New check box for Refund & Cancel, transfer & Cancel
New ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report has been introduced under the Compliance menu
You can allocate subject to multiple enrolments from the subject allocation screen
Now search student with enrolment or application number from the search bar
Field label name change for TRS Number to WAAMS Number
IMPORTANT – as you will see below, there are only 13 weeks until the deadline for your 2022 Student Data NCVER submissions. Have you been managing your data? If not, please see the post below for the first steps. We will be releasing further steps over the coming weeks on how to review and manage your data for the submissions.
Please see below for a full list of what has been added to this release.
NCVER Annual Student Data Submission
Have you been maintaining and managing your student data this year in preparation for your annual student data submission? In this post we walk through the first two steps of what you need to do in TEAMS.
We highly recommend you start these steps now, as these are critical to future steps where the larger volume of data is and where the biggest list of errors come from.
We have added new checkboxes Refund and Cancel and Transfer and Cancel under the Refund and Transfer screens.
These check boxes will display while creating a refund against a receipt or at the time of transferring the receipted amount. By selecting these options, the system will cancel the related invoice or the partial fee amount from the invoice at the same time.
Based on requests from ASQA to a number of our clients, we have created their template for Enrolment and Completion Data into a new report in the system. You can find this in the Compliance Menu.
Based on the date range you enter, the system will look for all enrolments and any subject where there is a final results with a result date in the date range.
From the Main Dashboard > Search Bar, you will be able to enter and search on an enrolment or application number. Based on what you search on, you will then be able to open the relevant dashboard.
In the Applicant and Student > AVETMISS entry screens, we have changed the field label name for TRS Number to WAAMS Number. WAAMS (WA Apprenticeship Management System) is specifically for any Western Australian funded client.
Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.
Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.
A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.
Next update is due onThursday, 15th December 2022
Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.
Visa/CoE changes to the Applicant/Application and Student/Enrolment
New feature enrolments can’t be longer than five years
Subject and Assessment Result new check on Training Plan and Results screen
New Visa Expiry Date column on the Visa Screen
Agent field changes on the Application screen
New Visa Type column on the Attendance and Results screen
Please see below for a full list of what has been added to this release.
Visa/CoE Details Changes
We have made some new changes to the Visa/CoE details screen in TEAMS.
AD & APD – You will only be able to add/edit the Visa details at the Applicant level. At the application level, you will only be able to view the Visa details in read only format.
SD & ED – You will now be able to add both Visa and CoE information for a student from Student Dashboard and this will be the only location where you can add/edit information for the student/enrolment. However, the Visa/CoE details will reflect as read only from the Enrolment Dashboard level.
We have added a new check in the application process where the system will not allow you to add the program to the application if the program’s start date and end date are selected as more than five years.
Training Plan & Results – Subject and Assessment Result new check
As you all know, students can have multiple enrolments with multiple subjects and multiple assessments linked to the subjects
We have added a new check on the Training Plan & Results screen which will not allow you to change the result of the subjects if you have entered the final result of all the assessments linked to that subject.
Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.
Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.
A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.
Next update is due onThursday, 1st December 2022
Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.
We have done a change in the New Application Step 1 screen > Agent Field to stop the system from searching and listing agents that are set as Inactive.
Note – If you cannot find the Agent, it may be because the agent is inactive or the agent is new and hasn’t been set up in the TEAMS.
We have added a new column under the Attendance screen in the bottom grid for Visa Type. It will reflect the student’s visa-type information, where it has been entered.
We have added a new check in the application process on the New program – Choose Programs screen where the system will not allow you to add the program to the application if the program’s start date and end date are selected is more than five years.
Also, when you are on the Enrolment Dashboard – Edit Enrolment Screen, you will not be allowed to edit the enrolment dates for more than five years.
IMPORTANT: If Program/s is selected as VET on the program entry screen > settings tab or the subject type for the subject/s is selected as Unit of Competency (UoC) – Nationally Accredited then you are not allowed to add the application dates of more than 5 years. BUT, if the User Choice Tick box is selected on the Program entry screen for them then you will be allowed to add the application dates of more than five years.
As you all know, students can have multiple enrolments with multiple subjects in the system. However, you may not be aware that for each subject linked to an enrolment you can also have Assessments and mark results at that level instead. This new rule impacts anyone using assessments in the system.
Using the student and enrolment examples above there are two scenarios that will help to explain how the new check works.
Scenario 1
As you can see in the above image, Subject 1 has three assessments and their results have been marked as Successful with result dates for each assessment result. Based on the last assessment result you enter and its result date, the system will take that assessment result date and at the Subject level automatically update the Subject result to Competent and it uses the last assessment result date as the Subject result date. In the example above, you can see that for Assessment 3 its result date has been marked as 02/08/2022 and the system has updated Subject 1 with the final result of Competent and the result date as 02/08/2022.
Scenario 2
Another scenario for the same could be that one of the assessments has a result of Unsuccessful, as you can see with Assessment 3 above. Based on all assessment having a result the system has then update Subject 1 with a result of Not Yet Competent and again used the Assessment 3 result date of the 01/09/2022 as the Subject result date.
New Check Explanation
Using either of the above scenarios, it doesn’t matter what the final result is (successful or unsuccessful) if a user goes to the Subject level and tries to change the result so that it clashes with the assessment level results it will stop you from changing the Subject Result.
For example, using Scenario 1 above, if a user went to the Training Plan & Results screen and tried to change the Subject 1 result from Competent to Not Yet Competent or any other result the system would stop you and you would see this message below:
To change the Subject Result you must go to the Enrolment Assessment Results screen and change the relevant assessment result and save and then the system will re-calculate and update the correct result against the Subject.
Applicant and Application Dashboards – Visa Details
You will only be able to add/edit visa details at the Applicant level. At the Application level, we have changed this to be read only information. However, you won’t be able to make any changes to the visa details at the application level as the details will be read only.
Student and Enrolment Dashboards – Visa/CoE Details
We have also added three new columns on the student dashboard visa screen. Such as
CoE Start Date CoE End Date Enrolment Start Date Enrolment End Date
Also, you will now be able to add both Visa and CoE information for a student from Student Dashboard and this will be the only location where you can add/edit information for the student/enrolment. However, the Visa/CoE details will reflect as read only.