Class Roll Report Data Columns

Class Roll Report Columns has general tab. Below mentioned table is the explanation of columns.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student TypeThis is the student type (New Student and Returning Student) selected at the Enrolment level
IntakeThis is the Intake name selected while processing the application
DatesEnrolment Start Date and End Date
Week NoThis is the total number of weeks (if the enrolment has a total duration of 52 weeks
and the class session is in week 12 then the system will show you the week no = 12/52

Class Roll Report Filters

Dashboard > Student Management > Class Roll

The Class Roll Report Filters has General Filters tab and the below table will show you filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanations
Week Starting DateSelect the week starting date from the calendar
Campus NameSelect the specific campus from the dropdown
TimetablesOnce you select the campus, the timetable dropdown will show you the timetable based on the selected campus
Students to includeThis field will show you two radio buttons (All Students and Only Started Students) and you can select them as you required
Sort by 1Please see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Click on the “Print” icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

ASQA Class Roll Report Filters

Below table will show you the explanation of the filters on the ASQA class roll report filters screen.

General FiltersExplanations
Week Start DateSelect the week Start date from the calendar icon
Week End DateSelect the week End date from the calendar icon
Campus NameSelect any specific campus for which you want print the report
TimetablesYou can select multiple campuses from the timetable dropdown and this dropdown will show you only those campuses which are linked to the selected campus
Load Sessions from above SchedulesThis is a button and when you select, it will show session in the sessions dropdown
SessionsYou can select sessions as All or any specific session from the dropdown
Print This dropdown will show you two options (only started students and all students). You can select them as you required
Sort By 1Please see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Click on the “Print” Icon  to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Finishers Report Filters

The Finishers Report filters have two tabs General and Advance and the below table will show you the Filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
Report Start &End DatesThe system considers only the enrolment end dates to find enrolments within the specified date range.
CampusReport End Date is a date from till when we want our Report to end
ProgramThis is a Magic search Field from where you can select any Program from the Drop down
Enrolments to IncludeThis field has three radio buttons and you can select any of them one at a time. For example:
Show only Started – If you select this, it will only show you Finished students.
Show only to Start – It will show you students that are about to Finish.
Both – by selecting both the report will print Finished and about to Finish students.
Include Cancelled EnrolmentsThe system will only search for enrolments with end dates within the specified report period that have been canceled using the cancel enrolment function. It will not include enrolment outcomes marked as canceled for this purpose.
Group By and Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetable and ClassesThis is magic search field and you can search and select multiple timetables.
Print class names for enrolments in a report?To include class names linked to enrolments in the report, select the tick box. Please note that generating the report may take longer due to the possibility of one enrolment being associated with multiple classes, and the system will list all allocated class names.
Enrolment TypesThis is a user code in TEAMS and one can create the user code in TEAMS as you required. You can select multiple enrolment type from the dropdown.
Enrolment OutcomeIf you have setup the enrolment outcome on the User Code screen then it will appear under this dropdown.
Visa TypesSelect the Visa type from the dropdown.
AgentSearch and select multiple Agents in this field.
EmployerSearch and select multiple Employer in this field.
Account ManagerSelect multiple Account Manager from the dropdown.
CountrySelect multiple Campus from the dropdown.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

ASQA Class Roll report Data Columns

All the columns and table printed in the report are self explanatory. However, below table can provide you more information about the logics:

Table 1 (This will print a class’s data)

Column NameExplanation
TimetableTo print the timetable code and name
DateClass Date (It will be printed twice in the top table of the report)
StatusThis is always to printed as “Enrolled” because you always generate the class roll report for all the students who are enrolled and currently studying.
Class NameName of the class
HoursHours for the class
EnrolmentsTotal enrolments count which are allocated into the class
Start TimeStart time of the class
End TimeEnd time of the class
TrainerTrainer name who is linked with the class. If there are more than 1 trainer linked with a class, this will print all trainers’ names with comma separated. Example: Ramneet Kaur, Isha Sharma
Practical and TheoryBased on your selection for the class type for a class, the system will print “True” and/or “False” in the ASQA Class roll report.
If you have set your class as Practical only, then in the ASQA Class roll report, the system will print “True” against the Practical column and “False” against the Theory column. 
VenueClassroom name which is linked with the class

Table 2 (This will print all students that are allocated in the class)

Learner’s NameStudent’s Name
Student NumberStudent Number
Course Enrolment Start DateStart date of the student’s enrolment
Course Enrolment End DateEnd date of the student’s enrolment
Max Att%This is going to print the Overall attendance %.
Avg Att%This is going to print the Current attendance %.
Start TimeIs to be manually entered by the trainer
End TimeIs to be manually entered by the trainer
Hrs AttIs to be manually entered by the trainer
SignatureIs to be manually entered by the trainer
CommentsIs to be manually entered by the trainer

Class Roll by Session Filters

Dashboard > Student Management > Class Roll by Session

Class Roll by Session Report screen has General Filters tab and the below table will show you Filters with their Explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
Week Starting Date This Field shows you the starting date of the Week.
Campus NameThis Field has a magic search option from which you can select any college.
TimetablesTimetable Field shows you active and Inactive timetables,
Student to includeThis label has two radio buttons:
Only Started Student – Select this radio button to to print the report for the started students.
All Students – Select this radio button to print the report for All the students.
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc or DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Class Roll by Session Data Columns

The below table will show you the explanation of the data columns that will get printed in the report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name)
GenderStudent’s gender selected at the application or student levels
DOBStudent’s date of birth selected at the application or Student levels
NationalityNationality of the student
Visa TypeIt will show the Visa type selected at the Student and Enrolment level
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Enrolment TypeThe system will print the enrolment type from Edit Enrolment Details screen
Student TypeNew student or Returning Student selected on Edit Enrolment Detail screen
AgentIt will show the agent name linked with an enrolment
IntakeIntake name selected while processing the application
DatesEnrolment’s Start date and End date
Week NoThis is the number of weeks (if the enrolment has a total duration of 52 weeks and the class session is in week 12 then the system will show you the week no = 12/52

Click on the “Print” Icon  to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Marketing Reports

Below is a list of all the reports available under this Marketing menu in the system. You can see the name of the report with either an icon that has the letters CSV in it or an MS Excel icon. Generally, all reports in the system generate a CSV (Comma-separated Values). There will be times when a report generates to Excel, primarily as it requires a page break in it which you can’t do in CSV, however in this menu there are no Excel reports.

Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report, its parameters and to view an example of the report.

Current Student Report Filters

Below is the table that will show you General and Advanced filters on the Current Student Report Parameters Screen.

General FiltersExplanation
Report Start & End datesSelect the report start and end dates from the calendar icon.
CampusYou can select campus from the dropdown.
ProgramSearch the Program by typing the program code or Name
Enrolments to includeSelect (Current, To Start or Finished) enrolments from the dropdown
Include cancelled enrolmentsWhen the cancel enrolment function is used, selecting this option will include any cancelled enrolments that meet the other selected parameters in the report. However, if only the enrolment outcome is marked as cancelled without using the cancel function, the system is unaware of their cancellation status and will only include them if they meet all other report parameters.
Show only Smart and Skilled enrolmentsSelect this tick box to Show only Smart and Skilled enrolments
Include students on holidaySelect this tick box to Include students on holiday
Group byPlease see TEAMS Basic
Sort byPlease See TEAMS Basic
Advance FiltersExplanation
Timetable and ClassesThis is magic search field and you can select multiple timetables.
Enrolment TypeThis is user code in TEAMS, select the enrolment time updated in TEAMS
Enrolment OutcomeSelect multiple enrolment outcomes (completed, in progress etc.) from the dropdown
AgentSelect multiple agents from the dropdown.
EmployerSelect employers from the dropdown.
Account ManagerSelect Account managers
Marketing SourceSelect Marketing Sources
NationalitySelect Nationalities
CountrySelect Countries

Select the the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.