ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report Filters

ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report screen have a General Filters tab and the table will show you Filters with their Explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
CampusIf you have multiple campuses, it is possible to generate a report that includes data from all of them. To do so, you would need to select each campus you want to include in the report.
ProgramThe magic search field is referred to as a feature that allows you to search for and select multiple programs.
IntakeThe magic search field is referred to as a feature that allows you to search for and select multiple Intakes.
Report Start DateSelect the start date from the calendar icon and the system will print the report accordingly.
Report End DateSelect the end date from the calendar icon and the system will print the report accordingly.
Exclude Cancelled EnrolmentsSelect this tick box if you do not want the report to print Cancelled Enrolments.
Enrolment TypeSelect the Enrolment Type from the dropdown
Enrolment OutcomeSelect the Enrolment Outcome from the dropdown.
Include inactive subjects (at the enrolment level for transitioned enrolments)Select this tick box if you want to include Inactive subjects that are in the transitioned enrolments in this report.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.

Submission Review

Main Dashboard > Academics > Submission Review

This screen allows you to search for submissions using various filters. The screen also displays a grid listing all assessments submitted by students, allowing you to review these assessments. If you need to search for the assessment of a particular student, you can use the filters option provided on the screen. By doing so, you can easily find and review the assessment you are looking for.

In the grid, you will see some different icons under the Status Column and Actions Column.

  • The status column will show you the Completed and Re – Submission icons which will help you to identify the status of the subject.
  • The actions column will show you the Review and Download icons
    • Review icon – When you select this icon, the screen will show you a pop window where you can select the submission as re-submission or completed. Based on the check boxes selected, you can add Trainer Notes, and Attach files.
    • Download Icon – This icon will allow you to download the completed and pending submissions.

GTP Allocation

Main Dashboard > Academics > GTP Allocation

This screen provides you with the functionality to assign Group Training Plans (GTPs) to students who are currently not assigned in the system. The grid on the screen displays both the allocated and unallocated GTPs, giving you a clear overview of the assignment status. This allows you to efficiently manage and track the GTPs to ensure that all students are appropriately assigned to their respective training plans.

Explanation of the fields is below:

Group Training PlanThis a multi select dropdown and if have multiple campuses then you select from the drop
Start DateSelect the Start Date from the calendar
End DateSelect the End date from the calendar
CampusThis a multi select dropdown and if have multiple campuses then you select the from the drop
ProgramsBased on the GTP selection, the system will show Program in this dropdown.
IntakeThis a multi select dropdown and you can select multiple intakes for the GTP.
Enrolment TypeSelect the Enrolment Type from this dropdown.
Include EnrolmentsSelect Include Enrolments from this dropdown.
TimetableEnter the Timetable in this field.
ClassesSelect classes from this dropdown.
Look at the Enrolment Start date onlyTick this tickbox if you wish to view only the enrolment start date.

Intake Allocate Program

Intakes > Intake Entry Burger Menu > Allocate Program

history of changes

When you select the Allocate Program option from the burger menu, you will be taken to the Intake Allocate Program screen. You will see the programs in the grid that are already linked with the Intake. If you want to link a new program with the intake, you need to select the Program from the dropdown and then select the +Program button.

Program Entry Screen

Main Dashboard > Academics menu > Programs icon > Program Button

history of changes

The Program Entry Screen in the system features two distinct tabs: Details and Settings. The Details tab serves as the primary section for creating a new program, encompassing all the mandatory fields required for program setup. Here, administrators can input essential information and specifications to define the program’s structure and offerings.

On the other hand, the Settings tab is dedicated to program customisation and updates. It provides a platform for you to modify and fine-tune various settings related to the program, ensuring it aligns with specific requirements and preferences. The clear separation of these two tabs streamlines the process of both initial program creation and subsequent adjustments, enhancing efficiency and user experience within the program entry screen.

Explanations of the fields on the Details Tab are below:

Program Code*This is a mandatory field.
Program Name*This is a mandatory field.
Descriptive CodeYou can add the program code in this field but make sure the code that you are adding should be the same as the code on the site.
Descriptive NameYou can add the program name in this field but make sure the name that you are adding should be the same as the name on the site.
Agent Commission TypeYou can select from the dropdown if the course is ELICOS or VET. 
Cricos Program CodeCRICOS code of the program. You can find the correct CRICOS program Code on
Cricos Program NameCRICOS name of the program. You can find the correct CRICOS program Code on
Delivered via Unit of StudiesSelect this tickbox if you wish to deliver the program is delivered via a unit of studies criteria.
ActiveSelect this tick box to make the program active.
No Longer Accepting ApplicationsIf you select this tick box, you will not be able to see the program while creating many new applications.

Explanations of the fields on the Settings Tab are below:

VETSelect this tick box if the program is active.
User ChoiceSelect this box if the program is a User Choice program. 
Is this a Short Course?Select this box if it is a short program.
Do Not Include in AVETMISS SubmissionSelect this tick box if you do not want to include the program in the AVETMISS submission.
Total Study WeeksTotal study weeks of the program.
Total Holiday WeeksTotal holiday weeks of the program. 
Hours Per WeekTotal hours per week of the program. It is recommended to always add hours per week as 20.
Total Core Credit Points RequiredYou can write the minimum core credit points required
Total Elective Credit Points RequiredYou can write the minimum elective credit points required.
FEE-HELP AvailabilityYou can select FEE-HELP availability from three radio buttons as per the program.
VET Student Loans (VSL)
Higher ed FEE HELP
Expiry DateFrom the calendar, you can select the expiry date of the program.
Program NotesYou can write notes for the program by selecting this icon.
Study Sequence for this ProgramThere are two radio buttons”Fixed”, and “Rolling” to select the study sequence for the program.

Fixed – Fixed intakes have specific, predetermined periods during the year when new students can enrol in their programs. It provides a structured and organised approach to student admissions, making it easier for you to plan your resources and academic schedules.

Rolling – Rolling intakes have more flexible admission processes. Instead of having specific intake periods, you can accept applications and admit students continuously throughout the year. This means that prospective students can apply and start their programs at various times, not just at the beginning of a semester.
Course Progress Study Period lengthWhen you select the Fixed Structure, the system will present you with the Course Progress Study Period Length field. This field will let you add the length of the study period in weeks when you want to monitor the student’s progress which will show you on the Enrolment Dashboard > Result and Progress Tile > Dials. For example – If you want to monitor the student after 1 month then you need to select 4 from the dropdown. Whatever the subjects are lying in that period of time, it will show those subjects in the dials.
Attendance Study Period lengthWhen you select the Fixed Structure, the system will present you with the Attendance Study Period length field. This field will let you add the length of the attendance study period in weeks when you want to monitor the student’s progress attendance which will show you on the Enrolment Dashboard > Classes and Attendance Tile. For example – If you want to monitor the student after 1 month then you need to select 4 from the dropdown. Whatever the subjects are lying in that period of time, it will show the attendance in the dials.
What do you report students in PRISMS on?This is a user code and based on the user code created in TEAMS, you can select the required option (recommended – Course Progress) from the dropdown
Last reset onIf you have selected the Rolling Structure, the system will show you the Last reset field as a dropdown. This dropdown will show you years and you can select the year you required when you want the system to reset the year for you. Once you update the last reset, you need to select the Course Progress Study Period Length, Attendance Study Period length and What do you report students in PRISMS on? (recommended to select Attendance).

Intake Entry Screen

Academics menu > Intakes > Intake Button

history of changes

Once you select the + Intake button, you will be taken to the Intake Entry Screen. You will see three tabs and different fields.

Details tab – On this tab, you will be able to add new intake in the system or if you already have an intake then you make changes from this screen.

IMPORTANT – You will only be able to select the Public holidays and Term Breaks tab once you have created and saved the Intake.

Public Holidays Tab – This tab will allow you to link the public holidays with the Intake and to link the holidays you need to select the holidays from the drop-down and then select the +Add button. Please note – if the holidays are not appearing in the dropdown then it means the holiday is not active or it is not in the system. You can create or make the holiday active from the Main Dashboard > System Admin > Public Holidays.

Term Break Tab – This tab will allow you to link the Term Breaks to the Intakes. From the dropdown, you can select the term breaks and then select the +Add button to link the selected term break with intake. Please note – if the term breaks are not appearing in the dropdown then it means the term breaks are not active or it is not in the system. You can create or make the term breaks active from the Main Dashboard > System Admin > Term Breaks.

Explanation of the fields on the Intake Entry Screen – Details Tab is below:

Intake CodeThis is a mandatory field
Intake NameThis is a mandatory field
Allow Continuous rolling intakesSelect this tick box if you want the use this intake as Continuous rolling intakes
Intake Starting FromThis is a mandatory field
Intake Finishing OnThis is a mandatory field
ActiveSelect this box to show the Intake as active
Intakes links to all Campuses?Select this box to link this intake to all the campuses
CampusesYou can select a particular campus from the dropdown to link the intake
No Longer Accepting ApplicationsIf you select this tick box then the will not show while creating applications

Campus Entry Screen

Main Dashboard > Academics > Campus > Campus Button

On the Campus Entry screen, you will see three different tabs as shown below:

Details Tab – Where you can add the details of the campus.

Settings Tab – You can set up the settings as per your need.

Higher Education – You can add the filters as per your requirements.

Explanations of the fields on the Details Tab are below:

Campus CodeYou can enter the campus code in this field. usually, it may an abbreviation of the campus name. It is a mandatory field. 
Campus NameYou can add the name of the campus in this field. it is a mandatory field.
CRICOS Provider CodeIn this field, you can add the campus CRICOS provider code.
Institution NameIn this field, you can add the name of the institute.
Institution Trading NameIn this field, you can business/trading name of the institute.
Phone NumberIn this field, you can add the contact details of the institute.
Fax NumberFax number can be added in this field.
Website AddressHere you can web address of the institute.
EmailHere you can add the official email address of the institute.
ABNYou can add Australian Business Number in this field.
ACNYou can add the Australian Corporation Number in this field.
Default training locationFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the default training location.
ActiveTo make the campus active this tick box should be ticked
Upload LogoYou can select this button to upload the campus logo.

Explanations of the fields on the Settings Tab are below:

Use Close of BooksThis tick box gives you two radio buttons – Roll Over, and Date.
InvoiceYou can set up the invoice prefix for eg AC1234, here AC is a prefix of the invoice number. you can set the format of the invoice for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg AC1235, In the Suffix, you can add the last number of the invoice for eg AC1234CB. 
ReceiptYou can set up the recept prefix for eg R455, where R is a prefix of the receipt number. you can set the format of the receipt for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg R456, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the receipt for eg R456C.
OSHC PaymentYou can set up the OSHC payment prefix for eg Q212, where Q is a prefix of the OSHC payment number. you can set the format of the OSHC Payment number for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg Q213, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the OSHC payment number for eg Q213H.
OSHC InvoiceYou can set up the OSHC invoice prefix for eg I798, where I is a prefix of the OSHC invoice number. you can set the format of the OSHC invoice number for eg. if you want it alpha-numeric, you can choose the series from the Next no field for eg I799, In the Suffix, you can add the last alphabet/number of the OSHC invoice number for eg I799G.
Invoicing Terms
1st Invoice Due
GST % RateYou can add or edit GST % in this field.
Application/Enrolment Start date
Application/Enrolment Create date
RTO Operated Offshore
Grace Period in days
Qual. Indicator State
Email AddressYou can add the official email address of the campus.
Course Progress Study Period length
Attendance Study Period length
What do you report students in PRISMS on?From the dropdown menu, you can select if you want to report a student’s attendance or course progress in the PRISMS report.
Set Orientation Date days before start dateYou can set up that before how many of the start date you want the orientation in this field.
Program basedChoose this radio button if you want the invoicing method to be program based. 
Subject basedChoose this radio button if you want the invoicing method to be program based.

Explanations of the fields on the Higher Education Tab are below:

Campus Effective From DateEnter the campus effective from the date in this field.
Campus Effective To DateEnter the campus effective to date in this field.

Assessment Entry Screen

Assessments > Add Button > Assessment Entry

When you select the +Add Button, the system will open the Assessment Entry screen for you. On the Assessment Entry screen, you will see different fields on the Details tab. Enter the details in all the fields and save.

Explanation of the Assessment Entry Screen is below:

Object Type*This is a mandatory field and you need to select the object type such as Subject, UoS, etc from the dropdown.
Based on the object type selected, the system will show you another field as a select a subject or select UoS.
The field will be a magic search field and you can search and select the required field accordingly.
Assessment CodeEnter the Assessment Code
Assessment NameEnter the Assessment Name
Assessment DescriptionEnter the Assessment Description in this field.
Sequence NoEnter the Sequence no in this field.
Parent AssessmentSelect this tick box if you want this Assessment as a Parent Assessment.
ActiveSelect this tick box to make the assessment Active.
Allow Multiple document?Select this tick box to Allow Multiple document for the specific assessment
Allow Grading?Select this tick box to Allow Grading for the specific assessment
Allow ResubmissionSelect this tick box to Allow Resubmission for the specific assessment

Assessment – Documents

Assessments Entry Screen > Burger Menu > Documents

On this screen, you will be able to see the documents in the grid that are already linked with the assessment and you can also add the documents for an Assessment. When you select the +Add button, the system will show the files on your local system and as per your need, you can select your desired document to upload.

After selecting the document, a popup window will appear and you will be able to see the document there. You can select the document type and you can also add notes for the document. Then select the Upload button.

An explanation of the fields is below:

Upload DateThis will show you the current date and you will not be able to change the date as it is auto populated and read only.
NotesYou can write notes for your own reference by selecting the notes icon.
Document TypeThis is a user code in TEAMS and based on the user code created, you can select the document type
Document NameIt will show the name of the document which you have selected.
Public DocumentSelect this box if you want to make the document public on the student portal.

Subject – Fee Help

Subjects > Subjects Entry Burger Menu > Fee Help

In the Subjects Details tab, there will be a field for FEE HELP Availability and there are radio buttons for:

  • VET Student loan (VSL)
  • Higher Ed FEE HELP
  • Neither

IMPORTANT: A subject can only be one of the FEE HELP options it cannot be both. By default, the option of neither will be selected, select the option that you want and then SAVE the change.

When you select the FEE-HELP option from the burger menu, the Subject FEE-HELP popup screen will open, where you can add FEE-HELP details for a subject.

Explanation of the fields below:

Attendance CodeSelect the Attendance Code from the dropdown.
EFTSLEnter the EFTSL in this field.
Discipline CodeSelect the Discipline Code from the dropdown.