Enrolment Financial Details Screen –  Invoices Sorted by Due Date

We have made a new enhancement to the Enrolment Financial Detail screen. Now, when you access this screen, you will notice that the invoices are sorted in ascending order based on their due dates, as opposed to their invoice dates. This change ensures that you can easily prioritise and manage payments according to the urgency of upcoming deadlines, providing you with a more streamlined view of financial information.

Email Template Welcome Screen – New Email’s Subject Column

We have added a new feature namely the Email’s Subject column in a grid on the Email Template Welcome screen. This column enhances the customisation options for your email templates. This addition allows you to provide a clear and engaging subject line for your emails, ensuring that your communications with students are not only well-crafted but also attention-grabbing.

Payment Due Listing Screen – New Contact Details Column

There is a new enhancement to our Payment Due Listing screen. We’ve introduced a new column called Contact Details within the grid on this screen. This valuable addition will display the mobile numbers of the students, providing you with quick access to their contact information for seamless communication.

Furthermore, when you generate a CSV Report by selecting the CSV icon on this screen, the contact details will be included in the report, ensuring that you have comprehensive data readily available for your records and further analysis.

New Option – Select Multiple Student Records Across Pages for Email Sending

21 Sep 2023

We have introduced a valuable new feature in our system: the ability to send emails to students in bulk, simplifying the email distribution process for you. With this enhancement, you can now select multiple students from different pagination screens, like Main Dashboard – Continuing, Finishers, and Starters Listings, Financial Dashboard – Overdue Fees Listing, Payment Received and Payment Due listing screens all at once, rather than having to send emails page by page.

What’s New – 7th September 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Recent Reports Icon on every screen in TEAMS
  • Student Receipt column has been added to the Commission Due Report
  • Added new Subject Date fields on the Bulk Results Screen
  • New Result Code Column in the Subject Result Table for student Certificates
  • Add Invoice Notes for applications and enrolment invoices
  • A New Program Code column added to the Email Listing Screen
  • Fee Name dropdown will now auto populates the fee name by default
  • Finishers Report now has the new Student’s First Name and Student Last Name column
  • New Campus dropdown has been introduced for the Payment Due and Payment Received listing screens

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

New Recent Report Icon in TEAMS

We have introduced a new icon called Recent Reports in TEAMS, which will now appear on every screen within Teams. This icon is designed to streamline the process of downloading reports from various screens, eliminating the need to navigate back to the Report Dashboard.

Whether you are on the Main Dashboard, Student Dashboard, Enrolment Dashboard, Applicant Dashboard, or any other screen, you can simply select this icon. When you do, a sidebar will appear on the left side of your screen, displaying the 3 most recently generated reports. If any report is currently being generated, it will indicate this with an under processing and processing icon in the sidebar.

NOTEThis icon will not be visible on the Report Dashboard.

Agent Commission Due Report – New Student Receipt Date Column

Now, when you generate this report, you will find a new column labeled Student Receipt Date positioned alongside the existing Invoice Tuition Receipt column.

This new column is designed to provide you with valuable information regarding the date on which the student’s payment receipt was issued for a specific transaction.

Bulk Results Screen – New Subject’s Start Date and End Date Fields

In our latest enhancement to the Bulk Result screen, you will see two valuable additions: the Subject’s Start Date and End Date Fields.

This enhancement provides you with enhanced flexibility, allowing you to input subject start dates and end dates in bulk directly on the Bulk Result screen.

Certificate Report – New Result Code Column

Introducing the new Result Code column in the Certificate Report will display abbreviated codes for different result types, making it easier to identify and understand results at a glance. For instance, Competent will be represented as C, Not Yet Started as NYS, Credit Transfer as CT, and so forth.

Edit Invoice – New Invoice Notes field

TEAMS introduces a new level of flexibility by enabling you to incorporate Invoice Notes when editing invoices.

This enhanced feature empowers you to seamlessly attach relevant invoice notes directly when editing an invoice for a specific application or enrolment. These added notes are then automatically synchronised with the financial transactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the context behind each invoice.

Email Sent Listing Screen – New Program Code Column

The email listing screen has been updated to provide additional information in a more user-friendly manner.

Now, when you view the screen, you will notice that alongside the enrolment number, the Program Code is also displayed within the grid. This enhancement aims to make it easier for you to quickly identify and associate program codes with specific enrolment numbers.

Fee Selection – Fee Type and Fee Name Changes

When creating a new invoice for either an application or an enrolment, a convenient enhancement has been introduced.

Now, when you make a selection in the fee type dropdown, the system will automatically load and display the corresponding Fee Name associated with the chosen fee type. This simplifies the invoicing process, as you no longer need to manually input the fee name.

Finishers Report – New Student’s First Name and Last Name Columns

In the Finishers Report, there’s a notable addition of new columns that provide valuable information. Specifically, you will now find columns labeled Student First Name and Student Last Name.

With these new additions, you can quickly access and analyse student’s information alongside other relevant data, offering a more comprehensive view of the report’s contents.

Payment Due and Payment Received Listing Screens – New Campus Dropdown Parameter

A notable update has been implemented in the payment due and payment received listing screens, introducing a valuable feature – the Campus Dropdown parameter. With this addition, you now have the flexibility to filter and load payments in the grid based on a specific campus.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 21st September 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Fee Selection – Fee Type and Fee Name Changes

We’ve implemented some improvements to the Fee Selection section when editing invoices or creating new invoices for the Application or Enrolment in the system. Now, when you choose a Fee Type, the system will automatically populate the Fee Name by default in the fee name dropdown for that particular fee type.

IMPORTANT – The fee name dropdown will only populate the fee name if there is only one fee created for the fee type. If there are multiple fees created for the fee type, the system will not populate the fee name by default, you will need to manually select the fee from the dropdown.

Edit Invoice – New Invoice Notes field

In a recent update, we introduced the Invoice Notes field to enhance your invoicing experience in both the Application Dashboard’s Invoices section and the Enrolment Dashboard’s Invoices section. With our latest update, you can add and edit invoice notes directly when editing an invoice for a specific application or enrolment. This means you can seamlessly manage and update invoice details on the Edit Application Invoice and Edit Invoice screens, providing you with greater control and customisation in your invoicing processes.

Certificate Report – New Result Code Column

We’re excited to announce the incorporation of a new Result Code column in the Subject Result Table within our certificate templates. This addition will now display a Result code corresponding to the updated results. For instance, if a result is Competent, it will be represented by C, Credit Transfer will be CT, Not Yet Started as NYS, and so on. This enhancement streamlines a more efficient and clear understanding of the certificate information. We believe that this addition will greatly enhance your experience in managing and interpreting results within our system.

Payment Due and Payment Received Listing Screens – New Campus Dropdown Parameter

We have introduced a new campus dropdown parameter on both the Payment Due and Payment Received listing screens. This will empower you with the flexibility to select multiple campuses, allowing you to effortlessly retrieve enrolment data for students enrolled in the chosen campuses directly from the grid. We believe this enhancement will greatly improve your experience in managing payments and student enrolments, making your tasks more efficient and convenient.

Bulk Results Screen – New Subject’s Start Date and End Date Fields

We have added two new fields, Subject Start Date and End Date, on the Bulk Results screen. These new features make it easier for you to update the start and end dates for subjects in bulk.

Note – before you proceed with making changes on this screen, you need to understand the below scenarios:

Scenario 1: Pre-Existing Subject Dates

If the start and end dates are already present in the grid for a subject, and you attempt to add new dates in the Subject Start Date and End Date fields and then select the save button, the system will display a pop-up message on the screen. The message will say, “Please ensure that the subject dates fall within the enrolment dates.” Additionally, any pre-existing subject dates for students will remain unaffected. This means that the system will not overwrite existing dates if subject dates are already updated for any of the students.

Scenario 2: Updating Subject Dates

If there are no subject dates present for a subject in the grid, and you update the dates and click save, the system will automatically update the subject dates for those students on the Training Plan and Results screen.