Student Dashboard – New Notes Icon

In an exciting addition to our student dashboard, we have implemented a fresh feature – the notes icon. This icon serves as a gateway to a convenient pop-up window, triggered with a simple click. Within this pop-up, you can effortlessly add your notes for the student . Once you’ve composed your notes, a quick step remains – just tap on the ‘Update’ button. This action seamlessly saves all your input and changes, ensuring your notes are securely stored for future reference.

Student Dashboard – Application Tile – New Icons

The Student Dashboard has undergone an update with the introduction of new icons in the Applications tile. These icons will provide easy access to the student’s Applicant Dashboard, allowing for quick navigation to view and edit the student’s pending application.

This icon will allow you to go to the Applicant dashboard for the particular student.

This icon will allow you to edit the pending application of the student. Please note this icon will only appear if the students have any pending application for them.

Student Dashboard – New Agent Icon for Enrolments

On the Student Dashboard, a new Agent Icon has been added beneath the Current and Upcoming Enrolment tile. When hovering the cursor over the icon, a tooltip will appear displaying the name of the agent. This icon will allow you to identify the designated agent linked to an enrolment.

Note – The Agent Icon will only be visible on the Student Dashboard if the agent is linked to an enrolment. If the agent is not assigned to a particular enrolment, the icon will not appear.