Student Portal

A student portal is an online platform, offering students to log in using their email addresses. Students can access a range of personalised information, including academic results, and details of their past enrolments and future enrolments.

Student portal login page – to log in to the student portal, your students will be provided with the URL for example – https://Students-teams web address.(

Note – A student can log into the student portal by using the user name which will be the primary email address or student number and the password will be available on the “Edit student entry” screen.

For Login details: The user name will be the student’s primary email address and the password, will be available on the Edit Student Details screen. When you are on the screen, you can see the password in the Current Password field.

How to Create student ID card in TEAMS?


We have student letters and warning report that is used to create student ID cards in TEAMS: There are different steps and scenarios that you must follow to create student ID cards.

Scenario 1

Step 1 – The very first step is to download the master template of student letters and warning reports from TEAMS. Without the master template, you won’t be able to customise your student ID cards in TEAMS. To download, go to Main Dashboard > System Admin > Report Template screen.

Step 2 – Select the report in the search field to proceed. For example, if you are going to search for student letters and warnings then try typing 3 initial letters of it and the system will show you all report templates starting with those 3 initials. Select the required one.

Step 3 – Once you select it, the screen will refresh and show you the customised templates in the grid.

Step 4 – If you do not have any customised template then you need to select the download icon beside the report name. This will download the Master version of the student letters and warnings template which will help you to customise the student ID card for your RTO.

Scenario 2

When you have downloaded the student letters and warnings master template, it will show you some basic information about the template at the start and then show you different sections that we have in every word report. You will find two categories of merge fields.

  • Individual Merge Fields
  • Table Merge Fields

Individual Merge Fields

Table Merge Fields

Note: While creating a student ID card, you do not need to add any table.

Also, anything in the curly brackets in the template is a merge field, so let’s say you want to populate a student number or student name in your customised version then you need to copy and paste this merge field into your custom template so that whenever you generate any report, it will populate student number automatically for you. That’s how the merge fields will work.

IMPORTANT– If you are copying any merge field from the master template then you must copy it including the curly brackets. if you copy the text, the system will not print any data in your customised template.

Measures to Address Cyber Attack

A cyber attack is a malicious attempt to breach or damage networks and digital devices, often with the intent of stealing data, causing harm, or compromising the security and privacy of the organisations. Cyber attacks can take various forms, and they continue to evolve as technology advances. However, we are well aware of these issues and we have accumulated a lot of experience hosting cloud-based services since 2003. We have a number of measures in place to address this.

1. This includes firewalls, getting the latest security patches and limiting access to our front-end servers. The main risk (if you have been following as to why these happened), more often than not the risk comes from compromised passwords and internal security breaches. It’s generally a careless or disgruntled employee that is the biggest risk (for both us and for the organisation). We have very limited server access and people that do have access are long-standing, loyal and happy employees.

2. Also, please note that most hackers are after fame or fortune (or both) and both our organisations are generally not on the hacker’s radar. They go for big names as that helps to ensure headlines as well as the potential for blackmail. In our case, if we were breached or infected with ransomware, we would simply go and activate our backup servers and shut down and format the infected (virtual) machines.

3. We have recently (in the last few months) introduced 2FA authentication as well as strict password complexity and password change requirements at the client’s end. These measures also ensure greater security and reduce risk.

4. We are introducing further measures shortly including having mirror servers in Brisbane as well as already having this in place with our existing hosting provider in Melbourne. We also backup all data and files and maintain multiple copies of them (for up to two weeks) to ensure easy restoration in the event of a breach or server failure.

We will also start keeping data backups for 3-6 months as well as keeping it in multiple locations (including AWS cloud) Please rest assured, in the unlikely event of a breach, we will notify you and keep you updated.

Some steps you can also take at your end to ensure greater security

1. Please check all your current user accounts in TEAMS and remove any old and unused accounts.

2. If you have a fixed IP address (or a set of addresses) that you use to access the internet please inform us and we can show you how to limit access from those IPs only.

3. Make sure that you regularly audit your users as well as their access and permissions so they are not allowed into parts of the system that they don’t need to.

4. If you can please advise on the above points and we will keep you informed from our side.

Outcome Codes (Australia)

National Outcome Codes

S.NoOutcome CodeOutcome DescriptionStatesWhen to UseAction Required
112Underpinning Knowledge or off the job training completedQLDTo be used for traineeship/apprenticeship programs where a student has attempted all of the requirements for off the job training and has completed the same satisfactorily
214 Unsuccessful on the job competency assessmentQLDTo be used for traineeship/apprenticeship programs where a student has attempted all of the requirements for on the job training and has not completed the same satisfactorily
320Competency achieved/passACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used for Accredited training where a student has been assessed and satisfies all the requirements in the unit of competency or accredited module.When the Unit Enrolment start date is the actual start date and the Unit Enrolment End date is the date that the Student was deemed Competent SET Outcome Code = 20
425Competency achieved/pass (School Based Apprentices and Trainees) or Competency Achieved/Pass as determined via Gap Training and AssessmentQLD, VICLike Outcome 20, the school based trainee has been assessed and satisfies all the requirements for the Subject (unit of competency or module), however competency has been recognised via Gap Training and Assessment as opposed to standard training and assessment
530Competency not yet achieved / failed (NYC)ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used for Accredited training where a student has attempted all of the requirements for assessment and has been deemed not yet competent or has not satisfied one or more of the requirements in the unit of competency or accredited module.When the Unit Enrolment start date is the actual start date and the Unit Enrolment End date is the date that the Student was deemed Not Yet Competent SET Outcome Code = 30
635Competency not achieved/fail (School Based Apprentices and Trainees)QLDTo be used for Accredited training where a school based trainee has attempted all of the requirements for assessment and has been deemed not yet competent or has not satisfied one or more of the requirements in the unit of competency or accredited module.
740WithdrawnACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when a student has engaged in learning activity in a unit of competency or module but has either formally withdrawn, has stopped attending classes or has not attempted all assessments for the unit of competency or moduleStudent withdraws prior to commencement:
Set Outcome Code = 40
Unit Enrolment End Date = Withdrawal Date
Actual Hours = ‘0’ or blank

Student withdraws after commencement:
Set Outcome code = 40
Unit Enrolment End Date = Withdrawal Date
Actual hours = Hours attended
841Incomplete due to RTO closureACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICIf your RTO is closing, all incomplete nationally recognised training activity needs to be reported with the outcome 41. This is to ensure that the Learner is not unfairly disadvantaged on their USI transcript through an RTO’s closure.If your RTO is closing, change all incomplete outcomes of 40 (Withdrawn) and 70 (Continuing Enrolment) to 41
950RPL CommencedVICThe Learner is in the process of being assessed for recognition of prior learning but no result is yet available.
1051Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) GrantedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when a student has undergone an RPL assessment process and RPL has been granted. RPL assessment invoices the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge a student has achieved outside of the formal education system.Set Delivery Mode = 90 and Set outcome = 51
1152RPL – Not GrantedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when the student has undergone an RPL assessment process and the RPL is not grantedSet Delivery Mode = 90 and Set outcome = 52
1260Credit Transfer (CT)ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used where a student has successfully completed training in a module or unit of competency and a credit or mutual recognition is to be granted. This is an administrative process and requires no formal training or assessment of the students’ knowledge.Set the Unit Enrolment Start and Unit Enrolment End date the day the Student has been given the Creit Transfer SET outcome = 60
1361Superseded subjectACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VIC, WAFrom 1 January 2015, the Outcome Identifier National code 61-‘superseded subject’ may be used to report on superseded subjects. Outcome Identifier 61-superseded subject is only to be used if your RTO has reported a continuing enrolment from a previous year (Outcome Identifier National 70 – continuing enrolment). The final outcome for the student should show against the new unit of competency or module.NCVER Fact Sheet
1465Superseded QualificationQLDTo be used when transitioning a student from a superseded qualification to the new qualification in accordance with the transition and teachout rules prescribed by ASQA. It applies in instances when a unit of competency has been successfully completed under the old qualification however, the superseded competency does not map directly into the new competency, requiring additional training.
Where gap training is required and successfully completed by the student, the PQS must report outcome code 65 in order to attract a five per cent payment in recognition of the additional training delivered. Using outcome code 65 will not affect the number of competencies undertaken to date by the student.
The rule is attached to the student not the PQS. Therefore a PQS must carry out a mapping process (and retain evidence of this process) for each student who transitions from an old qualification to a new.
Where direct mapping is identified, credit transfers are to be applied.
Where partial mapping is identified and gap training is required, a 65 outcome is to be applied if the student successfully completes the gap training.
There is no payment for failure of gap training.
Where no mapping is identified the PQS is to deliver the entire unit of competency.
1570Continuing enrolmentACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when a student has begun training in a unit but will not recieve a final outcome before the end of the Collection year and intends continuing study in the following year. The competency or module has commenced and the end date will be in the following year. The final outcome must be issued by the end date.
1670-APAcademic PassSATo be used when a student has begun training in a unit and has completed the theory, but will not recieve a final outcome until they have completed a workplace assessment.
This outcome will be changed to a final outcome before the End date. If the student does not do the work placement assessment the outcome should be changed to 40 – withdrawn before the End date.
1779Waiting Employer Signoff or a Practical PlacementVICTo be used for enrolments where the student has completed the supervised training and/or assessment component of the training at an RTO and is now awaiting employer signoff to be deemed competent or where the student has completed the supervised training and/or assessment component of the training at the RTO and is now waiting for a practical placement.
1881Non-assessable enrolment – Satisfactorily completedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when a student attends sufficient training to satisfy the requirements on a non-assessable module. Not to be used against accredited units or modules which are government funded.
1982Non-assessed enrolment – Withdrawn or not satisfactorily completedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICTo be used when a student commences training in a non-accredited module which has no assessment requirements and their attendance is not sufficient to use an outcome of 81.
Not to be used against accredited units or modules which are Government funded.
85Not yet startedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICThis is a preliminary outcome code that may be used when the Learner has enrolled in a subject, but has not yet commenced activity.
NSW: It is compulsory for ‘Not Yet Started’ activity to be included in AVETMISS data submission.
Other States: It is not required to be included.
2199Started but not yet resultedNT, SA
NSNot StartedNT
23TNCTraining Not CompletedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICThe Outcome identifier – training organisation is used to indicate that a Learner has discontinued all training in the Qualification or Course (not just a single Unit of Competency)
24DeferralACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICThe Outcome identifier – training organisation is used to indicate that a Learnner has deferred training in the Qualification or Course in accordance with the Smart and Skilled Contract.

WA Outcome Codes

This is applicable for WA funded Leaners

S.NoOutcome CodeOutcome DescriptionWhen to useAction Required
11CompetentTo be used for Accredited training where a student has been assessed and satisfies all the requirements in the unit of competency or accredited module.When the Unit Enrolment start date is the actual start date and the Unit Enrolment End date is the date that the Student was deemed Competent SET Outcome Code = 1
22Not competentTo be used for Accredited training where a student has attempted all of the requirements for assessment and has been deemed not yet competent or has not satisfied one or more of the requirements in the unit of competency or accredited module.When the Unit Enrolment start date is the actual start date and the Unit Enrolment End date is the date that the Student was deemed Not Yet Competent SET Outcome Code = 2
33Non-assessable enrolment – Withdrawn or not satisfactorily completedTo be used when a student has engaged in learning activity in a unit of competency or module but has either formally withdrawn, has stopped attending classes or has not attempted all assessments for the unit of competency or module
44Non-assessable enrolment – Satisfactorily completedTo be used when a student attends sufficient training to satisfy the requirements on a non-assessable module. Not to be used against accredited units or modules which are government funded.
55Participating, but studies not finished (with evidence of Training)Only valid for enrolments where documented evidence of participation is readily available, and whose Unit Enrolment Start Date is before the Lodgement Date, and whose Unit Enrolment End Date is after the Lodgement Date.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) granted
Client has been successfully assessed against the required learning or competency outcomes for previously unrecognised skills and knowledge achieved outside the formal education and training.
77Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) not grantedAssessed for RPL, the student didn’t pass RPL assessment and elected not to undertake training
89Credit Transfer grantedClient has previously completed a unit/s of competency and has been granted application for mutual recognition.
910Withdrawn formally (after some participation)To be used when a student has engaged in learning activity in a unit of competency or module but has either formally withdrawn, has stopped attending classes or has not attempted all assessments for the unit of competency or moduleStudent withdraws prior to commencement:
Set Outcome Code = 10
Unit Enrolment End Date = Withdrawal Date
Actual Hours = ‘0’ or blank

Student withdraws after commencement:
Set Outcome code = 10
Unit Enrolment End Date = Withdrawal Date
Actual hours = Hours attended
1011Discontinued – no formal withdrawal (after some participation)To be used when a student has engaged in learning activity in a unit of competency or module but has discontinued studies without any notice.
1155Participating, but studies not finished (With NO evidence of Training)Only valid for enrolments where there is NO evidence of participation readily available, and whose Unit Enrolment Start Date is before the Lodgement Date, and whose Unit Enrolment End Date is after the Lodgement Date.
12100Did not start – no participationTo be used when a student hasn’t started or engaged in any learning activity in a unit of competency or module.
13105Not yet startedOnly valid for enrolments whose Unit Enrolment Start Date is after the Lodgement Date.

No Longer List

S.NOOutcome CodeOutcome DescriptionStatesExpiry Date
Successfully completed on the job competency assessment
353Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICNo longer used from 1 January 2012
454Recognition of current competency – not grantedACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICNo longer used from 1 January 2012
566Did Not StartNSWThis is obsolete as was used in APL – Indicates that no training activity occurred at all in the UoC/Module. Particularly useful where the UoC/Modules are reported prior to enrolment and the Learner withdraws from the training before any participation in that UoC/ModuleAn accredited course and they chose at the time of enrolment not to be assessed Non accredited units that are not asses
690Result not availableACT, NSW, NT, QLD, TAS, VICNo longer used from 1 January 2017
Indicates that training has not yet commenced or is still occurring in the unit of competency or module. Note that the unit of competency or module is to be subsequently finalised with the relevant outcome.
NSWNo longer used from July 2018

Mandatory details to verify USI

Unique Student Identifier (USI) serves as a lifelong education number for individuals. Not only does it provide a unique identifier, but it also maintains an online record of the vocational education and training (VET) a student has undertaken.

If a student already possesses a USI number, they can simply update it in the Unique Student Identifier field, and then proceed to update all USI-related information before selecting the save button. Upon saving the changes, the screen will refresh, presenting the student with a Verify button and a Use Manually Verified tick box option. This streamlined process ensures that educational records are accurate and easily accessible, benefiting both students and educational institutions alike.

Verify USI – When you select this button, the request gets sent to the site and you can check the status of the USI from the USI request screen in the system.

Use Manually Verified – You can select this tick box if you already have verified the USI from the site.

Required information with explanation:

  1. Country of Residence: Here you need to select the country from the dropdown to where the student belongs.
  2. Country of studying in: Here you need to select the country from the dropdown in which the student is studying which is Australia.
  3. Country of Birth: Here you need to select the country of birth of the student from the dropdown.
  4. Town of Birth: Here you need to enter the town of birth of the student.
  5. Default USI contact method: Here you need to select a suitable USI contact method.

Further, you need to select a document from the dropdown to support the USI verification

  1. For instance: If you have selected a Visa (With a Non-Australian Passport) then you must provide the passport number.
  2. You may also select the tickbox “Copy passport no from the overseas screen” if you have updated the correct passport number on that screen.
  3. At last, you need to select the country from the dropdown where the passport is issued.

Note: Select the tickbox “Does this student have one name” if the student has a single name.

Edit Instalment Plan

Note: Editing an instalment plan will not impact the enrolments that are already linked to it before editing.

Please follow the below steps to edit the instalment plan:

  • Select the edit icon under the actions column, Instalment plan entry screen will open.
  • You can edit all the fields, turn on/off all tick boxes and make multiple selections from the dropdowns available on the Instalment plan entry screen.
  • After making changes as per your requirement you need to select the next button to edit it further.
  • Instalments can be edited one by one by selecting the edit icon against each instalment.
  • Once you click on the edit icon against the first enrolment, the system will head you to the instalment plan step 2 screen where you can make changes to all the available fields as per your requirement. For example – if you want to add material in specific instalments then you can select it from the additional fees dropdown, after editing the instalment select the update button to save the changes.
  • In this way, you can edit all the instalments as per your requirements and select the finish button to save all the changes.

Agent Commission Due Report – New Student Receipt Date Column

We have made a valuable addition to the Agent Commission Due Report—the Student Receipt Date column. This newly added column serves to display the receipt date for each specific invoice. This enhancement enhances the report’s functionality by providing essential information about when payments were received, aiding in financial tracking and management. It offers users a more detailed and comprehensive view of their commission-related data.

NOTE – If the invoice has multiple receipts then the report will only print the latest Receipt’s Date in the report.

Webform – Redesigned Agent Section

We have undertaken a redesign of the agent section within the webform, introducing notable improvements. Previously, this section solely displayed agents already present in your database. However, we’ve now introduced a valuable addition in the form of a checkbox labeled “Agent not in the list.

Upon selecting this checkbox, the web form interface presents two distinct fields: Agent Code and Agent Name. These fields become mandatory when dealing with new agents that aren’t yet within the system. This enhancement streamlines the process of incorporating new agent information by allowing you to promptly update the agent’s code and name.

Following the completion and submission of the web form for the applicant, you’ll find a convenient pathway to access this information. Specifically, within the Applicant Dashboard under the Profile tile, a Webform Icon is available. Upon selecting this icon, you’ll encounter the new agent code and name, along with the “Agent not in the list” checkbox, ensuring seamless tracking and management of agent-related details within the TEAMS system.

Report Dashboard – Optimisation

The Report Dashboard has undergone recent enhancements aimed at improving your experience. Notably, these changes have led to a significant reduction in the processing time required for generating reports.

With the implementation of this latest enhancement, the need for repetitive screen refreshing when generating reports within the Report Dashboard has been eliminated. A novel addition to the system is the introduction of a process icon, which effectively indicates the ongoing processing of the report. This dynamic icon persists until the report generation is complete. Subsequently, you are presented with a download icon for the generated report.

Student Financial Detail Screen – New Qty and Rate Column

A significant update has been made to the student financial details screen, introducing the inclusion of two additional columns namely QTY (Quantity) and Rate. This modification holds particular relevance when generating invoices that are based on a specific rate.

Notably, upon creating an invoice with a designated quantity, this information will now be prominently visible when selecting the “More” option within the Student Financial Tab. This enhancement spans various types of fee transactions, encompassing Invoices, receipts, transfers, and refunds.