prior education, for example, a Bachelor’s degree, etc, you can also select if the level of education is equal to Australian(A), Australian Equivalent(E), and Internation(I).
Special ContractFrom the dropdown menu you can select special contract.
Training LocationFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the training location.
Competency EnrolmentTick this option if the enrolment is competent.
Student Still At SchoolTick this option if the student is still in school.
Full Time StudentTick this option if student is studying full time.
Training Contract IdentifierYou can enter the training contract identifier number in this field.
Overseas StudentTick this option if student is from overseas.
Date Program CompletedFrom the calendar, you can select a date when the program is completed.
Smart and Skilled enrolmentFor smart and skilled enrolment.
AASNFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the student’s Australian Apprenticeship Support Network.
ANPFrom the dropdown menu you can select student’s Apprenticeship Network Provider.

Subject AVETMISS Settings Tab

The below table will explain every field of Subject AVETMISS Settings:

Internal PercentageYou can add Internal Percentage in this field.
External PercentageYou can add External Percentage in this field.
Workplace PercentageYou can add Workplace in this field.
Pre-dominant Delivery ModeIt will automatically be filled based on the Internal Percentage.
This icon will allow you to edit Subject AVETMISS Setting.
This tick box will allow you to select subjects in bulk.
This icon is displayed in two sections. In the grid and in the grid header.

If you are excluding a particular subject from AVETMISS then you can select this icon against that single subject and the system will show you a pop message ensuring confirmation as OK to exclude the subject from AVETMISS. If you wish to exclude multiple subjects then you can simply select tick boxes against the subjects and select the icon above the grid in the blue ribbon.

Please note – Once you have excluded the subjects from the Avetmiss submission, then the icon will turn red colour.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on support@rtosoftware.com.au