The report will display a list of students who have an enrolment start date falling within the specified date range of the report. Additionally, the report will indicate whether these students have commenced their studies or not. Essentially, this report provides an overview of students who are expected to have started their education during the specified period and identifies whether they have actually begun their studies or not.
Below is a list of all the reports available under this menu option in the system. You can see the name of the report with either an icon that has the letters CSV in it or an MS Excel icon. Generally, all reports in the system generate to a CSV (Comma-separated values) file, however, the class roll reports in this menu generate to excel so it can have a page break inserted for each of the different class rolls you wish to generate in the one report. You cannot do this in a CSV format.
Each report listed below is a link to a post where you can understand the report, its parameters and to view an example of the report.
In the past we were displaying all financial tile in the main dashboard. There were 10 tiles in total including financial tiles. So now to make it more easy to understand. We will be showing 7 tiles only i.e. excluding all financial tiles.
Reduced Page Load Time
Now no more delays in loading main dashboard tiles. As the financial tiles were taking a bit more time then others to get loaded when you login to TEAMS. Now by excluding this financial tiles, main dashboard becomes feature rich.
If any user does not have access to Finance menu, will get no access to these tiles too. So yours financials are secured within the users having permissions to financials.
How to access
Previously we were displaying main dashboard with 10 tiles including financials tiles.
But now we will be displaying all other tiles except financial tiles which are:
>Overdue Tile >Payment Received Tiles >Payment DueTile
Here is the new look of Main Dashboard
Now how to access three financial tiles? All financial tiles have been moved to New Financial dashboard. Follow the below steps to open financial dashboard from main dashboard.
1.Follow the path to open Financial Dashboard
Main Dashboard > Finance > Financial dashboard
Once you will open the financial dashboard, you will get access to all three financial tiles in the same way we were displaying at main dashboard in the past. The working and logic of the tiles is same only the access point is changed. Below is the glimpse of the New Financial dashboard.
Business Rules
If a user does not have access to Finance menu, will get no access to financial dashboard and financial tiles too. As these tiles have been moved under Finance menu so who ever wants to get access to these tiles then finance menu item permission has to be given to them.
There are some fields in most of the data entry screens having grey background. Those are called read only fields. We are having two versions of read only fields in our system.
System Generated
User Created
System Generated – Read only fields
This fields are generated and auto populated by the system. There are system settings which are setup during initial setup of the site. These settings helps system to generate ready only fields.
Examples of system generated read only fields are Student Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number
User Created – Read only fields
This fields are auto populated by the system once these are entered by the user on their entry screens. Let me illustrate it with example, A user enters USI on USI entry screen.
Now once the USI is entered here by the user. The system will auto populate it on other screens as read only field. This helps us in maintaining data accuracy and reduce entering same data again and again by user. For example USI number is a read only field on student entry screen and it will fetch the data from USI entry screen.
After you log in, you will see the Main Dashboard. It has Menus on the left and is comprised of Tiles on the right. You also have a search bar on the right (top section) which can you can use to search for an individual Student or Applicant. Once you the student or applicant you wish to view and navigate to the Student or Applicant Dashboard, you will see a list of their enrolments and/or applications and be able to navigate and view them in the Application or Enrolment Dashboards.
Menus are arranged according to different sections and you can navigate to all the individual screens/reports and other Dashboards from there.
Main Navigation Menu
The main menu is on the left hand side of the screen in a vertical fashion. You will see a number of icons in white and they will allow you to navigate throughout the system. These main menu icons include:
In the system, there are many items that you will see regularly such as the Documents and Communication Tiles, drop downs, mandatory fields and other items that help you use TEAMS effectively. Our TEAMS Basics post will explain in more detail all that you need to know about these areas.
Finance Menu > Financial Dashboard > Overdue Fee Tile
This tile is used to show the overdue amount for a particular program. So in one place, we can see the total overdue amount for all programs for a specific date range.
What is an overdue amount?
A sum of money that should already have been paid for any raised invoice but has not been.
How to use
The system will show the sum of overdue amounts of all enrolments for a particular program that falls in the selected date range.
How the system will select enrolments?
The system uses today’s date as an ‘as at’ date to find any enrolment that has an invoice with an invoice due date less than today’s date, but falls into the month and year selected in the calendar options and has an overdue payment.
Each program code listed has a number on the right hand side of it, which is the total sum of overdue fees for all the enrolments for the selected date range. The number is a hyperlink that opens the Overdue Fees Listing screen, where you will be able to send bulk Emails or SMS to the students or enter contact logs against the enrolments.
To save your time, we are showing the total of all overdue amounts for all programs at the end of this tile
> The system does not consider if the enrolment is flagged as started and/or finished, it will show any enrolment. > The system will not consider any cancelled enrolments if they have overdue invoices. > Where there are no overdue fees for the month for any courses, there would be nothing listed. > This tile will display the inactive programs too if those inactive programs have data to display.
When accessing the link for a specific program code in the Overdue Fees Tile, the system will display a screen known as the Overdue Fees listing screen. This screen provides information on the overdue amounts for invoices associated with student enrolments.
It is divided into two main sections:
Filters – The filter section allows you to customise your search for data within the grid by applying specific filters based on their requirements. This enables you to narrow down the displayed information to their desired criteria.
Grid – In this grid, we are displaying the list of all students with overdue fee amounts. We are showing columns Stud No, Student Name which will display student specific information and Enrol No, Enrolment Type, Campus, Program, Intake/dates, and Enrol Status will show enrolment specific details. All of these columns are self explanatory. The Invoice No will display the overdue Invoice number, the Invoice Due Date will display the date when the Invoice was due and the Overdue Amount will display the overdue amount for the listed Invoice No.
Note – There is a Page Limit dropdown after the filter’s sections which will allow you to specify the number of students you want to view on a single page.
IMPORTANT – An important aspect to note is that the system will display the As at Date and program information in the parameter section of the Overdue Fees listing screen by default. The specific values shown in these parameters will depend on the calendar option selected and the program count for which the user clicked on the overdue tile to access the screen.
The “As at Date” refers to the date for which the overdue fee information is being presented. It may vary based on your selection or the default setting configured in the system. Similarly, the program information displayed in the parameters section will correspond to the program associated with the selected overdue tile.
The system shows you two numbers in this column such as 23/30.
The first number is how many students are currently allocated to the class (23 in the above example).
The second number is the maximum capacity for the class (30 in the above example).
For the currently allocated number showing in red above, the system is identifying that the class has not reached its minimum capacity. For example, Room 808 has been setup with a minimum capacity of 26, however only 23 students have been allocated to the class and that is why 23 is in red.
The system will also show the maximum capacity number in red if the total students allocated to the class is more than the maximum capacity set for the class room
If you are entering data and you cannot see a SAVE button, this could be due to one of two reasons –
1. You do not have permissions to add or edit data. You should talk to your manager to confirm if you have permissions in the system to do this. 2. There is a small number of screens in the system where it will auto save what you enter or edit. These screens include:
Common Questions that you may be looking for an answer to can be found here. Please go through the list and review items that may be of relevance to your situation. You can also use your browser and do a text search for some of the keywords that you would like to read some information about. We have tried to arrange them in the order of frequency of questions asked. As this page grows, we will further break this down into various categories for ease of reading and search.
Questions – The links will take you to their Answers
In my web application form, one of our programs is not showing, why?
If you have an existing web application form for TEAMS and there are issues with it, please contact our support staff. If you would like to set up a web application or enquiry form for your TEAMS site, please also contact support.