Students Results Listing Report Data Columns

Report ColumnsExplanations
Student No.Student Number
Enrolment No.Enrolment Number
Student NameThis column will show student’s first name, middle name and last name
AddressThere are three columns (Address Line1, Address Line 2 and Address Line 3) and it will show you the student’s address here
SuburbSuburb updated on the on the Student’s address screen
StateAVETMISS Export – State Format
Post CodePost code updated on the on the Student’s address screen
Campusit will show you campuses name if you have selected multiple campuses on the filters screen
ProgramProgram Name
Enrolment typeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the User Code created, you can select the enrolment type.
EmployerEmployer name
TimetableIt will show you timetables name selected on the filters screen
Start DateStart Date of the enrolment
End DateEnd Date of the enrolment
Date of birthDate of Birth of the student
Residential Post dateCurrent residential post code of the student
Total SubjectsTotal number of subjects linked to the enroments
Date of Certificate IssuedThis will show you the certificates issued date
Date statement of AttainmentThis will you the date of the statement of attainment issued
Enrolment StatusEnrolment Status (Started, not started, finished, cancelled)
Enrolment Outcomeenrolment outcome updated on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
Trainer NameTrainer name
Unit of studyIt will show you unit code (Unit of study means subject that a student undertakes as a part of a course of study)
Subject CodeSubject Code Field shows you the Unique Code of Subject.
Subject NameSubject Name field shows you the particular name of Subject.
Scheduled HoursHours scheduled for the subject
ResultThis will show you final result of the subjects
Result DateFinal result date
Subject Start DateSubject Start Date
Subject End DateSubject End Date
PointsPoints Achieved
Fee for ServiceIt will show you Yes if the enrolment is FFS and No if its not
Entry DateProcessed date
Attempt No.

Student Result Listing Report

Dashboard > Student Management >Student Results Listings

history of changes

This report allows you to print the results of the subjects linked to the enrolments including the Subjects dates and result dates. There are number of filters which will allow you to print the report accordingly.

Student Result Listing Report Filters

Student Result Listing Report Data Columns

Results Achieved Report Data Columns

The below table will show you the explanation of the data columns that will get printed in the report.

Student#Student Numbers
Student NameStudent Names
CampusCampus Name
Enrolment CourseProgram Name
Start DateStart date of the enrolment
End DateEnd date of the enrolment
Agent NameAgent Name linked to an enrolment
Trainer NameTrainer Name linked to an enrolment
StatusIt will show you enrolment status as Started, Not yet Started etc
Enrolment TypeEnrolment type whether it is CoE, Non CoE
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment outcome selected on the Edit enrolment details screen
Timetable NameTimetable name linked to an enrolment
Employer NameEmployer name linked to an enrolment
Total competency CountTotal subjects/competencies count linked to an enrolment
Total Successful resultsTotal number of successful results
Total Unsuccessful ResultsTotal number of unsuccessful results
Successful resultsTotal number of successful results
Module Competency CodeTotal Module/Subjects Code
Module Start DateSubjects/Module Start date
Module End DateSubjects/Module End date
Result TypeResult type such Competent, NYS, CT etc
Result DateResult date of the subjects
NotesResults notes
Overdue FeesEnrolment overdue fees
Contact NumberStudents’ contact number
E-Mail AddressStudent’s email address

Student Holidays Report Data Columns

Student Holiday Report screen has General tab and the below table will show you filters with their explanation.

Enrolment #Enrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student #Student Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent’s (First name)(Middle name)(Last name
Visa TypeIt will show the Visa type selected at the Student and Enrolment level
Holiday TypeThe system will show the holiday type updated at the Student level on the student holiday screen
CampusThis will show the number of enrolments linked with the campuses
Start DateStart Date of the holidays
End DateEnd Date of the holidays
No Of WeeksTotal number of holiday weeks
TimetableTimetable linked to enrolments
AgentAgent name linked to enrolments
StatusStatus of the enrolment (Started, Not Started)

Results Achieved Report Filters

Dashboard > Student Management > Results Achieved

The results achieved report filters screen has General tab and Advanced tab. The below table will show you filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanations
Report Based onThis field has two radio buttons (Result Date and Subject End Date). Upon selecting any of these radio button the system will print the report for you.
Report Start DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the start date the system will print the results lying under the start date selected.
Report End DateBased on the radio buttons selection and when you select the end date the system will print the results lying under the end date selected.
CampusYou can select the campus from the dropdown.
ProgramsThis is a magic search field and you cam search multiple programs in this filed.
SubjectsThis is a magic search field and you cam search multiple subjects in this filed.
Show inactive subjects and unit of studiesIf you wish to print the inactive subjects and UoS, you can select this tick box.
TrainerThis is a dropdown and it will allow you select the trainers which will get printed in the report.
Timetable SelectionYou can select the timetables from the dropdown.
Show TypesThis dropdown will allow you to select the results such as All, Successful and Unsuccessful.
Include Finished EnrolmentsSelect this tick box if you wish to print the finished enrolments in the report.
Enrolment with Selected Module/s but No resultsif you select this tick box, the report will show you enrolments that has subjects linked to them but the results are not updated for those subjects.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Student Holidays Report Filters

Student Holiday Report screen has General Filters tab and the below table will show you filters with their explanation.

General FiltersExplanations
Report IncludesThis field has three radio buttons: Holidays active Between, Starting Between, Either Starting or Ending Between
Based on selecting the radio buttons and then you select the SD and ED the system will show you holidays between the selected dates.
Report Start DateBased on selecting the radio buttons and then you select the Start Date the system will print the holidays lying in the selected start date
Report End DateBased on selecting the radio buttons and then you select the end Date the system will print the holidays accordingly
StudentThis is a magic search field and you can select specific students to print the report
Visa TypeThis is a user and one can create the user code in TEAMS and based on the visa type user code, you can select from the dropdown
Holiday TypeThere are two types of holidays (approved suspension of studies and STUPERLEAVE
Academic ScheduleThis is a magic search field and you can select multiple academic schedule
Print Timetable SessionsYou can select this tick box if you want to print the timetable sessions
Include EnrolmentsIt has three options (All, Current and Finished) and you can select them as you required
Sort ByPlease see TEAMS Basics
Asc and DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you towards the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Student Holidays Report

Dashboard > Student Management > Student Holidays Report

history of changes

IMPORTANT – We believe that staying informed about the latest developments in our software is vital for optimising your experience and maximising the benefits of using our system. To view the latest updates and modifications on the Student Holidays Report and it’s screen, we kindly request you to navigate to the History icon history of changes showing above. By selecting this icon, you will gain access to a detailed log of all the recent changes made to the software.


This report shows you the list of those students who have their holidays updated in the system.

Student Holidays Report Filters

Student Holidays Report Data Columns in the Report