New Report Engine

In TEAMS, we have five word reports as below:

  • Offer Letter
  • Academic Docs
  • Payments
  • Invoices
  • Letters and Warnings

All the above-mentioned reports are used to customise a different set of reports/letters that you generate for students. When you generate any of the word reports in TEAMS, it directs you toward the report dashboard screen where you can see the progress of your reports if it’s generated or under processing. The existing report engine takes a bit more time to generate the reports. Hence why, we have introduced a new report engine. This reporting engine will give you the generated version of the reports in less than a minute.

What reports are on the new report engine?

1) Offer Letter
2) Invoices

We have just moved these reports for now. And in the future, we will move the remaining ones as well.

How to make the new report engine work for you?

Not all our clients using TEAMS are moved to the new report engine. Our new clients that we have onboarded to TEAMS recently are on a new report engine and we have customised their templates as well according to the new method. If you wish to be moved to the new engine as well, please contact support. They will guide you and help you move your TEAMS site to the new report engine from our developers. After your site is moved, we will help you to customise your templates in a new way. We will soon release a video on how to customise report templates in a new way.

Change in Current Student Report

We have introduced a new change for the Employer Column in the Current Student Report. Earlier, the system used to fetch employer details from Student Level but now the system will fetch the employer details from the enrolment level.

Change in the Character Limit for SMS

SMS clients are an integral part of the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) network technology. SMS uses standardised communications protocols to allow fixed lines to exchange short text messages. SMS messages can be used to transport almost any kind of data (within the character limit). One of the defining characteristics of SMS messages is the maximum length of 160 characters.

In TEAMS also, we have a limit of just 160 characters for an SMS. A user cannot send out a message which has more than 160 characters. However, we now have changed this. The character limit for a single message still remains 160 characters, but now a user will be able to type in more characters than 160 while sending SMS/s.

One message can contain just 160 characters, so the more characters, you start to type in, the more SMS count will be used. For instance, if for your RTO, the free SMS count per month is 100, and now you are going to send out a message to 2 students that have 170 characters. Your 4 SMS count will be used to send out that message to 2 students. So you will be left with a 96 SMS count for that month.

You can also buy the SMS packages that we have if you have consumed all of the free SMS quota. Kindly contact support to know more about our SMS packages.

Note: This hasn’t been introduced for SMS template screen where you can create templates for the messages. This will be done in the next few updates.

Change – Letters and Envelope to Letters and Warnings

Student Dashboard > Current and Upcoming Enrolments Tile > Enrolment Dashboard > Print icon

We have changed the report name from Letters and Envelopes to Letters and Warnings on various dashboards and screens.

Change on report template screen – Earlier on the Report Template screen, the system used to show letters and envelopes upon selecting the report but now it has started showing the report name as letters and warnings as you can see the old and new report names in the below screenshot.



Change on the Student Dashboard – The report name has been changed on Student dashboard under the print icon as highlighted below.

Change on Enrolment Dashboard – The report name has been changed on the Enrolment dashboard under the print icon as highlighted below.

Important Links

Change in display of enrolments on the Student Dashboard

We have introduced a new change in the design of Current/upcoming enrolments and historical enrolments tiles on the student dashboard and also the system is displaying the enrolment’s start date in ascending order in both tiles.

Now you can see full Program name visible for the enrolments in both the tiles as shown below:

Change – New Application > AVETMISS Address tab

While creating a new applicant, if you are not selecting the AVETMISS tick-box on the New Application > Details tab then the system will not allow you to add the AVETMISS address on the address tab.

As the AVETMISS address fields are read-only fields and you will only be able to add an AVETMISS address under the address tab if you select the AVETMISS tickbox.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via

Change – Agent Entry Screen

Dashboard > Marketing > Agent > Agent Entry

We have introduced a new tick box called ‘No Longer Accepting Applications‘ on the Agent Entry screen as shown below:

Note – If this new tick box is selected for an agent then that particular Agent will not be visible under the agent magic search field while creating the applications. So instead of making an Agent inactive, we recommend you to use this new tick-box.

Important Links

UPDATE – Thursday, 16 June 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on

Thursday, 16th of June, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department.

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.

To ensure that you are kept well informed with all that is new within TEAMS, we are going to be releasing a detailed What’s New update via email every two weeks.

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision-makers or team members. Our help site is under maintenance. Please find the attached PDFs in the links below.

Major Process Changes

General /Small Improvements

Please review the changes and if something doesn’t make sense of you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team. 

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 30th June). We are currently working on a new report engine, SMS gateway app, and more…..

Remember, we are always open for feedback, and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. 

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 2nd June 2022. 

Have a great day!

New Functionality – Welcome Screens

We have introduced new functionality on all the welcome screens in TEAMS. Now, you can hit the enter key as well to apply the filters/parameters. Earlier, you could only apply them by clicking on the Apply button.

For instance, if you are searching for an agent on the Agent Welcome screen. All you have to do is to type in your agent code or name and then simply hit the Enter key

This functionality works on Campus Welcome Screen, Program Welcome Screen, Unit of Studies, Subjects, Timetable and all other welcome screens in the system.

UPDATE – Thursday, 2 June 2022

IMPORTANT: A new TEAMS update is scheduled.

Your TEAMS site will be updated on

Thursday, 2nd of June, 2022

This is an important preview email
of what’s coming on your site soon

As you know, we have been continually improving and adding new features to TEAMS. We strongly believe in making software that helps our clients gain better efficiencies and improve their operations.

Note: You may need to alert other team members within your college as the changes may affect their role or department. 

Please spend a few minutes going through our What’s New and Newsletter emails. It will not only help you maximise the time and cost savings, it may be absolutely vital for your College’s Compliance with the latest regulations.

To ensure that you are kept well informed with all that is new within TEAMS, we are going to be releasing a detailed What’s New update via email every two weeks.

We strongly recommend that you take your time and read this (and future update email/s)

You may need to discuss new upcoming features with the relevant decision-makers or team members. Each of the changes outlined also has hyperlinks that you can click to take you to our help website for a further detailed explanation.

With all that in mind, please review some of the key points outlining the list of changes below –

Major Process Changes

  • Bulk Edit the Enrolment Dates
    Easy to edit the intakes in bulk for a student’s multiple enrolments along with their invoice, invoice due dates and unit dates.


General /Small Improvements

Please review the changes and related help site links above. If something doesn’t make sense of you would like further clarification after reviewing it, please feel free to contact our Support team.

There are a number of new initiatives and changes in the pipeline for the next update (due 16th June). We are currently working on finalising XERO integration, new report engine and more…

Remember, we are always open for feedback and a big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Your input and engagement are key in helping us improve and we really appreciate it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. 

All the best from all of us here at RTO Software.

If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact our support staff on
1300 85 05 85 or
Remember – these changes go live on Thursday, 2nd June 2022. 

Have a great day!